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The Renaissance = The Rebirth of Learning (Greece & Rome) The ideal person during the Renaissance was a person who could do a bunch of different things.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance = The Rebirth of Learning (Greece & Rome) The ideal person during the Renaissance was a person who could do a bunch of different things."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance = The Rebirth of Learning (Greece & Rome) The ideal person during the Renaissance was a person who could do a bunch of different things really well.

2 Erasmus Wrote the ‘Praise of Folly’. Humanism Sir Thomas Moore wrote ‘Utopia’ Machiavelli The Prince absolute monarchs ends justify the means do good if possible, do evil when necessary

3 Gutenberg’s Printing Press Cheaper Books, More people learned to read (vernacular), Knowledge and ideas spread


5 What’s going on in the World 1500 A.D.?

6 New technologies and scientific advancements in the 1500’s and their countries of origin China = Compass, Silk, Porcelain & Paper

7 India & the Middle East= Textiles & Numerical System

8 The Eastern Hemisphere

9 Ideas were spread on trade routes- Brown Green- Mediterranean Trade Network Bright Green- Trans-Saharan Caravan Route Red- Silk Road

10 Causes of the Reformation Merchant wealth challenged the Church’s view of Usury All church taxes were sent to Rome, Italy Every time the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs Indulgences Wealth & Power of the Church

11 First their was Huss & Wycliffe Wycliffe was a Catholic priest Translated the Bible so people could read it Wrote 18 Thesis Died of a stroke, was excommunicated from the church & stamped a heretic! Went against churches teachings – allowed the people to drink from the chalice – Spoke sermons in vernacular supported the writing of John Wycliffe Put on trial and burned him at the stake!

12 Martin Luther 95 Theses Birth of Protestantism Salvation by Faith Bible- ultimate authority All humans are equal John Calvin Predestination Work Ethic Expanded Protestantism Henry VIII Dismissed Pope’s authority in England Divorced Catherine Made himself the head of the church Gave away and sold the Catholic Church’s lands in England Elizabeth I Anglican Church Tolerance for dissenters Colonialism Victory over the Spanish Armada (1588)

13 Effects of the Reformation

14 The Catholic Reformation The Council of Trent- reaffirmed most Catholic Doctrine & practices Used the Inquisition to reinforce Catholic Doctrine

15 European Age of Discovery



18 Europeans colonize India & set up stores (trade posts) there Japanese- Isolation Policy, government run by Shogun China- Foreign Enclaves South America- imitates Spain & other mother countries

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