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Getting real about real-time tramTRACKER ® – Australia’s first real-time passenger information service 28 October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting real about real-time tramTRACKER ® – Australia’s first real-time passenger information service 28 October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting real about real-time tramTRACKER ® – Australia’s first real-time passenger information service 28 October 2013

2 2 Who are we? KDR Australia World’s largest operating tram network: › 486 trams › 1770 tram stops › 500 kilometres of double track › 25 million kilometres travelled per year › 182 million passenger trips per year Since 1906

3 3 Why bother with real-time? Think Like a Passenger Passenger mindset I know where I am Why don’t you know where your buses are?

4 4 What is tramTRACKER ® ? Access channels › Next three arriving trams in real-time at any stop › Disruption and special event information › Use phone’s GPS to show nearby stops & ticket outlets › Find easy access stops and wheelchair accessible trams › Shows air-conditioned trams when over 24 degrees › Map or list view plus “myTram” onboard function › Save and group your favorite stops › Stops with shelters for when it is raining SMS/Phone > Internet > Mobile Internet > iPhone > Android > Screens at tram stops Plus more to come…

5 5 tramTRACKER ® usage

6 6 Over 94% of usage is while people are mobile (iPhone, Android, mobile internet)

7 7 tramTRACKER ® What it looks like

8 8 Why it works? › Demand – customers want it › Reliability – It actually works, regular updates › Arrives fast at key functionality › Design – similar to other passenger info on network › Brand personality – Jake the tramTRACKER beagle › Marketing / IT partnership

9 9 tramTRACKER ® “The Do’s” › In House v Outsource v Open Source › Think hard about whether app building is right for you › Rapid changes in mobile websites › Research and test › Understand key customer uses, what is buzz and what customers don’t mind searching for › Road map › Spend time mapping the user interface ›Have a very robust test plan › Test, test, test and test again › Capture all feedback › Monitor social media, blogs, reviews

10 10 tramTRACKER ® “The Don’ts” › Don’t wait – do it !! › Forget SMS – consumers have moved on › Work to an end product not an end date › Don’t let accuracy and reliability slip > online chatter › Don’t rush – take time to develop and test, test, test

11 11 Social Media Dip your toe in –v– concrete shoes › Facebook – campaign based (Rhino) page to test involvement › Twitter – disruptions, trivia, history, competitions › Instagram – images for buzz (Art Trams, new E Class trams) › You Tube – advertisements, accessibility guide, works footage Before you start… › Understand why you are getting into social media › Set out the boundaries up front › Choose the right person to be ‘your voice’ › Give them authority to work within those boundaries

12 Thank You Matthew McDonell Marketing Manager 32/140 William Street Melbourne VIC 3000 T +61 3 9619 3291 F +61 3 9619 3217 E

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