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Gogoniant i Dduw yn y nefoedd goruchaf All glory to God in the highest of heavens Tangnefedd islaw ar y ddaear i ni; And peace to his people on earth here.

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Presentation on theme: "Gogoniant i Dduw yn y nefoedd goruchaf All glory to God in the highest of heavens Tangnefedd islaw ar y ddaear i ni; And peace to his people on earth here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gogoniant i Dduw yn y nefoedd goruchaf All glory to God in the highest of heavens Tangnefedd islaw ar y ddaear i ni; And peace to his people on earth here we sing; 

2 Addolwn, moliannwn, diolchwn am d’ogoniant, We worship and thank you, we praise you for your glory, Dduw Dad hollalluog, ein brenin wyt Ti. O Lord God Almighty, our heavenly king. 

3 Arglwydd Iesu, Oen Duw sydd yn dwyn ymaith pechodau, Jesus Christ Lamb of God who has borne away our sin, Son Fab Duw, trugarha wrthym, gwrando ein llef; Of God, hear our prayer in your merciful love; 

4 Ti’n unig sy’n sanctaidd, Ti’n unig yw’r Arglwydd, You only are holy, You only are the Lord, Tad, Mab, Ysbryd Glân, yng ngogoniant y nef. Father, Son, Holy Spirit in heaven above. Y Gloria, addas. Cass Meurig

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