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Primary Science with €Sense Pack CMA, The Netherlands Technology Enhanced Primary Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Science with €Sense Pack CMA, The Netherlands Technology Enhanced Primary Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Science with €Sense Pack CMA, The Netherlands Technology Enhanced Primary Science

2 Can technology help in teaching and learning Primary Science? (for students 10 -13 years old)

3 Modern Educational Methodology Inquiry-Based Approach to Science Education (IBSE) –Students - the centre of the learning process: Work as scientists, design and conduct own investigations Work in cooperative groups Communicate their findings –Teacher (crucial!) acts as facilitator –Students skills: Asking and answering questions, Doing simple investigations, Predicting outcomes, Testing hypothesis, Reading and interpreting graphs, Analysing data, Communicating investigations and explanation.

4 Technology Data-logging The process of collecting data from sensors and monitor results on computer.

5 Example: Measuring with light sensor

6 Data logging – educational benefits –‘Real-time’ display – the “measured data” immediately appear on the screen. It gives possibilities to make direct links between the phenomenon and the graph. –Immediate feedback encourages critical thinking skills; students have time to spend on observing and interpreting, discussing and analysing data. –Students can quickly repeat the experiments, change experimental conditions and explore the results of the changes. This facilitates an interactive approach to the experiment. “Let’s see what happens if … “.

7 Primary Science with €Sense Pack CMA product developed based on our experience with the use of ICT. –A series of technology-enhanced inquiry based science activities. –Integrates traditional science hands-on activities and activities with sensors. –should help teachers, with little experience in science education, to introduce IBSE and use of sensors into their science lessons.

8 1. €Sense data-logger Three built-in sensors: a.Sound sensor b.Light sensor c.Temperature sensor External Temperature sensor (d.sensor, e.input) Two built in actuators: f. LED g. Buzzer c d e f g b a Very easy to use USB measuring interface with :

9 2. Teacher Guides Get Started (book and video tutorials) –How to work with €Sense and Coach 6 Lite software Teacher Guide (book) –science background information –advice on teaching approaches –potential learning benefits –possible student difficulties –outlines of the activities –exemplary data

10 3. Student Worksheets Worksheets, for use by students. These worksheets give space for students’ observations, predictions, data, conclusions, etc. They can be printed for use in the classroom (and modified if needed).

11 4. Coach Lite Software Coach Lite includes software activities for €Sense and allows to: -Monitor data collected via €Sense sensors -Display data in graphs, tables, analog digital meters -Set the measurement time -Make prediction graphs -Analyse the data -Write student notes -Save and print the student results Free, can be downloaded via CMA website or installed via included CD. No password needed for installation.

12 5. Primary Science Kit Students’ kit which includes additional materials for performing experiments.

13 Conclusions Better use of technology is needed not just to give students exposure to the technology or to satisfy parents, but because technology can be used to greatly improve learning not only Science and Technology but, also Mathematics and Language. Can technology help in teaching and learning Primary Science? Yes, it can!

14 Dedicated website: Centre for Microcomputer Applications Thank you!

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