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General Neurophysiology

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1 General Neurophysiology
Axonal transport Degeneration and regeneration in the nervous system Transduction of signals at the cellular level Reflex arch Central pattern generator

2 Axonal transport (axoplasmatic transport) Anterograde
Proteosynthesis in the cell body only (ER, Golgi apparatus) Retrograde Moving the chemical signals from periphery

3 Anterograde axonal transport
Anterograde axonal transport fast ( mm/day) MAP kinesin/mikrotubules moves neurotransmitters in vesicles and mitochondria   slow (0,5 – 10 mm/day) unknown mechanism structural components (cytoskeleton - aktin, myosin, tubulin), metabolic components   Retrograde axonal transport fast ( mm/day) MAP dynein/ mikrotubules old mitochondria, vesicles (pinocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis in axon terminals, transport of e.g. growths factors),

4 Axonal transport in the pathogenesis of diseases
Rabies virus Replicates in muscle cell Axon terminal (endocytosis) Retrograde transport to the cell body Neurons produce copies of the virus CNS – behavioral changes Neurons innervating the salivary glands (anterograde transport) Tetanus toxin (produced by Clostridium tetani) Toxin is transported retrogradely in nerve cells Tetanus toxin is released from the nerve cell body Taken up by the terminals of neighboring neurons

5 Axonal transport as a research tool
Tracer studies Anterograde axonal transport Radioactively labeled amino acids (incorporated into proteins, transported in an anterograde direction, detected by autoradiography) Injection into a group of neuronal cell bodies can identify axonal distribution Retrograde axonal transport Horseradish peroxidase is injected into regions containing axon terminals. Is taken up and transported retrogradely to the cell body. After histology preparation can be visualized. Injection to axon terminals can identify cell body

6 Neuroneogenesis Neurons do not proliferate Exceptions
Exceptions - olfactory epithelium - dentatum gyrus (stem cells) - olfactory bulb Generaly Lost neurons are not replaced (proliferation of glia, astrocytic scar)

7 Myelin sheath of axons in PNS (a membranous wrapping around the axon)
Degeneration and regeneration in the nervous system Myelin sheath of axons in PNS (a membranous wrapping around the axon)

8 Myelin sheath of axons in PNS (a basal lamina)

9 Injury of the axon in PNS
Compression, crushing, cutting – degeneration of the distal axon - but the cell body remains intact (Wallerian degeneration, axon is removed by macrophages) Schwann cells remain and their basal lamina (band of Büngner) Proximal axon sprouts (axonal sprouting) Prognosis quo ad functionem Compression, crushing – good, Schwann cells remain in their original orientation, axons can find their original targets Cutting – worse, regeneration is less likely to occure

10 Injury of the axon in PNS
Amputation of the limb Proximal stump fail to enter the Schwann cell tube, instead ending blindly in connective tissue Blind ends rolle themselves into a ball and form a neuroma – phantom pain

11 Myelin sheath formation in CNS

12 Injury of the axon in CNS
Oligodendrocytes do not create a basal lamina and a band of Büngner Regeneration to a functional state is impossible Trauma of the CNS proliferation and hypertrophy of astrocytes, astrocytic scar

13 Transduction of signals at the cellular level
Somatodendritic part – passive conduction of the signal, with decrement Axonal part –action potential, spreading without decrement, all-or-nothing law

14 Axon – the signal is carried without decrement

15 Dendrite and cell body – signal is propagated with decrement

16 Signal propagation from dendrite to initial segment

17 Origin of the AP electrical stimulus neurotransmitter on synapses

18 Axonal part of the neuron AP – voltage-gated Ca2+ channels –neurotransmitter release
Arrival of an AP in the terminal opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, causing Ca2+ influx, which in turn triggers transmitter release.

19 Somatodendritic part of neuron
Receptors on the postsynaptic membrane Excitatory receptors open Na+, Ca2+ channels membrane depolarization Inhibitory receptors open K+, Cl- channels membrane hyperpolarization EPSP – excitatory postsynaptic potential IPSP – inhibitory postsynaptic potential

20 Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potential

21 Interaction of synapses

22 Summation of signals spatial and temporal

23 Transduction of signals at the cellular level
EPSP IPSP Initial segment AP Ca2+ influx Neurotransmitter Neurotransmitter releasing

24 Neuronal activity in transmission of signals Discharge configurations of various cells

25 Influence of one cell on the signal transmission
1.AP, activation of the voltage-dependent Na+ channels (soma, area of the initial segment) 2. ADP, after-depolarization, acctivation of a high threshold Ca2+ channels, localized in the dendrites 3.AHP, after-hyperpolarization, Ca2+ sensitive K+ channels 4.Rebound depolarization, low threshold Ca2+ channels, de-inactivated during the AHP, activated when the depolarization decreases (probably localized at the level of the soma Threshold RMP

26 Reflex arch Knee-jerk reflex

27 Sir Charles Scott Sherrington
Research on reflexes Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Russia nobelist 1904 Sir Charles Scott Sherrington Great Britain nobelist 1932                   


29 Behavior as a chain of reflexes?
LOCUST Two pairs of wings Each pair beat in synchrony but the rear wings lead the front wings in the beat cycle by about 10% Proper delay between contractions of the front and rear wing muscles

30 Donald Wilson’s Experiment in 1961

31 To confirm the hypothesis
Identify the reflexes that are responsible for the flight pattern Deafferentaion = the elimination of sensory input into the CNS Remove sense organs at the bases of the wings Cut of the wings Removed other parts of locust s body that contained sense organs Unexpected result Motor signals to the flight muscles still came at the proper time to keep the wings beat correctly synchronized

32 Extreme experiment Reduced the animal to a head and the floor of the thorax and the thoracic nerve cord Elecrodes on the stumps of the nerves that had innervated the removed flight muscles Motor pattern recorded in the absence of any movement of part of animal – fictive pattern Locust flight systém did not require sensory feedback to provide timing cues for rhythm generation Network of neurons Oscillator, pacemaker, central pattern generator

33 Central pattern generator
Model of the CPG for control of muscles during swimming in lamprey

34 Central pattern generators
A network of neurons capable of producing a properly timed pattern of motor impulses in the absence of any sensory feedback. Swimming Wing beating Walking Gallop, trot Licking Scratching Breathing

35 Summary

36 Axonal transport (axoplasmatic transport) Anterograde
Proteosynthesis in the cell body only (ER, Golgi apparatus) Retrograde Moving the chemical signals from periphery

37 Degeneration and regeneration in the nervous system
Damaged (differenciated) neurons are not replaced Trauma of the CNS – glial scarf Axons in CNS Axons in PNS

38 Transduction of signals at the cellular level
EPSP IPSP Initial segment AP Ca2+ influx Neurotransmitter Neurotransmitter releasing

39 Reflex arch Central pattern generators Pacemakers

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