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Earth Observing-1 1 EO-1 Extended Mission Testbed Activities Onboard Processing End-to-End Communications Autonomous Coordination Operational Testbed Onboard.

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1 Earth Observing-1 1 EO-1 Extended Mission Testbed Activities Onboard Processing End-to-End Communications Autonomous Coordination Operational Testbed Onboard Cloud Cover Detection Validation $180K Funded by ESTOFunded by NMP Hyperspectral Compression WG u Onboard data mining u Onboard intelligent image compression u Working group Preliminary EO-1 Autonomy Experiment u Onboard planning u Onboard feature detection u Dynamic SW Bus $720K Proposed activity Smart Antenna u Ground phased array u Cell tower com to sat AIST ESTO NRA Proposal Dynamic Resource Management u Autonomous scheduling of Ground Station by satellite AIST ESTO NRA Proposal Autonomous Science Experiment(ASE) u Migration of ST6 onto EO-1 $ TBS Sensorweb Simulator u Related activity but not spawned by EO-1 u M. Seablom $200K EO-1, Terra, Aqua Sensorweb Demo u Uses MODIS inst center to detect volcanoes u Uses ASE to coord image collect autonomously no additional funding needed Intelligent Distributed Spacecraft Technology Testbed: NMP (JPL) Related activity EO-1/ Gnd Sensor Sensorweb u Sensors in Huntington Botanical Garden trigger EO-1 image no additional funding needed 1 2 3 5 4 6 Note: Numbered boxes are detailed in following slides.

2 Earth Observing-1 2 Calculate cloud score onboard (L0, L1 + cloud alg) EO-1 Onboard Cloud Cover Detection With Onboard Replanning Screen for clouds onboard Take Image Replan alternate image onboard and reschedule S/C activities to accomplish new image No Downlink as planned to 1 st GS Message GS to cancel old downlink and schedule new contact & receive confirmation Yes Funded by ESTO Proposed to AIST ESTO NRA Funded by NMP If Score < N 1 2 3

3 Earth Observing-1 3 EO-1 Testbed Target Architecture u Create seamless messaging system across constellation/mission components –Multi-protocol –Easy integration of heritage components to create “ad hoc” constellations –Components send each other messages similar to internet (URL) by knowing registered name, details taken care of by system –Once in place, mission autonomy easy to create and integrate Registrar Server Dynamic Software Bus (DSB) Across Multiple Entities Registrar Name Assignment=“SC 1” Registrar Name Assignment=“SC 2” Registrar Name Assignment=“SC N” Registrar Name Assignment=“GND 1” Registrar Name Assignment=“GND 2” Registrar Name Assignment=“GND N” Internal DSB SW task within mission component Bus I/F Task Example: This could be Alaska Ground Station or Mission Operations Center 3 Proposed to AIST ESTO NRA Funded by NMP 25

4 Earth Observing-1 4 CASPER Planner (in S/C) – response in 10s of minutes SCL – response in seconds with rules, scripts EO-1 Conventional Flight Software reflexive response Preliminary EO-1 Autonomy Experiment Flight Software Architecture (Conceptual) Onboard Science Band Stripping SW Spacecraft Hardware Instrument Data Image High level S/C State Information Plans of Activities (high level) Sensor Telemetry Commands (low level) S/C State Control Signals (very low level) Observation Goals Funded by NMP On spacecraft 2 Science Goal Monitor(on ground) -response seconds to days Science High Level Goals Status (web-based) Sub-goals Status Existing New

5 Earth Observing-1 5 Integrated S/W Architecture WARP Software Bus (SB) VxWorks / Tornado (OS) ExistingWARPDrivers... Mem Dwell Cloud Cloud Cover Task ExistingWARPTasks... Bridge Bridge Task Task SCL Software Bus SCLScriptTasksCASPER & Science Task & Science TaskSCLCommandTasksSCLTelemetryTasks EO-1 TLM Channels VC0 & VC3 2 APIDs for SCL Control 2 APIDs for SCL real-time control SCL Commands (to C&DH M5 via WARP Remote Terminal) WARP Remote Terminal 2 Funded by NMP New Existing

6 Earth Observing-1 6 Preliminary EO-1 Autonomy Experiment Autonomous Science Applications Autonomous Change Detection Ice formation/retreat, flooding Atmospheric Change Volcanic processes (Lava, mud, plume) Downlink science products: science events, features - not raw data Achieves 2x-100’s x data reduction! Autonomous Feature Identification Volcanic cinder cones and craters Impact craters Sand dunes Autonomous Discovery Identify features which differ from the background Funded by NMP 2

7 Earth Observing-1 7 Preliminary EO-1 Autonomy Experiment : Autonomous Science “Rapid Reaction” Concept u Description: –An autonomously-planned re-allocation of resources and subsequent observation triggered by onboard data analysis –Increases science content of returned data u Rapid Reaction Example Scenario –Observe target as part of base observation plan –Repeat observation for change detection purposes –Detect change: if magnitude of change is sufficient, then: –Planner triggers third observation to be obtained on next suitable orbit within 48 hours or by another spacecraft –New target may cover original target and/or a new area affected by the process Funded by NMP 2

8 Earth Observing-1 8 Target Purpose for Sensorweb and Dynamic Software Bus Experiments u Key functionality to demonstrate with sensorwebs and dynamic software bus –Autonomous event triggered image –EO-1 image triggered by MODIS image –EO-1 image triggered by data value of ground sensor –Subpixel measurement correlation between ground truth instruments and remote sensing pixels –EO-1 pixels are 10 meters or 30 meters –Huntington Botanical Garden sensors within a few meters of each other in some cases –Autonomous resource optimization for mission resources –E.g. increase data rate or use of mission resources over area of interest for rapidly changing events

9 Earth Observing-1 9 EO-1 (Hyperion & ALI) EO-1/Ground Sensorweb Demo Scenario EO-1 is notified and autonomously replans to take a closer look Data from ground instruments continuously sent to internet: light flux, air temp, soil temp, soil moisture etc. EO-1 Mission Ops Center USGS Eros Data Center Science Goal Monitor WS High Level Goal: eg. When soil moisture > X schedule EO-1 to take image ASAP Status of request & coordinated image/data Configure sensorweb for needed data and triggers data 1 2 Target latitude and longitude 3 4 S/C Load w/ Lat/Long MOPSS ASIST/FEDS 5 Target Lat/Long 6 7 3 Downlink image 8 9 10 4 No additional funding needed for preliminary experiment CASPER replans EO-1 tasking by calculating times, slews and momentum management; and sends appropriate real time commands to C&DH system to execute plan

10 Earth Observing-1 10 Terra/Aqua images wide swath w/MODIS EO-1 is notified and autonomously replans to take a closer look EO-1/Terra/Aqua Sensorweb Demo Scenario “Rapid-Fire” Workstations MODIS Instrument Center 5 Image target 7 2 S/C Load w/ Lat/Long ASIST/FEDS 6 EO-1 Mission Ops Center (MOC) Target Lat/Long Science Goal Monitor (SGM) WS High Level Goal: eg. When MODIS detects a forest fire within XX area, take a closer look with EO-1 Hyperion and/or ALI 1 Request forest fire alert within XX area 3 Downlink images via direct broadcast 4 E-Mail alert within 3 hrs of image acquisition with forest fire lat/long Automatically coordinate with MOC on following activities: Convert lat/long to WRS Create LTAP record Calculate ALI frame rate Priority scheme Reformat for ingestion by CASPER(onboard planner) Create and transfer load to ASIST CASPER replans EO-1 tasking by calculating times, slews and momentum management; and sends appropriate real time commands to C&DH system to execute plan 8 USGS EROS Data Center (EDC) Downlink images 8 Status of request & coordinated images(from EDC & DAAC) 9

11 Earth Observing-1 11 Smart Ground Antenna Proposal Conceptual antenna system architecture for low earth orbiting satellites, based on small dishes (left) and alternative concept based on Space Fed Lens (right), placed on backdrop of tennis court to visualize size –No moving parts, reliable, inexpensive –Use adaptive beamforming (phased array) to electronically point antennas –Enable “cell-tower” network type of ground to space communications to enable constant contact with S/C 6 Proposed to AIST ESTO NRA

12 Earth Observing-1 12 Other Testbed Activities (Completed or Proposed) u The following are the remaining completed or proposed activities on the EO-1 testbed –A “stare” maneuver to raise the signal-to-noise ratio of the instruments to undertake a coral reef survey for NOAA (complete) –Three Axis Magnetometer for spacecraft contingency pointing (study partially complete with complete validation proposed) –Image Aided Navigation for fine guidance during hyperspectral imaging (proposed)

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