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Guide to the Medical Library By LIU Chun-hua Reference Librarian June, 2009.

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1 Guide to the Medical Library By LIU Chun-hua Reference Librarian June, 2009


3 Introduction of SDU LIB

4 INTRODUCTION The Shandong University library includes several branch libraries. So there is one library at each campus. The Shandong University library includes several branch libraries. So there is one library at each campus. The Shandong University library includes The Shandong University library includes

5 INTRODUCTION The Medical Library on West Campus The Medical Library on West Campus 医学馆 医学馆 The Library of Arts and Science on New Campus The Library of Arts and Science on New Campus 文理馆 文理馆 The Library of Politics and Laws on Old Campus The Library of Politics and Laws on Old Campus 政法馆 政法馆

6 INTRODUCTION The Library of Engineering on South Campus The Library of Engineering on South Campus 工学馆 工学馆 The Library of New South Campus The Library of New South Campus 南外环新校区分馆 南外环新校区分馆 The Library of Software College at the Software College The Library of Software College at the Software College 软件园分馆 软件园分馆

7 INTRODUCTION The university library houses a collection of about 5,600,000 volumes of books and periodicals, and about 200 databases of books and journals either in Chinese or in English. To learn more about the library, please read the booklet A Guide to Readers of the Shandong University Library in Chinese 《山东大学图书馆 读者 指南》 The university library houses a collection of about 5,600,000 volumes of books and periodicals, and about 200 databases of books and journals either in Chinese or in English. To learn more about the library, please read the booklet A Guide to Readers of the Shandong University Library in Chinese 《山东大学图书馆 读者 指南》


9 Preparation activation There are medical books in English at the university ’ s libraries. If you want to borrow books from the libraries, you should have the borrowing function of your campus card activated first. There are medical books in English at the university ’ s libraries. If you want to borrow books from the libraries, you should have the borrowing function of your campus card activated first.

10 Preparation activation activation Where to do the activation? · Where to do the activation? At the Library Office, Room 211 on the At the Library Office, Room 211 on the 2nd floor in the Medical Library Building. 2nd floor in the Medical Library Building. · What required to do the activation? two things: two things: your student card and campus card. · When to do the activation? 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 12:00 am 13:30 pm - 17:00 pm (Oct. – Apr.) 13:30 pm - 17:00 pm (Oct. – Apr.) 14:00 pm - 17:30 pm (May – Sept.) 14:00 pm - 17:30 pm (May – Sept.)

11 Preparation ome lending rules some lending rules You can keep eight books at most at one time and hold each book for thirty days and extend the hold for another 30 days if you like, but the extension can be made only once. So you can hold a book for 60 days at most then you must return it to the library. You may make the extension by computer yourself or ask the librarian to do it for you.

12 Preparation some lending rules The fine for a due book is one jiao (ie 0.1 yuan) per day. The compensation for a lost book is from twice to fifty times than its original price. Or a same book might be given to the library as the compensation.

13 Preparation some lending rules some lending rules You can also borrow books from any other You can also borrow books from any other university ’ s libraries on the other campuses. That is to say: “ Borrow from one library and return to anyone of them ”. If a book you need is not held at the Medical Library but at other branch libraries, you have to go there to borrow, but can return it back just here, to the Medical Library for your convenience.

14 Service Sections You can read and borrow the books in this sections

15 · The Lending Section for Scientific Books 科技借书处 It is on the 2nd floor of the Library building. Go upstairs and face it. Tel: 88381731 It is on the 2nd floor of the Library building. Go upstairs and face it. Tel: 88381731 Open time Sun.-Fri. Sat. Sun.-Fri. Sat. 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 11:00 am 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 11:00 am 13:30 pm - 20:00 pm 14:00 pm - 17: 00pm 13:30 pm - 20:00 pm 14:00 pm - 17: 00pm (Oct. - Apr.) (Oct. - Apr.) 14:00 pm - 20:00 pm 14:00 pm - 20:00 pm (May - Sept.) (May - Sept.)

16 The Lending Section for Scientific Books 科技借书处 It is open access to books. School bag is not allowed to bring into the book stack. You may put it in the cabinet outside the Lending Section in the hall and lock it with your own lock. Before you enter the book stack, remember to take a plate with you from the librarian ’ s desk. When you take a book from the shelf in the stack and have a look, put the plate there instead, so if you don ’ t borrow that book, you can put it back at the right place. It is open access to books. School bag is not allowed to bring into the book stack. You may put it in the cabinet outside the Lending Section in the hall and lock it with your own lock. Before you enter the book stack, remember to take a plate with you from the librarian ’ s desk. When you take a book from the shelf in the stack and have a look, put the plate there instead, so if you don ’ t borrow that book, you can put it back at the right place.

17 The Lending Section for Scientific Books 科技借书处 Books in foreign languages are held in two places in the book stack. Once in the book stack, you can turn left to the end and look for books in English arrived in recent years on the last row of shelves. You can also go upstairs by inner short stairs to look for books you need in English or in other foreign languages. Books in foreign languages are held in two places in the book stack. Once in the book stack, you can turn left to the end and look for books in English arrived in recent years on the last row of shelves. You can also go upstairs by inner short stairs to look for books you need in English or in other foreign languages.

18 Reading rooms Reading Room for Medical Books Reading Room for Medical Books Room 106, the 1st floor Tel: 8838174 The books there are read in house, not for loan, If Needed,a book can be borrowed out, but only for one day. If you return it back the next day, you have to pay the fine. The fine is one yuan per day for one book.

19 Reading rooms Reading Room for Medical Books Reading Room for Medical Books Open time Sun. – Fri. Sat. 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 11:00am 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 11:00am 13:30 pm - 22:00 pm 14:00 pm - 17:00 pm (Oct. - Apr.) 13:30 pm - 22:00 pm 14:00 pm - 17:00 pm (Oct. - Apr.) 14:00 pm - 22:00 pm (May - Sept.)

20 There are two reading rooms and one stack for Periodicals

21 Reading Room for Current and last year’s issues 现刊室 · Room 206, the 2nd floor Tel: 88381741 · Room 206, the 2nd floor Tel: 88381741 Open time Sun. – Fri. Sat. Sun. – Fri. Sat. 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 11:00 am 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 11:00 am 13:30 pm - 22:00 pm 13:30 pm - 22:00 pm (Oct. - Apr.) 14:00 pm - 17:00 pm (Oct. - Apr.) 14:00 pm - 17:00 pm 14:00 pm - 22:00 pm 14:00 pm - 22:00 pm (May - Sept.) (May - Sept.)

22 Reading Room for Bound Issues 近刊室 · Room 112, the 1st floor, where last four or five years ’ bound issues are kept. Tel: 88381737 Room 112, the 1st floor, where last four or five years ’ bound issues are kept. Tel: 88381737 Open Time Sun. – Fri. Sun. – Fri. 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 12:00 am 13:30 pm - 20:00 pm (Oct. - Apr.) 13:30 pm - 20:00 pm (Oct. - Apr.) 14:00 pm - 20:00 pm (May - Sept.) 14:00 pm - 20:00 pm (May - Sept.)

23 ·Journal stack 过刊库 It is on the 1st floor and faces the library entrance across the hall. All bound issues except last four or five years ’ ones are kept there. It is on the 1st floor and faces the library entrance across the hall. All bound issues except last four or five years ’ ones are kept there. Open Time Open Time Mon. – Fri. Mon. – Fri. 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am - 12:00 am 13:30 pm - 17:00 pm (Oct. - Apr.) 13:30 pm - 17:00 pm (Oct. - Apr.) 14:00 pm - 17:30 pm (May - Sept.) 14:00 pm - 17:30 pm (May - Sept.)

24 General Reading Room 综合阅览室 Room 404, the 4th floor Tel: 88381745 Room 404, the 4th floor Tel: 88381745 There are kept some books and magazines in Chinese, and also some bilingual magazines. Such as: There are kept some books and magazines in Chinese, and also some bilingual magazines. Such as: College English English Language Learning College English English Language Learning English Corner English Salon English Corner English Salon English Digest The World of English English Digest The World of English

25 General Reading Room 综合阅览室 Open time Sun. – Fri. Sat. Sun. – Fri. Sat. 8:00 am - 12:00 am 8:00 am-11:00am 13:30pm- 22:00 pm 14:00 pm - 17:00pm (Oct. - Apr.) 14:00 pm - 20:00 pm (May - Sept.)

26 Find a book with computer —— when you want a certain one

27 How to know whether a book is held at the library? The first step: The first step: You should first log in Shandong University ’ s home page. You should first log in Shandong University ’ s home page. ( ( Then click the button “ Library ” ( 图书馆 ) to log in the Library page. Then click the button “ Library ” ( 图书馆 ) to log in the Library page. See Figure 1 See Figure 1

28 Figure 1 Figure 1 library

29 How to know whether a book is held at the library? The second step: The second step: Search for the library holdings. Click the link “ Catalogue Search for Books and Periodicals ” ( 馆藏书刊目录检索 ) in the second line in the second column. See Figure 2 Search for the library holdings. Click the link “ Catalogue Search for Books and Periodicals ” ( 馆藏书刊目录检索 ) in the second line in the second column. See Figure 2

30 Figure 2

31 How to know whether a book is held at the library? The third step: The third step: Type the word (s) or name or whatever you look for in the query box. Then mark the choices in the detail-search box ( 详细 检索 ) below. Type the word (s) or name or whatever you look for in the query box. Then mark the choices in the detail-search box ( 详细 检索 ) below. See Figure 3 See Figure 3

32 Figure 3

33 The choices in the detail-search box: The first line is for choosing of publication type ( 请选择文献类型 ) The first line is for choosing of publication type ( 请选择文献类型 ) the first choice in the first line is “All books” ( 所有书刊 ) the first choice in the first line is “All books” ( 所有书刊 ) the second choice “Books in Chinese” ( 中文图书 ) the second choice “Books in Chinese” ( 中文图书 ) the third choice “Books in English” ( 西文图书 ) the third choice “Books in English” ( 西文图书 ) the fourth choice “Periodicals in Chinese” ( 中文期刊 ) the fourth choice “Periodicals in Chinese” ( 中文期刊 ) the fifth choice “Periodicals in English” ( 西文期刊 ) the fifth choice “Periodicals in English” ( 西文期刊 )

34 The choices in the detail-search box: The second line is for choosing of query field ( 请选择查询类型 ) See Figure 4(below) The second line is for choosing of query field ( 请选择查询类型 ) See Figure 4(below)

35 There are nine fields in the pull- down menu.. The fields in top-down order: The fields in top-down order: Title 题名 Title 题名 Author 责任者 Author 责任者 Subject word 主题词 Subject word 主题词 Call Number 索书号 Call Number 索书号 Press 出版社 Press 出版社 ISBN/ISSN ISBN/ISSN Acquisition Number 订购号 Acquisition Number 订购号 Classification Number 分类号 Classification Number 分类号 Series Number 丛书号 Series Number 丛书号

36 Now let’s have a try. Suppose you want to borrow a basic book for Chinese language learning. You may type Chinese characters for basic Chinese 初级汉语 in query box. And in the detail- search box, mark the choice: “ Books in Chinese ” ( 中文图书 ) in the first line for the choosing of publication type, “ Title ” ( 题名 ) in the second line and “ match anyway ” ( 任 意匹配 ) in the third line. Then click the button “ search ” ( 检索 ). See Figure 5. Suppose you want to borrow a basic book for Chinese language learning. You may type Chinese characters for basic Chinese 初级汉语 in query box. And in the detail- search box, mark the choice: “ Books in Chinese ” ( 中文图书 ) in the first line for the choosing of publication type, “ Title ” ( 题名 ) in the second line and “ match anyway ” ( 任 意匹配 ) in the third line. Then click the button “ search ” ( 检索 ). See Figure 5.

37 See Figure 5.

38 How to know whether a book is held at the library? Find the book you are interested on the screen of search result. See Figure 6 Find the book you are interested on the screen of search result. See Figure 6

39 How to know whether a book is held at the library? Here comes thirty records of books which titles containing the words 初级汉语. You can browse the list and select the book you are interested in, say, 《很好 — 初级汉语口语 第一册》. Click its title link and see the details of its publishing and holding information. See Figure 7 Here comes thirty records of books which titles containing the words 初级汉语. You can browse the list and select the book you are interested in, say, 《很好 — 初级汉语口语 第一册》. Click its title link and see the details of its publishing and holding information. See Figure 7 Now you know the book 《很好 — 初级汉语口语 第一册》 is held at College of International Education from the column of location. Now you know the book 《很好 — 初级汉语口语 第一册》 is held at College of International Education from the column of location.

40 Figure 7

41 How to know whether a book is held at the library? Any time you want to have a search, click the button “ Catalogue Search ” ( 书目检索 ) returning to the screen of Catalogue Search for Books and Periodicals ( 馆藏书 刊目录检索 ). See Figure 8 Any time you want to have a search, click the button “ Catalogue Search ” ( 书目检索 ) returning to the screen of Catalogue Search for Books and Periodicals ( 馆藏书 刊目录检索 ). See Figure 8 Suppose you need a book about physiology but not a specific one. You may search it by Category/Classification. Suppose you need a book about physiology but not a specific one. You may search it by Category/Classification.

42 Steps are as follows: On the screen of Catalogue Search, type Classification Number ( 分类号 ) R33 in the query box. Mark choices in the detail-search box: first line Publication Type choice – books either in Chinese or in English, second line Query Field choice – the eighth field “ Classification Number ” ( 分类号 ) in pull-down menu, and third line Match Mode choice – “ match from beginning ” ( 前方一 致 ). Then click the button “ search ” ( 检索 ) to go. Browse the list on the search result screen and select the book you are interested in. On the screen of Catalogue Search, type Classification Number ( 分类号 ) R33 in the query box. Mark choices in the detail-search box: first line Publication Type choice – books either in Chinese or in English, second line Query Field choice – the eighth field “ Classification Number ” ( 分类号 ) in pull-down menu, and third line Match Mode choice – “ match from beginning ” ( 前方一 致 ). Then click the button “ search ” ( 检索 ) to go. Browse the list on the search result screen and select the book you are interested in. See Figure 8 and Figure 9 See Figure 8 and Figure 9

43 Figure8

44 Figure9

45 How to know whether a book is held at the library? Books in the university libraries are classified with Chinese Library Classification (CLC). There are twenty- two main categories in the CLC system. And one letter stands for one main category. Letter R stands for the category of Health Sciences including hygiene, medicine, pharmacy, etc. See Appendix Books in the university libraries are classified with Chinese Library Classification (CLC). There are twenty- two main categories in the CLC system. And one letter stands for one main category. Letter R stands for the category of Health Sciences including hygiene, medicine, pharmacy, etc. See Appendix

46 Acknowledgement Here, I acknowledge the reviewing of this Guide by Mrs. YANG Aijun, Chief Librarian. Here, I acknowledge the reviewing of this Guide by Mrs. YANG Aijun, Chief Librarian.

47 Appendix 1 Main Categories in CLC A Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory A Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory 马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理 论 马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理 论 B Philosophy and Religion 哲学、宗教 B Philosophy and Religion 哲学、宗教 C General Social Sciences 社会科学总论 C General Social Sciences 社会科学总论 D Politics and Law 政治、法律 D Politics and Law 政治、法律 E Military Science 军事 E Military Science 军事 F Economics 经济 F Economics 经济

48 Appendix 1 Main Categories in CLC G Culture, Science, Education and Sports 文化、 科学、教育、体育 G Culture, Science, Education and Sports 文化、 科学、教育、体育 H Languages 语言、文字 H Languages 语言、文字 I Literature 文学 I Literature 文学 J Arts 艺术 J Arts 艺术 K History and Geography 历史、地理 K History and Geography 历史、地理 N General Natural Sciences 自然科学总论 N General Natural Sciences 自然科学总论 O Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 数理科 学和化学 O Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 数理科 学和化学

49 Appendix 1 Main Categories in CLC P Astronomy and Earth Sciences 天文学、 地球科学 P Astronomy and Earth Sciences 天文学、 地球科学 Q Biology 生物科学 Q Biology 生物科学 R Health Sciences 医药、卫生 R Health Sciences 医药、卫生 S Agricultural Sciences 农业科学 S Agricultural Sciences 农业科学 T Industrial Technology 工业技术 T Industrial Technology 工业技术 U Transportation 交通运输 U Transportation 交通运输

50 Appendix 1 Main Categories in CLC V Aeronautics and Astronautics 航空、航 天 V Aeronautics and Astronautics 航空、航 天 X Environmental Science and Safety Science 环境科学、安全科学 X Environmental Science and Safety Science 环境科学、安全科学 Z Comprehensive Books 综合性图书 Z Comprehensive Books 综合性图书

51 Appendix 2 Brief List of Category R R1 Preventive Medicine and Hygiene 预 防医学、卫生学 R1 Preventive Medicine and Hygiene 预 防医学、卫生学 R2 Chinese Traditional Medicine 中国医 学 R2 Chinese Traditional Medicine 中国医 学 R3 Preclinical Medicine 基础医学 R3 Preclinical Medicine 基础医学 R4 Clinical Medicine 临床医学 R4 Clinical Medicine 临床医学 R5 Internal Medicine 内科学 R5 Internal Medicine 内科学 R6 Surgery 外科学 R6 Surgery 外科学

52 Appendix 2 Brief List of Category R R71 Obstetrics and Gynecology 妇产科学 R71 Obstetrics and Gynecology 妇产科学 R72 Pediatrics 儿科学 R72 Pediatrics 儿科学 R73 Oncology 肿瘤学 R73 Oncology 肿瘤学 R74 Neurology and Psychiatry 神经病学 与精神病学 R74 Neurology and Psychiatry 神经病学 与精神病学 R75 Dermatology and Venerology 皮肤病 学与性病学 R75 Dermatology and Venerology 皮肤病 学与性病学

53 Appendix 2 Brief List of Category R R76 Otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉科学 R76 Otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉科学 R77 Ophthalmology 眼科学 R77 Ophthalmology 眼科学 R78 Stomatology 口腔科学 R78 Stomatology 口腔科学 R79 Foreign Folk-Medicine 外国民族医学 R79 Foreign Folk-Medicine 外国民族医学 R8 Special Medicine 特种医学 R8 Special Medicine 特种医学 R9 Pharmacy 药学 R9 Pharmacy 药学

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