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Bacteria move toward food Two bacteria capable of surviving in adverse environments DIC Attachment pili Rotate flagellum counter clockwise F plasmidFlagellumConditions.

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1 Bacteria move toward food Two bacteria capable of surviving in adverse environments DIC Attachment pili Rotate flagellum counter clockwise F plasmidFlagellumConditions required to sterilize media for use in the lab Capsule Rotate Flagellum Clockwise GlycocalyxG- bacteria flagellum have EndosporeTwiddle and Tumble PlasmidNucleoid Or Nuclear region

2 Structure used to hold onto surfaces like teeth Carries the information that allows a bacterium to make a sex pilus 121C 15-20 minutes 15PSI Protect some bacteria from undesirable environmental conditions. Positive chemotaxis RunBacillus And Clostridium Capsules are made of ______ Blood Clots throughout the body Structure that allows a bacterium to move Bacteria that are more virulent have a ________ Two sets of rings Hook Filament Rod An extra piece of DNA found in some bacteria Area where the bacterial chromosome is found PlaqueBacteria must attach and colonize

3 Bacteria, dextran, and protein attached to teeth In order to get sick with a bacterial infection The five basic shapes of bacteria Sporogenesis Dividing on 2 planes Dividing on one plane Dividing on many planes A way in which antibiotic resistance is transferred from one bacterium to another Negative Stain Ex. India Ink How does a capsule protect a bacterium from its host? Acid Two functions of a slime layer PeritrichousAmphitrichousLophotrichousMonotrichous

4 Coccus Rod Spirillium Spirochete Vibrio Staphylococcus Waste product of bacteria that causes cavities Process by which bacteria get rid of an endospore Process in which endospores are formed is __ Conjugation -Keep Moist -Help Attach Germination StreptococcusType of stain used to see capsules Flagella found all over bacterium A Flagellum found on both ends of bacterium TetradHides antigensClumps of Flagella found on the end of a bacterium One Flagellum on the end of a bacterium

5 Specialized protein found on attachment pili Two reasons plasmids are significant in disease So the bacteria don’t have time to develop resistance. A group of bacteria attached to an object. What were they trying to find out in the experiment at Stanford University? List the steps of conjugation Why do you need to brush your teeth frequently? -F+ bacterium extends F pilus -F plasmid copied -F plasmid sent across conjugation bridge to F- -Conjugation bridge breaks down -F- becomes F+ BioterrorismNegative aerotaxisAnother name for attachment pili is ___ Are attachment pili needed to cause Disease? Why is it important to finish all your antibiotics? So that the plaque produced by the bacteria doesn’t become cemented to the teeth. To prevent cavities and gum disease The movement of bacteria toward light Positive aerotaxis

6 Three types of anthrax The movement of a bacterium away from oxygen What is a biofilm?Cutaneous Gastrointestinal Respiratory They may have genes that code for toxic substances OR Many have genes for antibiotic resistance The movement of bacteria toward oxygen Positive Phototaxis Adhesins The intentional use of biological agents to cause fear or harm to others. Fimbriae

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