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By: Niya.  Calyx- the outermost group of floral parts of the calyx of a flower.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Niya.  Calyx- the outermost group of floral parts of the calyx of a flower."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Niya


3  Calyx- the outermost group of floral parts of the calyx of a flower

4  Receptacle- the modified or expanded portion of the stem or axis that bears the organisms of a single flower on the florets of a flower head

5  Pedicel- a small stalk


7  Stigma- the part of a pistil that receives the pollen

8  Stamen- (anther/filament) the pollen bearing organ of a flower

9  Petal- one of the often colored segments of the corolla flower


11  Wind Speed/Direction~ 11km/h  Seed Type~ Glider  Start Height~ 41m  Number of Seeds Dispersed~ 10/10


13 I choose thorns and spines as one of my plant defenses because it was the most commonly used defense. Thorns and spines will protect my plant from:  Sheep  Footballers  Rabbits

14 I choose ants as one of my plant defenses because they were the second most commonly used defense. Ants will protect my plant from:  Beetles  Caterpillars

15 I choose Drop leaves because that would be like my plants’ flu shot. I wouldn’t want to risk having my plant die from a virus especially in its first few years of being alive because then it won’t have time to reproduce. Dropping leaves will protect my plant from:  Viruses


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