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Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:

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Presentation on theme: "Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:, Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2459 Název: Škola pro každého – kvalita a efektivnost ve využití lidských zdrojů Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_29_ A day in my life. Talking about London experience Název materiálu (téma): A day in my life. Talking about London experience Sada:Angličtina,2. stupeň Autor: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Anotace: A day in my life. Talking about London experience (práce s interaktivní tabulí, pracovní list) © Výukový materiál je majetkem ZŠ Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj, 2012

2 A day in my life. Talking about London experience. Teacher: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Class: 8 Date : 7 March 2013 Subject: English Topic: London. A day in my life – what was happening. Key words: places of interest in London, adverbs of frequency, past continuous. /always, usually, often, hardly ever, rarely, sometimes, never, seldom, also, all/ Type of interactivity: Interactive board and worksheets, worksheets and group - work. This exercise can be used like a way of learning facts about London using adverbs of frequency and past continuous.

3 A day in my life. Read the article about London. Chose correct form of verbs and adverbs and complete the sentences. It was4:45. We(1)_______ sleep at quarter to five. In this picture we(2) _________ _________on the deck of French ferry and we(3)_____ ________to Dover. The ferry is a (4)________ ship with shops, places of entertainment and restaurants. 1 usual/usually 2 was sitting/were sitting 3 were driving/were sailing 4 huge /hugely A B At 9:55 we(5)______ ________by the river Thames. The sun was shining(6) _________ and the first day of sightseeing tour started. Look at the picture(7)________. Can you se the shadow of the famous bridge. What is its name?(8) 5 was walking/were walking 6 bright/ brightly 7careful, carefully 8London bridge/ Westminster bridge/ Tower bridge

4 Yes, you are right. It is a shadow of Tower bridge. Look at the next pictures of that wonderful day. Can you complete the sentences below with correct words? At 10:20 our group(9) _______________ for the tourist guide who (10) _____ to buy the tickets to the Tower of London. You (11)_______ need tickets to enter to the Tower and they are (12)_______ expensive. Ten minutes later our group(13) ____ _______to St Katharine docks – popular area of private houses, shops, restaurants, yachts and other possibilities of pastime. (14)_______ rich Londoners live here. In the centre of these(15) __________ you can see the central building of the Tower of London and the entrance. 9was waiting/ were waiting 10was going/were going 11always/ sometimes/seldom 12almost/ quite/ happy 13was going /were going 14much/many 15picture/pictures C DE F

5 Key: A It was 4: 45. We (1)usually sleep at quarter to five. In this picture we (2)were sitting on the deck of French ferry and we(3) were sailing to Dover. The ferry is a (4)huge ship with shops, places of entertainment and restaurants. B At 9:55 we (5)were walking by the river Thames. The sun was shining (6) brightly and the first day of sightseeing tour started. Look at the picture(7)carefully. Can you se the shadow of the famous bridge. What is its name?(8)Tower bridge. At 10:20 our group(9) was waiting for the tourist guide who (10) was going to buy the tickets to the Tower of London. You (11)always need the tickets to enter to the Tower of London and they are (12)quite expensive. Ten minutes later our group(13) was going to St Katharine‘s docks – popular area of private houses, shops, restaurants, yachts and other possibilities of pastime. (14)Many rich Londoners live here. In the centre of these(15) pictures you can see the central building of the Tower of London and the entrance. C, D, E, F

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