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The Synergy of Theory and Practice in Education-The German Experience Dr. Peter Bohan IBA Internationale Berufsakademie Freiburg Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "The Synergy of Theory and Practice in Education-The German Experience Dr. Peter Bohan IBA Internationale Berufsakademie Freiburg Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Synergy of Theory and Practice in Education-The German Experience Dr. Peter Bohan IBA Internationale Berufsakademie Freiburg Germany

2 The Need for Cooperative Education? Universities of cooperative education have had a major impact on countries and their regional economies by preparing graduates for the world of work. DIHK-Survey 2015 “ the risk of a shortage of skilled workers has risen again and has now reached a new high. The demand for qualified employees often does not match the qualifications of many of the unemployed and refugees, so that unemployment will probably increase in spite of the growing employment levels.

3 The Need for Cooperative Education Since the first survey at the beginning of 2010, many companies now consider a shortage of skilled workers to be a business risk Small and medium-sized (SMEs) companies in particular consider the shortage of skilled workers to be the No 1 economic risk.

4 Implications for Economic Growth Economic expansion can be compromised by the shortage of skilled labour. German forecast growth of 1.7% in 2016 (Source OECD) Panelists see the Chinese economy expanding by 6.2%. (Source OECD)

5 The Concept of the Dual Study System -The German Experience 1970s shortage of skilled labour and a huge demand for traditional university places Various initiators from business and politics in Baden Württemberg developed a new study model. The idea was to combine extensive vocational training with the demands of university studies to form a 'dual education system'. Daimler-Benz, Bosch and SEL, as well as the state Government

6 Objectives and Characteristics of Dual Study Programs Vocational training is viewed as a means of achieving Economic Social Individual

7 Objectives and Characteristics of Dual Study Programs “Dual principle” refers to the integration of theory and practice The business setting is essential for learning, since it is the only place where learning can occur under real-life conditions How well the dual principle is implemented depends on how well the learning site is utilized and the cooperation at that site

8 Objectives and Characteristics of Dual Study Programs Close cooperation between government and business (e.g. in formulating occupational profiles, administering examinations and finding training positions) The costs of the dual vocational training system are borne proportionately by the government and the business community

9 Providers of Dual Study Programs Universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen) Universities of cooperative education (Berufsakademien) –IBA A growing number of universities have begun to recognize the advantages and attractiveness of this form of study and now offer their own dual study courses.

10 Providers of Dual Study Programs 776 dual courses of study 50,764 students enrolled. 27,900 cooperation links between companies and institutions of higher or cooperative education. Source: 2012

11 Subject Disciplines for Dual Study Courses Majority of dual study courses are offered in business and economic disciplines. Students can choose between different subjects such as Banking, Media Management, Logistics or Business Law. They make this choice in consultation with their companies, taking account of their work-experience. A third of the courses are in the engineering field (e.g. Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering,Vehicle Engineering and Civil Engineering). Source:

12 The Outlook The range of dual study courses has increased constantly in recent years, particularly at universities of applied sciences Highly demanding of time and effort Companies have limited capacity.

13 Largest state accredited private University -12 campuses Over 1,000 partner companies Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs Programs Marketing Tourism and Event Real Estate Sports Management Hospitality Management

14 Three months Model 3 year Bachelor Program

15 Potential students can find own company.( Abbott-Switzerland) Department who helps place students Contract with partner company and University Entry requirements

16 Over 30 hours lectures per week Examinations at end of 3 months theory phase Projects and thesis Expert Forums Graduates Christin Müller Mars Germany Alice Bierhrer International Product Manager at Daimler AG

17 Recommendations for the Establishment of Dual Study Programs 1. Coordination of Content Theoretical and practical phases need to be matched. Examinations should have a practical focus 2.Duration Bachelor Program- 3 years

18 Recommendations for the Establishment of Dual Study Programs 3. Minimum Practice Phase Not less than 18 months practice Not less than 12 weeks for theory and practice phases 4.Integration and Coordination of Material Consider prior vocational education to avoid duplication 5.Quality Assurance

19 Recommendations for the Establishment of Dual Study Programs 6. Admission Requirements University admission requirements Learning agreement with company 7. Involvement of Potential Partners Design Implementation Review

20 Germany’s dual vocational training system: a model for other countries? Review the experiences of various countries and select the features that best fit your own goals, structures and culture, adapting them as necessary. Prof. Dr. Dieter Euler

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