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© ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 1 Objectweb ESB Initiative ObjectWeb ESB Initiative ScalAgent’s vision and proposal Roland.

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Presentation on theme: "© ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 1 Objectweb ESB Initiative ObjectWeb ESB Initiative ScalAgent’s vision and proposal Roland."— Presentation transcript:

1 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 1 Objectweb ESB Initiative ObjectWeb ESB Initiative ScalAgent’s vision and proposal Roland BALTER Roland BALTER

2 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 2 Objectweb ESB Initiative ScalAgent in a Nutshell  Start-up company Incorporated December 2001 Spin-off from INRIA and BULL High expertise in large-scale distributed infrastructures Innovative technology: event-driven middleware (30 m/y)  Involvement in ObjectWeb Corporate Member since the beginning Roland Balter: Board member Main developer of JORAM ( J ava O pen R eliable A synchronous M essaging) Leading open source JMS-based communication system available as: an autonomous asynchronous messaging system between Java applications (J2EE to J2ME) an asynchronous communication component integrated within a J2EE application server

3 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 3 Objectweb ESB Initiative ObjectWeb ESB: Our vision  Incremental approach  focus on the ESB Core Early experiments (real-world pilot application) Foundation for added-value integration services (possibly non-open source)  Leverage the ObjectWeb portfolio Build the ESB Core from ObjectWeb components (+ additional open source components)  ESB Core: definition Reliable asynchronous communication system based on MOM technology XML-based messaging and transformation services (SOA approach) Application-driven publish/subscribe mechanisms (EDA approach) Content-based routing Standard-based connectivity framework (HTTP-SOAP, JMS, J2EE, JCA,.. )

4 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 4 Objectweb ESB Initiative ESB Core: Logical Architecture Messaging Backbone (e.g. JORAM) distributed, reliable, flexible, scalable XML Services transformations Intelligent Routing content-based routing ESB Server Service Container ESB Client Application ESB endpoint Application ESB endpoint ESB Protocols End-point addressing Messages, Events, Topics ESB Protocols End-point addressing Messages, Events, Topics Description Tools Transformation rules & Routing rules Service Container ESB Client Application ESB endpoint Application ESB endpoint Data Integration Enterprise Application Integration Business Process Management

5 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 5 Objectweb ESB Initiative ESB Core: JORAM implementation (1/2) HTTP EJB SOAP Clients J2ME JORAM Clustering High Availability Network Mgmt GUI Configuration/Administration Distributed (event-driven) Agents Engine Publish/Subscribe Point to Point Gateways JMS JDBC JMS Platform FTP SMTP 3rd Party JCA Adapter Connectivity Clustered Joram Server Joram Server Configurable distributed JMS Platform

6 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 6 Objectweb ESB Initiative HTTP EJB SOAP Clients J2ME JMS Data Transformation Content-Based Routing Itinerary management GUI Configuration/Administration JORAM-ESB WSDL ESB Core: JORAM implementation (2/2) JORAM Clustering High Availability Network Mgmt GUI Configuration/Administration Distributed Agents Engine Publish/Subscribe Point to Point Gateways Connectivity JDBC JMS Platform FTP SMTP 3rd Party JCA Adapter

7 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 7 Objectweb ESB Initiative Prototyping the ESB Engine JMS Messaging Backbone ESB Services JMS Server ESB Client ESB Client ESB Client ESB Services Layered Approach ESB services built as a: « heavy » JMS client EJB-based application Layered Approach ESB services built as a: « heavy » JMS client EJB-based application JMS Messaging Backbone JMS Server + ESB Services ESB Client ESB Client ESB Client Integrated Approach ESB services integrated within the message server Integrated Approach ESB services integrated within the message server JMS Server + ESB Services Two-step process

8 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 8 Objectweb ESB Initiative Synchronous Request-Reply Schema Application End-Point (Web Service) SOAP Handler ReplyTo Correlation SOAP Handler Application End-Point (Web Service) Reply Queue Request Queue JMS/MOM 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7

9 © ScalAgent Distributed Technologies – 2001-2004 October 2004 - 9 Objectweb ESB Initiative Web Services and JORAM Axis Engine Client HTTP Handler JMS Handler HTTP Handler JMS Handler Axis Engine Server Servlet Engine JMS Listener Soap over HTTP Soap over JMS WSIF Bindings WSDL Bindings WSDL Provider SOAP over HTTP Provider SOAP over JMS

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