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To collect feedback from stakeholders on how technology can help improve student achievement. To share ideas on the effective uses of technology for teaching,

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2 To collect feedback from stakeholders on how technology can help improve student achievement. To share ideas on the effective uses of technology for teaching, learning and productivity. To offer suggestions on strengthening policies related to technology use. To assist with the development of a District vision for technology use.

3 So, I walk around the corner and this is what I see. Two future CCSD students. One with an iPad and the other with an iPhone watching and learning! Our county’s current 4 and 2 year-olds are in a different technology age than I grew up in! The future is bright for our county!...Mark Smith, WMS Principal


5 A Today's Meet room is kind of like a chat room, kind of like a private Twitter. People in the room will get your messages. People in other rooms won't. A room is represented by a URL.

6 Your Name Work Location Primary Responsibilities How are you linked in?

7 BYLD Initiative Technology Literacy Social Media Technology Budget Recommendations

8 “I thought it was nuts when it was introduced. I couldn’t have been more wrong!” …Greg Ross, SHS Latin Teacher "The ability to use BYLD devices in my class has proven to have tremendous value enabling me to achieve a higher level of performance. Quizlet is a website that helps me learn my Latin vocabulary words using electronic flashcards. The use of BYLD devices in the classroom puts learning in my hands, giving me a productive and interesting way to study in the comfort of my own device. In class, I am able to participate at a faster pace when we are given quizzes or review work. Ultimately, the use of technology has allowed me to learn in a comfortable hands-on fashion that allows me to strive for excellence!“ …SHS Student

9 Recent Survey Summary

10 18 Schools Participated in Survey – 191 Teachers: 114 HS, 66 MS, 11 ES – 15 Different Subject Areas Represented – 5 SPED Classrooms Usage – 53 classrooms use the devices on a daily basis – 148 classrooms use the devices at least twice a week – Research, collaborative group work, presentations, and video instruction ranked at the top of BYLD activities

11 Kindles, iPhone, iPad, iPod and laptops ranked at the top of the list for the types of devices being brought to class 129 teachers reported discipline incidents as infrequent while 12 reported daily incidents The number one discipline problem was students being off task (174) – The next highest were cheating (18) and texting (12) – 12 teachers reported no discipline problems

12 166 rated network connectivity at satisfactory or above 168 rated network speed as satisfactory or above

13 BYLD Advantages include: – Increased Instructional Time – Access – Student Responsibility for Learning – Student Engagement – Improved Instructional Time – Building Technology Skills – Differentiation

14 BYLD Challenges include: – Classroom Management – Keeping students on task – Hard to monitor small devices – Students without devices – Security

15 Training 967.5 hours to date – Orientation – Tools of the Trade – BYLD 23 Things: Learning 2.0 – Moodle

16 Additional Comments or Suggestions: – “Let it continue and grow.” – "I am amazed how the students have stepped up with responsible and appropriate use.” – “The BYLDs are part of almost every student’s day. Like with anything, if we teach them proper usage etiquette, there will be a learning curve, but in the end the benefits will be worth it.” – “I need a few back up computers for those students without technology.”



19 Each school was asked to help us understand their needs as it relates to: Hardware, Software, Online Resources, Infrastructure and Professional Development Internet Safety awareness and training, green initiatives, cost-cutting measures Unique or innovative technology-centric initiatives that may require advance planning.

20 SIP’s were reviewed and responses will be shared with principals at the end of the month. Many items can be addressed in the current academic year. Some require input, collaboration with other departments. The few requests that exceed available funding will be held until the budget allows consideration.

21 Review of the Districts Guidelines on the Use of Social Media

22 Review the draft “Social Media Guidelines” Post your comments to the link provided Prepare to discuss at the February meeting

23 3 year Technology Plan due in June 2014 How can Technology impact student achievement as we move forward – Define new or refine existing goals – Develop or enhance strategies – Identify benchmarks – Define evaluation methods

24 3 Year Technology Plan – 6 Groups will be formed to each focus on one goal – Review goal in current plan (pages 17-25) – Offer ideas that will carry our learning community forward in the use of technology – You are not being asked to focus on budget or person(s) responsible.

25 Hardware Inventory Summary

26 16,680 Desktop Computers 22,500 Laptop Computers 4315 Printers 3275 Projectors 2820 Interactive White Boards AND 820 iPads

27 K-8 th Grade – 5 Desktop Computers – 1 Laser Printer – 1 Interactive White Board, Projector and Audio System – 1-4 Computer Labs 9-12 th Grade – 1-3 Desktop Computers per class – 1 Laser Printer – 1 Interactive White Board, Projector and Audio System – 8-10+ Computers Labs

28 SPLOST Provides 40 million for Technology over 5 years. ERATE provides discounts for our Internet service fees and is based on our economically disadvantaged subgroup. Federal Title Funds Grants


30 Bandwidth Improvements – State - Provides 155 Mbps – Local - 250 Mbps to 1000Mbps – Local - Plan to another 1000 Mbps for 2013-14 Content Filter – New LightSpeed Systems – Review Committee Wireless Refresh

31 Educational Programs Elementary/Middle School Math Software Virtual & Online Learning Learning Management Systems Response to Intervention Platform Rebuild CCSD Academies

32 Finance & Purchasing MUNIS Update Copier and Printing Assessment Personnel Management & Benefits Online Self Service Module in ePersonality

33 School Operations Social Media Guidelines Facilities Maintenance WEB TMA – Online Helpdesk for Facility Issues

34 Public Relations and Partnerships Social Media Presence YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google + District Mobile App School Police Mobile Data Terminals for Police vehicles Grant Funded

35 Office 365 PARCC – Online assessment readiness Device Platform Electronic workflow of manual processes Teacher Share of resources Real-time collaboration using technology


37 Sign Up for Technology Plan work group Goals: – Learning – Teaching – Assessment – Productivity – Infrastructure – Community Watch for email with directions to “virtual workspace” for your group

38 Save the date! – Wednesday - February 27 th, 2013 1:30pm – Same Place! – Remember your assignments – format will be small group discussion – THANK YOU for being here and providing your valuable input!

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