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Dee Dee Neil, Executive Director Feeding the hungry locally, the starving globally.

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Presentation on theme: "Dee Dee Neil, Executive Director Feeding the hungry locally, the starving globally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dee Dee Neil, Executive Director Feeding the hungry locally, the starving globally

2 How do Americans spend their money? $705 Billion overseas ministries $300 Billion Christmas $179 Billion teenagers 12-17 $65 Billion entertainment/recreation $31 Billion pets $5 Billion jewelry

3 Americans Spend: $ 705 Billion on entertainment and recreation $300 Billion on Christmas $179 Billion by teenagers 12-17 $65 Billion on jewelry $31 Billion on pets $5 Billion on overseas ministries (less than 0.2%)

4 Poverty Levels in US 1 person - $10,890 (min. wage, 30 hours/week) 2 persons - $14,710 3 persons - $18,530 ($9.53/hour, 1 parent working) 4 persons - $22,350 (approx. $11.09/hr) 5 persons - $26,170 (min. wage, l parent FT, 1 parent 34 hours/wk) 6 persons - $29,990 (2 parents working FT +min. wage) Minimum Wage is $7.25

5 REASONS FOR POVERTY Brookings Institute study found that if you do these 3 things, your chances of winding up poor in the US decrease to just 2%! Graduate from high school Have children when married Work

6 The Wealthiest Nation At $25,000/year richer than 90% of the world At $50,000/year richer than 99% of the world


8 Half the world lives on less than $2/day *On Oct. 31, 2011 – 7 billionth baby born!

9 The vast majority of people making $2/day or less work longer, harder hours than most Americans. They’re not poor because they’re lazy.

10 Average Wages In US $’s – Apparel Industry US - $7.25 minimum wage Bangladesh - $ 0.13 China - $ 0.44 Costa Rica - $2.38 Dominican Republic - $1.62 Haiti - $0.49 Indonesia - $0.34 Vietnam - $0.26 *source – Globalization and the Poor

11 POVERTY’S IMPACT SAFETY – effects of desperation – piracy? FOOD - every 6 seconds a child starves WATER - 14,000 people die from unclean water daily EDUCATION – religious, financial HEALTH – 5.1 of the 7.6 M cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries ENVIRONMENT – drought, desertification, famine

12 13¢/hr. X 50 hours = $6.50/wk Poor countries spend 75% of income on food $4.90/wk for food?

13 Food Insecurity In the US, 48 million (1 in 6) are food insecure Worldwide, 1 billion are severely malnourished Is there enough food?

14 40% thrown out up 50% in 33 yrs. 20% of food rots in landfills which produce 20% of methane emissions that contribute to global warming 1/3 of produced food (worldwide) is never eaten!

15 By 2050 climate change could result in the loss of about 2/3 of arable land in Africa. Within 40 years, the African urban population will have tripled. Dadaab is now the 2 nd largest city in Kenya.

16 Horn Of Africa?

17 Droughts? Famine? 50% of Somalia? Worst Humanitarian Crisis of OUR GENERATION has received 2% of media coverage...

18 “We can be the generation that no longer accepts that an accident of latitude determines whether a child lives or dies – but WILL we be that generation? Will we in the West realize our potential or will we sleep in the comfort of our affluence with apathy and indifference murmuring softly in our ears?” Bono

19 Every few seconds a child under 5 dies

20 Will YOU be the generation to end this apathy?

21 Non-Profit Volunteer-Driven Hands-On

22 How?

23 Miracle Math 1 person + 2.5 hrs. packaging + $7/month ONE CHILD FED FOR ONE YEAR


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