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62cm 64cm. DAQ status and Plans DAQ –Timing tuning –Which tools to learn (SC, Event monitor, GPIO, MIDAS, DIP, laser, storage, analysis) Plan with beam.

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Presentation on theme: "62cm 64cm. DAQ status and Plans DAQ –Timing tuning –Which tools to learn (SC, Event monitor, GPIO, MIDAS, DIP, laser, storage, analysis) Plan with beam."— Presentation transcript:

1 62cm 64cm

2 DAQ status and Plans DAQ –Timing tuning –Which tools to learn (SC, Event monitor, GPIO, MIDAS, DIP, laser, storage, analysis) Plan with beam LHCf group meeting in Catania, 4-6, July, 2009 Sako

3 Timing Tuning PBTX (174.7185m from IP) ATLAS rack BPTX logic FANOUT A B C T A-B = 752ns was measured in 10-Sep-2008 T A-C or T B-C must be measured but similar to T A-B or 0, respectively T A-D must be measured T A1-A2 with actual beams; cable length is adjusted CTP LTP BC (40MHz) D

4 Best estimate timing table (in LHCf Wiki; Cablings) BPTX Arm1 calo Arm2 caloArm1 FC Arm2 FC GPIO Red; tuned with real BPTX

5 A B Inter module delays in the LHCf rack were measured. Note; For the FC events taken in 2008, timing were not yet optimized.

6 Which tools operators must learn?  DIP to receive accelerator info, to send LHCf info  Slow Control for setup (HV, LV, manipulator, temperature)  Trigger setting and timing tuning with GPIO (FPGA module)  MIDAS for data acquisition  (threshold setup)  Event Monitor  Alert System  Quick analysis (event rate, position, pizero)  Data storage  Laser calibration Usage manual for 2008 is available on subversion

7 DIP lhcfmon1lhcfmon2 lhcfdaq7 lhcfds1 lhcfdaq4 (analyzer1) lhcfdaq6 (analyzer2) lhcfdaq5 (frontend1) lhcfdaq2 (frontend2) lhcfdaq3 (slow control) GPIO VME2 VME1 lhcfds1 (MIDAS server) HV, LV, manipulator, LHCf CR Actual Operation

8 ① ② ③ ④ ① DIP server publish the contents of the text files ② Simple Eventmonitor updates the text file. Using the manipulator position, beam position is calculated. ③ SlowControl-DIP reads the manipulator position from the slow control server and updates the txt file. ④ SC-DIP reads DIP info as a DIP client and records in the slow data. ⑤ Independent DIP client reads DIP info, displays on monitor and records in a text file. Handshake SC-DIP detects injection alert SC-DIP moves the detector to garage SC-DIP writes ‘ready’ in the txt file DIP server answers ‘ready’ LHCf Status Status (TUNING, PHYSICS_RUN, etc) is defined by operator and can be published using a CUI tool. ⑤

9 LHCf DIP What we publish on DIP? See EDMS Document of LHCf DIP

10 SC-DIP Client Contents What we describe from DIP See DIP-machine.pdf All LHCf DIP Info Handshake –LHC_ADJUST, –LHC_BEAMDUMP –LHC_INJECTION Beam –Beam/Energy –Beam/BPM/verticalPos, horizontalPos, bpmNames –Beam/Intensity/Beam1(2)/A(B)/arbiterFlag, totalIntensity –BRAN (not defined in 2008) –Beam/IntensityPerBunch/Beam1(2)/A(B) –Average 2D beam size Run Control –RunControl/BeamMode –RunControl/MachineMode –RunControl/SafeBeam/Beam1(2) Postmotem

11 Slow Control (Detail given by Lorenzo) Control through text/graphical clients –CAEN crate (HV, LV) –Agilent power supply –PCI ADC board (manipulator position, temperature) –SC-DIP –Arm2 temperature Default actions available –Manipulator (garage, beam center, etc) –PMT gain (high/middle/low/laser) –Sequence for power ON/OFF Data is constantly recorded as a part of main data. SC is regarded as the 3 rd front-end.

12 Trigger logic in GPIO OR Laser Any combination of FC scinti Latency BPTX - L3T is fixed Various default settings are defined Operators upload a predefined file to GPIO via command line New setting can be generated via a CUI interface tool

13 MIDAS lhcfds1 –MIDAS server (BG) –Data logger (BG) –ODBEdit (CUI run controller; start, stop, run mode) –GPIO setup is necessary when switching beam/laser lhcfdaq5, lhcfdaq2, lhcfdaq3 (frontend) –Frontend1,2,3 (BG) lhcfdaq4, lhcfdaq6 (analyzer) –Analyzer1,2 (BG) lhcfmon1, lhcfmon2 (eventmonitor) –Eventmonitor1,2 (GUI) –Smidas-DIP1,2 (BG) Most of the processes are in BG Operator must be sure all BG processes are launched Check list of BG processes (not only MIDAS) is in the operation manual (in subversion)

14 MIDAS configuration

15 Data storage ~20kb/ev = 10Mb/s = 36 Gb/h = 864 Gb/d 1Tbx6 RAID1 (1Tbx3 x mirror) storage at the 1 st stage –HD hot swap ~1/day 6Tb RAID5 in CR –Full after 24hx6days operation –Fast transfer for the offline analysis not to disturb DAQ (Massimo?)

16 Menu after beam Timing tune at garage (hopefully not only FC, but main detectors) DAQ test and BG study with single beam (or double beams w/o collision) 450 collision (time?, event?) 3TeV collision (time?, event?) Laser run (frequency?, time?, event?) Removal (if no more energy increase for 1 year) Update and comeback

17 Run table (example) Situation is very different from 7TeV run 450 GeV  pizero is not detected  less science with gammas (very small aperture)  some science with neutrons (even elastic proton?)  n/g ratio?  HV (gain) scan necessary? (need <50GeV?)  position scan necessary? 3TeV  pizero is visible (statistics=dose), position scan is not important  science with gamma/neutrons (statistics=dose)

18 Summary Tools for data acquisition are ready –Finalization, tuning, documentation, training are necessary during August, September Tools for offline analysis, alert system to be prepared –Works already started We need requirements for non 7TeV run in science, calibration, redundancy and dose points of view –Model discrimination –Other criteria?

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