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First Continental Congress. September 5, 1774 Representatives from 12 colonies –Georgia did not send representatives Battling Creek Indians at the time.

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Presentation on theme: "First Continental Congress. September 5, 1774 Representatives from 12 colonies –Georgia did not send representatives Battling Creek Indians at the time."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Continental Congress

2 September 5, 1774 Representatives from 12 colonies –Georgia did not send representatives Battling Creek Indians at the time Desperately needed support of British

3 Purpose Union with British –On matters of America, each country to have veto power over the other Boston Communities sent Paul Revere with “Suffolk Resolves” Representatives of those communities would not support Union with the British in any form

4 Purpose Total Boycott –No imports or exports –Enforced by local committees Published names of merchants violating boycott Confiscate contraband (goods that were boycotted) Encourage public frugality

5 Purpose Declaration of Rights and Grievances –List of American complaints –Addressed directly to King George III, not Parliament

6 Purpose Future Meeting –Agreed to meet again in the spring if complaints had not been properly addressed

7 Success or Failure? Considered a success –By general public –By delegates themselves, despite heated debates Strong friendships formed –Formed among delegates –Would last a lifetime –Would make easier the task of governing a new nation

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