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------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession Number 62-59 File Name 62-59-001 Call number F609 M589c Place of Publication Amsterdam Publisher.

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Presentation on theme: "------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession Number 62-59 File Name 62-59-001 Call number F609 M589c Place of Publication Amsterdam Publisher."— Presentation transcript:

1 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession Number 62-59 File Name 62-59-001 Call number F609 M589c Place of Publication Amsterdam Publisher By Hermes van Loven. voor den autheur Publication date [1609] Map size height 30 cm. Map size width 19 cm. Item description Engraved title page Geographical description Title page with engravings showing scenes from Dutch and Belgian history. Includes scenes of an allegorical figure being approached by explorers and merchants, scenes from city life, scenes of Inquisition, hangings, law courts, pastoral scene, etc. Source author Meteren, Emanuel van, 1535-1612 Source title Commentarien ofte memorien van-den Nederlandtschen staet, handel, oorloghen ende gheschiedenissen van onsen tyden, etc. Mede vervattende eenige haerder ghelbueren handelinghen Source place Ghedruckt op Schotlandt buyten Danswijck [i.e. The Hague?]: By Hermes van Loven. voor den autheur, [1609] Cartobibliographic notes Dutch work, originally published in German translation Hamburg, 1596. first published in Dutch as: Belgische ofte Nederlantsche historie van onsen tijden. Delft, 1599. Colophon: Tot Londen. Voor Emanuel van Meteren, 1609. Place of publication from Alden. Amsterdam, Utrecht, or Dordrecht has been suggested as place of publication, Normalized date 1609 LC bibliographic number b2221799x

2 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 04684 Record number 04684-76 JCB call number Codex Fr 1 Image title [Spaniards burn native Americans] Place image published [France?] Image date [1602?] Image function illustration; recto leaf 41 Technique painting, manuscript Image dimension height 13.8 cm. Image dimension width 15.5 cm. Page dimension height 30.1 cm. Page dimension width 20.5 cm. Materials medium ink, watercolor Materials support paper Languages French Description Spaniards torture and burn native Americans. Source creator Champlain, Samuel de Source Title Brief discours des choses plus remarquables que Samuel Champlain de Brouage á reconneues aux Indes occidentales Source place of publication [France?] Source date [1602?] notes The text describes the Spanish practice of torturing native Americans or making slaves of the native Americans to convert them to Christianity under the Inquisition. The manuscript, attributed to Champlain, describes his voyage sailing with a Spanish fleet to the Caribbean in 1599 to 1600. Time Period 1601-1650 References Wilmere, A. Narrative of a voyage to the West Indies, p. 38 References exhibitions Danforth, S. Encountering the New World, Fig. 40 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1884. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of South America Subject headings Indians of Mexico

3 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 69-165 Record number 69-165-1 JCB call number BA675 S939t Image title Ecclesia Celeberrimi Co[n]v[en]t[us], S. Franci[si] d[e] Lima... Creator 1 Juan de Benavides Creator 1 role scu[l]psit Place image published Lima Image date [1675] Image function fold-out plate; preceding leaf 1 Technique engraving Image dimension height 28.7 cm. Image dimension width 41.3 cm. Page dimension height 29.9 cm. Page dimension width 41.4 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Latin Description Bird's-eye view of the Franciscan church and convent or monastery of San Francisco in Lima, Peru. Includes a representation of Fray Antonio de Somoza with a bird, well, cloisters, chapels, infirmary, and steeples. Items in the image are identified in a key at middle right. Source creator Suárez de Figueroa, Miguel Source Title Templo de N. grande patriarca San Francisco de la provincia de los doze apostoles de le Peru en la Ciudad de los Reyes Source place of publication Lima Source date 1675 notes Finished in 1674, the church of San Francisco was one of the few buildings in Lima to withstand the 1746 earthquake. This illustration is the only known one from the colonial period to show the entire edifice. Antonio de Somoza was the Franciscan Commissary General of the Indies and an Inquisition examiner. Time Period 1651-1700 References Camilloni, H.R. "Architectural Principles... San Francisco, Lima," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 28, no. 4, p. 235-253 References exhibitions Johnson, J. G. Book in the Americas, Item 43, Fig. 61 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1969. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Geography, maps, city views and plans Subject headings Franciscan monasteries Subject headings Peru--Description and travel Subject headings Catholic church buildings

4 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 01829 Record number 01829-001 JCB call number B620 R386h /1-SIZE Image title [Title page] Place image published Madrid Image publisher Francisco de Abarca Image date 1620 Image function title page Technique engraving Image dimension height 26 cm. Image dimension width 17 cm. Page dimension height 29 cm. Page dimension width 19.2 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Spanish Description Title page showing two monks standing within an aedicule or classical architectural element, one with a star on his forehead holding a church, crucifix and lily accomanied by a dog holding a flaming torch [Saint Dominic], the other holding a flower and a book. The element is surmounted by two globes of the world and the Spanish royal coat of arms. Source creator Remesal, Antonio de, approximately 1570- Source Title Historia general de las Indias Ocidentales, y particular de la gouernacion de Chiapa, y Guatemala. Escriuese juntamente los principios de la religion de nuestro glorioso padre Santo Domingo, y de las demas religiones Source place of publication Madrid Source publisher Por Francisco de Abarca Source date 0.162 notes Remesal was a Dominican who while living in Guatemala wrote a history of Chiapas, Guatemala, Oaxaca, Peru. and the Philippines. Ramesal's book was banned by the Inquisition because he wrote of the conquistadors, especially Pedro de Alvarado, as well as Bartolome de las Casas. Time Period 1601-1650 Owner and copyright John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject headings Dominicans--Mexico OriginalDocumentID xmp.did:91B453360171E4118558F7AA6B5155FB ModifyDate 2014-11-20T17:04:34-05:00 MetadataDate 2014-11-20T17:04:34-05:00 InstanceID xmp.iid:91B453360171E4118558F7AA6B5155FB ICCProfile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 History[1]/stEvt:when 2014-11-20T17:04:34-05:00 History[1]/stEvt:softwareAgent Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows History[1]/stEvt:instanceID xmp.iid:91B453360171E4118558F7AA6B5155FB History[1]/stEvt:action created History[1] type=Struct History type=Seq format image/tiff DocumentID xmp.did:91B453360171E4118558F7AA6B5155FB DocumentAncestors xmp.did:13C31274C370E411A5AE9A2C45CE9028, xmp.did:D02530C38B226811A7BA97FE134EE3B4 CreatorTool Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows CreateDate 2014-11-20T17:04:34-05:00 ColorMode 3

5 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 62-376 Record number 62-376-1 JCB call number BA761 N939eh Image title Verdro. retto. de la sacratissima Portentosa Imagen de Nra. Sra. de los Lagos... Creator 1 José Benito Ortuña Creator 1 dates fl. 1750-1808 Creator 1 role d. sc. Place image published Mex. [Mexico] Image publisher [Heirs of Maria de Rivera] Image date 1761 Image function frontispiece Technique engraving Image dimension height 12.5 cm. Image dimension width 8.2 cm. Page dimension height 14.4 cm. Page dimension width 10.2 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Spanish Description Image of the Virgin of San Juan of the Lakes. Includes crescent moon, crown, and halo. Also includes two angels holding lit candles, dove or Holy Spirit, flowers [lilies], and monogram. Source Title Novena en honra de la milagrosissima imagen de Maria Santissima Nuestra Señora de S. Juan Source place of publication En Mexico Source publisher En la Imprenta del Superior Gobierno de los Herederos de Doña Maria de Rivera, en la calle de S. Bernardo Source date 1761 notes The town of San Juan de los Lagos is located in the eastern part of the state of Jalisco in west central Mexico. In 1542, the Spanish priest, Father Miguel de Bologna, brought an image of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception to the village. In 1632, a daughter of Indian parents fell gravely ill but was saved by praying to the Virgin. Her statue was venerated from that time.Not much is known about the engraver of this portrait except that on the day the Inquisition arrived at his shop to inquire about printing protocols, he and his wife were out, involved in a duel. Time Period 1751-1800 References Donahue-Wallace, K. "Printmakers in Eighteenth-Century Mexico City," (Sept. 2009) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1961. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject headings Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Apparitions and miracles--Mexico Subject headings Santuario de Nuestra Señora de San Juan (Guadalajara, Mexico)

6 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 7009 Record number 7009-1 JCB call number BA760 O81p (copy 1) Image title Peregrino de sta Sagrada Vid Medita a cada passo, y con ferbor Logue en suspassos Jesus, y Maria Sigicron peregrinos por tu amor. Creator 1 José Benito Ortuño Creator 1 dates fl. 1750-1808 Creator 1 role dl. Scp. Place image published [Mexico] Image publisher [Press of the Mexican Library] Image date 1760 Image function frontispiece Technique engraving Image dimension height 13.3 cm. Image dimension width 8.3 cm. Page dimension height 14.5 cm. Page dimension width 9.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Spanish Description Maria de Jesus de Agreda and Joachin de Ostina kneel before a cross with a sword and INRI symbol. Source creator Osuna, Joaquín, fl. 18th century Source Title Peregrinacion christiana por el camino real de la celeste Jerusalen... Source place of publication Reimpressa en Mexico Source publisher En la Imprenta de la Bibliotheca mexicana, enfrente de San Augustin Source date 1760 notes Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda wrote the work, The city of God, a history of the Virgin Mary. She also reported that she had a memory of over five hundred spiritual visits to the various tribes of the American southwest during which time she converted the whole Indian population to Christianity without physically leaving Spain. INRI is an acronym of the Latin inscription which translates to English as "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."Not much is known about the engraver of this portrait except that on the day the Inquisition arrived at his shop to inquire about printing protocols, he and his wife were out, involved in a duel. Time Period 1751-1800 References Eich, J. The Other Mexican Muse; Donahue-Wallace, K. "Printmakers in Eighteenth-Century Mexico City," (Sept. 2009) Owner and copyright © John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject headings María de Jesús, de Agreda, sor, 1602-1665

7 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 28716 Record number 28716-1 JCB call number BA758 B443v Image title Vo. Rto. de la R. M. Maria Anna Agueda de S. Igna[ci]o... de la Puebla de los Angeles... Creator 1 José Benito Ortuño Creator 1 dates fl. 1750-1808 Creator 1 role Scp. Place image published Mx [Mexico] Image publisher [Press of the Mexican Library] Image date 1758 Image function plate; preceding p. 1 Technique engraving Image dimension height 16.2 cm. Image dimension width 10.9 cm. Page dimension height 19.5 cm. Page dimension width 13.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Spanish Description Portrait of Maria Anna Agueda de San Ignacio holding a book and quill or pen. Also includes rosary. Source creator Bellido, José, 1700-1783 Source Title Vida de la V. M. R. M. Maria Anna Agueda de S. Ignacio, primera priora del religiosissimo Convento de Dominicas Recoletas de Santa Rosa de la Puebla de los Angeles... Source place of publication En Mexico Source publisher en la Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mexicana Source date 1758 notes Sor Maria Anna (1695–1756), a Dominican nun born the year Sor Juana de la Cruz died, was an important and (during her lifetime) popular colonial writer and theologian in Mexico. Her writings include constitutions for her convent, spiritual guidebooks for nuns, and four mystical theological treatises. Not much is known about the engraver of this portrait except that on the day the Inquisition arrived at his shop to inquire about printing protocols, he and his wife were out, involved in a duel. Time Period 1751-1800 References Eich, J. The Other Mexican Muse; Donahue-Wallace, K. "Printmakers in Eighteenth-Century Mexico City," (Sept. 2009) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1941. Bookplate of Luis González Obregón. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Agueda de San Ignacio, Maria Anna, 1695-1756--Portraits

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