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Book of Revelation Chapter 5 The Redeeming Lamb The Unveiling of God’s Plan Begins.

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1 Book of Revelation Chapter 5 The Redeeming Lamb The Unveiling of God’s Plan Begins

2 WeekDateTopic 111 Mar 15Introduction 218 Mar 15Prologue, Greetings, Doxology, and Vision: Chapter 1 325 Mar 15To the Seven Churches: Chapter 2 401 Apr 15To the Seven Churches: Chapter 3 508 Apr 15The Throne In Heaven: Chapter 4 615 Apr 15The Scroll and The Lamb: Chapter 5 722 Apr 15The Seals: Chapter 6 829 Apr 15144,000 Sealed: Chapter 7 906 May 15The Seventh Seal and Trumpets: Chapter 8-9 1013 May 15The Angel and the Little Scroll: Chapter 10 1120 May 15The Two Witnesses: Chapter 11 1227 May 15The Woman and the Dragon: Chapter 12 1303 Jun 15Summary of the Quarter – Look Ahead at Chapter 13-22 Book of Revelation

3 Lets look back Revelation chapter one discloses the fact that Christ will come again as promised (Rev. 1:7) Jesus is depicted as being in unity and dwelling among His church (Rev. 1:13) The Lord is seen as the eternal sovereign of all creation Seeing that the Lord will come, the church should be busy repairing the things that are inadequate in each person’s life Seven churches within Asia are examined in chapters two and three; Five of these churches were called upon to repent for their involvement of unlawful activities Chapter four reveals the throne of God, His characteristics, and the patriarchs represented in the twenty four elders. The book has, to this point, illustrated the importance of God’s people maintaining a state of perfection which is possible through the blood of Jesus Christ Though times are hard man must know that God has never forgotten their sorrows

4 This week’s study… John saw a book containing the destiny of mankind which was sealed with seven seals John wept that the book could not be opened and its contents revealed until he learned that one (Christ) who is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah was worthy to take, open, and reveal the book When John turned to see the Lion he saw a Lamb instead. This Lamb looked as though it had been slain. The Lambs “seven horns” represented His power and authority His seven eyes show the fullness of the Holy Spirit When the Lord came and took the book so as to indicate His willingness to reveal its contents, all creation broke out if joyful praise The saint’s would now learn the outcome of their present agony

5 Year of the four emperors 69 A.D. Nero ruled from 54-68 A.D. Most of Rome is destroyed by a fire in 64 A.D. Christians confessed to the crime, but it is not known whether these confessions were induced by torture Began the first Roman-Jewish War in 66 A.D. In 67, Nero dispatched Vespasian to restore order Nero committed suicide in 68 A.D. A civil war followed Nero’s death The social, military, and political upheavals of the period had empire-wide impacts Four emperors ruled in succession – Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian in 69 A.D. Galba’s Praetorian Guard killed him in the Forum Otho committed suicide Vespasian’s loyalists tracked down and killed Vitellius The first Roman-Jewish war ends in 70 A.D. with the Temples destruction


7 The Scroll (5:1-3) The right hand holding the scroll is an indicator of the acceptability and value of the book. Books during this age were still being written on scrolls of parchment, tied with a band, and a clay or wax seal was place over the know Only those qualified were allowed to break the seal and read the contents of the scroll The written word was considered a potent force and was regulated by the government It was not as prolific as we see today Nor was it taken as lightly as it is today A book written on both sides suggested that no book would be able to contain all the was going to be said No created being was qualified to open the book

8 The Lion and the Lamb (5:4-7) John grieved that the great matters contained in the scroll were sealed forever from human knowledge One of the elders comforts john by pointing out that there is One who is worthy We know Jesus Christ as the Lion, or a powerful offspring of Judah (Gen 49:9-10; Isa 29:1) What John sees is not the expected Lion, but a sacrificial Lamb – the slain Lamb that has risen to be the conquering Lion to deliver His people from their oppressors The symbols of multiple horns and eyes, s well as the spirit given in groups of seven indicate the completeness of power, vision, and presence Only He was qualified to open the revelation of the coming judgment of the enemies of God

9 Great Joy (5:8-10) The opening of the scroll was a time of great rejoicing for the righteous It meant that the time of the persecution was nearing The elders demonstrated their joy through song and prayers The new song is the theme of salvation by the blood of the Lamb Acknowledges the worthy One will take the scroll Open it Because He was slain and purchased us with His blood We are freed to reign on earth

10 Worship by Many (5:11-14) At this point God is upon His throne Christ is at His side Beings of power at the four corners of the throne The 24 elders surround the beasts An innumerable host of angels surround the elders The angels offer seven (indicating completeness) blessings upon the sacrificial Lamb Power (Matt 28:18) Riches (Psa 24:1) Wisdom (Col 2:3) Strength (Psa 93:1) Honor (Heb 4:15) Glory (Jam 2:1) Praised (Rom 9:5)

11 Summary In Revelations 4-5, we learn the following: God is all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing, and omnipresent In spite of God’s great power, He is a God of mercy and grace towards the faithful The indescribably majesty of the great throne vision John has witnessed – much greater than Rome All the hosts are gathered about praising God and all of His glory and majesty Next week – Chapter 6

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