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Human-Level Machine Learning

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1 Human-Level Machine Learning
Selmer Bringsjord, Nick Cassimatis, Kostas Arkoudas, and Bettina Schimanski Department of Cognitive Science Department of Computer Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Troy NY USA December 9 NSF

2 RAIR Lab Sponsors “Poised-For” Learning Deontic/Doxastic Reasoning
-Cracking Project; “Superteaching” hypothesis generation; AI in support of IA “Poised-For” Learning Slate (Intelligence Analysis) test generation advanced synthetic charactrs synthetic characters/psychological time

3 Overview The Problem: Solution/Goal: Applications:
Machine learning is dominated by forms of learning that are impoverished relative to the human case. Humans often learn by leveraging an ensemble of “pre-established” heterogeneous reasoning mechanisms and vast amounts of prior knowledge. Solution/Goal: Formalize human learning and rich cognitive mechanisms that underlie and enable it. Implement these formalizations to produce “human-level” machine learning, and corresponding applications. Applications: Software and robotic applications; in our case, specifically Homeland defense/intelligence analysis tools Elder-care robots that are quickly adapt to their owners Improve learning in humans: Intelligent tutoring systems in math,/logic/computer science More precise understanding of learning disabilities for less traumatic interventions

4 Formal Models of Human-Level Learning Can Help Close Learning Gaps
Learning gaps (esp in math) between: US and other countries The latest PISA and TIMSS point to an outright crisis! WSJ High-achieving and low-achieving students within US High-achieving and low-achieving schools within US A precise, formal understanding of learning would enable us to pinpoint the factors that enable rapid, explosive learning; build machines able to augment human teaching (which for various reasons is failing) in the math/logic/comp sci area

5 Machine Learning Today: Costly Trial and Error
Traditional machine learning: Learn only after many repetitions of trial and error Stuck on function-based model E.g., Language: WSJ Corpus, , with 39 million words Explanation-Based Learning uses only primitive reasoning/knowledge Hurts with applications: Trial and error not good in cases where errors kill Medical robotics Thousands of learning trials can be expensive Acquainting a robot with a new hospital would take days Teaching people new software makes them less productive in the short-term. Machines train us now instead of us training them. Learning trials often not available Homeland security: Not thousands of people in flight schools Robots and software therefore limited to narrow tasks and inflexible We are forced to assemble machine knowledge manually CYC has over a million facts and is not even remotely complete Can stay pretty much as is.

6 Some Motivating Examples...
Millions of students are currently learning primarily by reading -- and ditto e.g. for adult researchers like us!

7 Example 1: Suppose You Were Tasked to Learn About Astronomy!
The scorpion lies between Libra and Sagittarius in the Milky Way. It is not hard to imagine this pattern of starts resembling a scorpion, with its claws and stinging tail. An arc of stars marks the curve of its raised tail and the fiery red star Antares lies at is heart...

8 Example 2: Human One-shot Learning (a simple example)

9 Insert movie here (Nick has a copy)

10 The traditional machine learning approach...

11 Behavior of Micro-PERI

12 Implications of One-Shot Learning and Learning by Reading
Learning by reading and one-shot learning examples require: Rich set of representation and reasoning abilities early on Where was speaker looking when he said “USB Converter”. Social reasoning to track where speaker was looking. Spatial and temporal reasoning to infer what he was looking at. Diagrammatic reasoning Existing machine learning algorithms have no notion of space, time or human attention. Statistical generalization just one of several learning strategies; also need: Inference (deductive, abductive, inductive, ...) from single group of percepts Analogy Imitation Instruction Learning much more socially and physically interactive. Ask questions: Why? How? What if? Physically test their own hypotheses about the world. And, in learning by reading... the best learners are those who “pre-test” themselves, and hence acquire “poised-for” knowledge that marks true learning Can stay pretty much as is.

13 To Solve the Problem: A New (5-step) Research Program
1 Without flinching, study the human case -- humans (including kids) who learn rapidly, including learning by reading Developmental psychology has shown that even infants and toddlers have rich notions of: Time, place, causality, belief, desire, attention, number, etc., and of inference over these concepts 2 Develop formal theories that show how to use these factors to make learning faster and more effective 3 Develop machine learning algorithms using these formalizations that learn by: Explicit reading and instruction Analogical reasoning Deduction, Abduction, etc. Imitation Visual reasoning 4 Build applications from these algorithms that have broad impact Elder care Homeland security 5 Trace out the implications of these algorithms for better teaching/learning in the human sphere, particularly in mathematics/logic instruction address “Math Gap” including intelligent tutoring systems and synthetic characters

14 Our Approach Forges a Bridge
SBE CISE Behavioral & Cognitive Sciences Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science ? ?

15 The Right Time: Resurrection of Human-Level AI
Recognition of need for human-level AI and integrated cognitive systems growing: Dedicated issue of AAAI’s journal of record (AI Magazine) to be devoted to human-level AI Cassimatis editor, Bringsjord, Arkoudas, Schimanski contributors AAAI Fall Symposium on Integrated Cognition (Cassimatis led) “Grand Cognitive Challenges” under DARPA’s Learning-Focused IPTO “Psychometric AI” a candidate Hundreds of studies in infant cognition give us a good idea of what the right substrate is. Integrated cognitive models exist and are advancing every day Computational infrastructure there: Abundant computational power for multiple methods in one system Formal methods exploding with new power (e.g., Athena) Robot and machine vision infrastructure in place: Object recognition Face recognition, eye-tracking Mobility and navigation Robot manipulation So the time is ripe for human-level machine learning. Need to put the AAAI logo in this slide. And here is where a shot of PERI succeeding on the convertor/cup task can slide in, or be used in a subsequent slide.

16 Applications

17 Some Applications High-stakes applications where trial and error too dangerous. Homeland security. Hazardous waste removal. Robots and software for less sophisticated or learning-challenged humans use them. Disabled. Elder care. Elder-care robots easier to use by the older set. Emerging Robotics Technologies & Applications Conference Proceedings, March 9-10, 2004, Cambridge, MA Rodney Brooks mentioned Elderly Care as one of the current future trends in robotics: Currently: None Future: Robotic Assistants in Millions of Households Less brittle, more general, easier-to-learn and use robots and software. Better learning environments: Direct/instruct robots (PERI) More accurate pinpoint causes of problem learning.

18 A catalyst grant for ...? Carry out proof-of-concept version of entire 5-step research agenda Build team to implement this sequence part of team that would presumably power full SLC on Human-Level Machine Learning Build proof-of-concept p-o-c would run all the way through our proposed 5-step R&D sequence, start to finish application/implementation: homeland defense Elder care robot ITS for math/logic/comp sci Workshops/Symposia Conference presentations Publications Web site from the very start

19 END

20 Objection How is this an improvement over GOFAI? i.e., Why isn’t this the 1970s all over again? Less knowledge of human learning then Formal methods in their infancy Nothing like Athena (used to prove a good part of Unix sound)! Like two-layer neural networks compared to bigger ones Formal infrastructure was fragmented. Not known how to combine logical and probabilistic knowledge? So researchers were either using no representation and reasoning substrate or they were using the wrong one. Integrated cognitive models for combining methods not developed, Polyscheme, ACT-R, ... These techniques were not interactive. No question asking No tracking or reasoning about human intent No experimentation

21 PERI Psychometric Experimental Robotic Intelligence
Scorbot-ER IX Sony B&W XC55 Video Camera Cognex MVS-8100M Frame Grabber Dragon Naturally Speaking Software NL (Carmel & RealPro?) BH8-260 BarrettHand Dexterous 3-Finger Grasper System

22 Our Assets Background in intersection of reasoning and formal methods, and learning Bringsjord, Cassimatis, Arkoudas, and Schimanski Prior R&D in logic-based machine learning. Bringsjord, Arkoudas Background in child development. Cassimatis Integrated cognitive models All four Background in robotics Cassimatis, Bringsjord, Schimanski

23 Prior Related Work on One-Shot Learning
There isn’t anything that maches up perfectly. But, related, we have:

24 Prior Related Work on Learning by Reading
Ask for pointers from Ken Forbus...

25 Impact on Machine Learning and AI
More flexible and resourceful learning and reasoning algorithms Intellectually flexible robots (again, e.g., PERI) Quantum leap in machine learning Learning in situations that were impossible before Integration of reasoning community back into learning community Impact back on education, including machine-assisted education (e.g., intelligent tutoring systems & synthetic characters)

26 Impact on Study of Human Learning
Existing empirical work hampered by vague theories that make results of simple experiments controversial. Formal theory should help this Develop better understanding of which instruction or learning techniques are best in which circumstances. More specifically: Will produce new pedagogy linking learning to reasoning (mathematics/logic a beneficiary) Will produce revolutionary advances in intelligent tutoring systems, synthetic characters/simulation)

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