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Parent Information Night Thursday, September 4, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Information Night Thursday, September 4, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Information Night Thursday, September 4, 2014

2 Welcome to Second Grade! 2014/2015

3 About the Teacher / My name is Kim Garcia / Graduate of Western Michigan University and Florida Atlantic University / Major in Early Childhood Education (ZA endorsement) / Science and Mathematics Minor / Master’s Degree in Educational Technology / 8th year teaching / Experience teaching kindergarten, 2nd grade, and 3 rd grade / My name is Kim Garcia / Graduate of Western Michigan University and Florida Atlantic University / Major in Early Childhood Education (ZA endorsement) / Science and Mathematics Minor / Master’s Degree in Educational Technology / 8th year teaching / Experience teaching kindergarten, 2nd grade, and 3 rd grade

4 Contact Information / Phone: 591-3029 (classroom) / I am not usually able to answer the phone during the school day since I am working with students, so please leave a message. / In matters which require immediate attention, please call the office at 591-3000 / Email: Please be sure to provide me with an e-mail address. I will often use e-mail to send quick notes, pictures, or little / Remind App – for quick text alerts and reminders / Phone: 591-3029 (classroom) / I am not usually able to answer the phone during the school day since I am working with students, so please leave a message. / In matters which require immediate attention, please call the office at 591-3000 / Email: Please be sure to provide me with an e-mail address. I will often use e-mail to send quick notes, pictures, or little / Remind App – for quick text alerts and reminders

5 Homework / Daily Reading: 15-20 minutes a night, 5 days a week / A monthly reading log will be provided / Math: Will come home daily in Friday folders, Monday through Thursday nights / Daily Reading: 15-20 minutes a night, 5 days a week / A monthly reading log will be provided / Math: Will come home daily in Friday folders, Monday through Thursday nights

6 Transportation Changes / If your child has any change in their transportation schedule (for example, if they usually ride the bus but will be parent pickup), please send me a note or call the office (591-3000). / I usually do not get to check email and sometimes am not able to check phone messages until the evening. / If your child has any change in their transportation schedule (for example, if they usually ride the bus but will be parent pickup), please send me a note or call the office (591-3000). / I usually do not get to check email and sometimes am not able to check phone messages until the evening.

7 Behavior Summary / Positive Reinforcement / Logical Consequences / Table Points and Token Economy System to track behavior / Finding a safe space / Individualized behavior plans as necessary

8 Daily & Friday Folders / Folder will come home each night for homework. / Notes from office, newsletters, and student work will come home on Fridays. / Return the folder the following day. / Folder will come home each night for homework. / Notes from office, newsletters, and student work will come home on Fridays. / Return the folder the following day.

9 Money / Please be sure that all money sent to school is in a sealed envelope/baggie. / Clearly mark the envelope/baggie with child’s name. / If sending in money for more than one thing (example: Relay for Life and popcorn) please differentiate on the envelopes. / Please be sure that all money sent to school is in a sealed envelope/baggie. / Clearly mark the envelope/baggie with child’s name. / If sending in money for more than one thing (example: Relay for Life and popcorn) please differentiate on the envelopes.

10 Lunch & Recess / 11:50 a.m.-12:30 p.m. / 20 minutes for lunch, 20 minutes for recess / Noon Hour Supervisors: Mrs. Mayer and Mrs. Bernard / Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather conditions / Unless the outside temperature is below 10°F, students go outside / 11:50 a.m.-12:30 p.m. / 20 minutes for lunch, 20 minutes for recess / Noon Hour Supervisors: Mrs. Mayer and Mrs. Bernard / Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather conditions / Unless the outside temperature is below 10°F, students go outside

11 Daily Schedule / Math & Writing in the morning / S.A.I.L. (Shared and Interactive Literacy) from 9:45-10:10 / Lunch/Recess from 11:50-12:30 / Science, Social Studies, Word Study & Reading Workshop in the afternoon / Gym (T,Th) and Music (M,W) from 2:10-2:40 / Schedule is subject to change based upon need / Math & Writing in the morning / S.A.I.L. (Shared and Interactive Literacy) from 9:45-10:10 / Lunch/Recess from 11:50-12:30 / Science, Social Studies, Word Study & Reading Workshop in the afternoon / Gym (T,Th) and Music (M,W) from 2:10-2:40 / Schedule is subject to change based upon need

12 Technology / Classroom Webpage Classroom Webpage / Three Chromebooks / Promethean Slate / Classroom desktop computer / Tag Readers (Thank you P.T.O.!!!) / Classroom Webpage Classroom Webpage / Three Chromebooks / Promethean Slate / Classroom desktop computer / Tag Readers (Thank you P.T.O.!!!)

13 Snack – After Specials in Afternoon / 10-15 minute snack break occurs simultaneously with work time/read aloud / We have a severe peanut/tree nut allergy in our classroom / Healthy snacks are encouraged / Water bottles (with child’s name clearly marked) may be brought to class / Water bottles are very helpful in cutting down the time it takes to go to the water fountain / 10-15 minute snack break occurs simultaneously with work time/read aloud / We have a severe peanut/tree nut allergy in our classroom / Healthy snacks are encouraged / Water bottles (with child’s name clearly marked) may be brought to class / Water bottles are very helpful in cutting down the time it takes to go to the water fountain

14 Book Orders / Browsing forms come home in Friday Folders / Send in order form or place orders online / / Class Activation Code: MG36T / Browsing forms come home in Friday Folders / Send in order form or place orders online / / Class Activation Code: MG36T

15 Volunteers / Volunteer sign-up for parties will be online this year through signupgenius / Let me know if your are interested in helping out from home (cutting things out, sharpening pencils, etc.) / Classroom help – Friday Helpers for Token Economy system / Must complete Volunteer Form (if you have already done so you will not need to fill it out again) / Volunteer sign-up for parties will be online this year through signupgenius / Let me know if your are interested in helping out from home (cutting things out, sharpening pencils, etc.) / Classroom help – Friday Helpers for Token Economy system / Must complete Volunteer Form (if you have already done so you will not need to fill it out again)

16 Birthdays / We will celebrate your child’s birthday with a non-food celebration. Non-edible treat for the class are welcome (pencils, stickers, etc.) / Send in a favorite book and your child or I will read it to the class / Summer Birthdays can celebrate their “half-birthday” / Please do not send in birthday invitations unless they are for the whole class. (hurt feelings) / We will celebrate your child’s birthday with a non-food celebration. Non-edible treat for the class are welcome (pencils, stickers, etc.) / Send in a favorite book and your child or I will read it to the class / Summer Birthdays can celebrate their “half-birthday” / Please do not send in birthday invitations unless they are for the whole class. (hurt feelings)

17 Report Cards / November, January, April, and June / S=Secure in skill: Complete understanding and application / P=Progressing as expected / N=Needs more practice at home and school / AC=Area of Concern

18 Reading Workshop / Mini-lesson, Independent literacy tasks while teacher meets with strategy groups and confers one-on-one, Sharing / Daily 5 Tasks: Read to Self, Work on Writing, Working on Words, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading / CAFÉ stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expand Vocabulary / Mini-lesson, Independent literacy tasks while teacher meets with strategy groups and confers one-on-one, Sharing / Daily 5 Tasks: Read to Self, Work on Writing, Working on Words, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading / CAFÉ stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expand Vocabulary

19 Writing / Writer’s Workshop approach / Mini-Lesson, Independent writing while teacher meets with students in groups or one on one, Sharing / Expectation to work/write independently / Writer’s Workshop approach / Mini-Lesson, Independent writing while teacher meets with students in groups or one on one, Sharing / Expectation to work/write independently

20 Math Workshop / enVision Math / Math Journals: We are creating our textbook as we go! / Emphasis on communication and problem-solving / Math work stations for skills practice / enVision Math / Math Journals: We are creating our textbook as we go! / Emphasis on communication and problem-solving / Math work stations for skills practice

21 Science / Plant Life / Earth’s Surface Features + Water / Measurement of Properties / STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) / Plant Life / Earth’s Surface Features + Water / Measurement of Properties / STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math)

22 Social Studies / Citizenship / Create a Community / Take a Stand / History of the Community / Economics in the Community / Citizenship / Create a Community / Take a Stand / History of the Community / Economics in the Community

23 Field Trips / Generously funded by Myers’ PTO / Field Trips are dependent on success of Myers’ Tiger Trek / Past Field Trips: The Whiting, Flint Institute of Arts, For-Mar Nature Center, and Michigan State University / Generously funded by Myers’ PTO / Field Trips are dependent on success of Myers’ Tiger Trek / Past Field Trips: The Whiting, Flint Institute of Arts, For-Mar Nature Center, and Michigan State University

24 Questions or Wonderings:

25 Thank you for making the time to attend!

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