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DAY 49: CONQUISTADORS AND COLONIES Unit 6. Hernán Cortés Conquistador: Spanish conqueror  Brought guns, horses, disease Cortes was a landowner in Cuba.

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2 Hernán Cortés Conquistador: Spanish conqueror  Brought guns, horses, disease Cortes was a landowner in Cuba  Ventures to capital of Aztec empire: Tenochtitlan  1519, brings 600 men, 16 horses, a few cannons  Uses Indian captive Malinche as translator Allies with conquered tribes who hate Aztec overlords

3 Cortes Conquers Aztecs Moctezuma (Aztec emperor) thinks Cortes might be Quetzalcoatl (Aztec god-king)  Sends gifts of turquoise, feathers, etc. Cortes does not turn back  Moctezuma welcomes men into capital Relationship dissolves  Spanish try to convert Aztecs to Christianity  Imprisoned Moctezuma to gain control of riches  1521 Cortez and Indian allies capture Tenochtitlan  Aided by smallpox that spread through Aztec population

4 Francisco Pizarro Interested in Peru’s Inca empire (richer than Aztecs?)  1532 arrives, Atahualpa just won throne in Civ War Atahualpa refused to become Christian  Pizarro and Indian allies capture him/slaughter thousands of Inca  Spanish demand ransom, receive it, kill Atahualpa From Peru, Spanish forces conquer Chile and Ecuador  Natives killed by disease and weapons  Pizarro later killed by rival Spanish faction in Lima

5 Effects of Conquistadors Inspired by Three G’s to conquer (Gold, God, Glory)  Used superior weapons, horses, disease Spanish seize lots of valuable goods Native Americans enslaved and work silver mines 10K’s Indians die  Some believed it was end of world  Became Christianized, hope suffering would end Native Am. culture influences Latin American culture World now connected by sea routes

6 Spanish Empire King sets up Council of Indies to pass laws  Viceroys (representatives) rule in name of province Spread Catholic Christianity Encomienda system: forced labor  Natives work under brutal conditions, those who resist are hunted/killed Bartolome de Las Casas (Spanish Priest)  Condemns evils of encomienda system, makes Spain pass laws that forbade slavery and abuse of Natives  Peons: Natives forced to work to pay off debts

7 Spanish Empire Cultural blending: Spanish, Natives, Africans Hierarchy: 1. Peninsulares (people born in Spain) 2. Creoles (American-born descendents of Spanish) 3. Mestizos (offspring of Native Am. And Euro) 4. Mulattoes (offspring of African and Euro) 5. Native Americans and Africans (lowest class) Mexico City grows 1551 University of Mexico est. to meet needs of Church

8 New France Jacques Cartier disc. St. Lawrence River 1534 Fur, Trapping, Fishing: Goals Control area in Canada and around Great Lakes Settlements grew slowly  1 st permanent est. in 1608 Late 1600’s King Louis XIV wants $$ from overseas empire  Sends soldiers and settlers (even women!)  Prohibits Protestants from settling, population grows a little

9 English Colonies 1497 John Cabot disc. Newfoundland for England 1607 1 st permanent colony: Jamestown  Settlers almost die of starvation, not profitable  Saving grace = growing tobacco 1620: Pilgrims (Eng Protestants) in Plymouth, MA  South religious freedom, not profit  Sign Mayflower Compact before arriving  Sets guidelines for governing their colony  Early step toward self-government

10 13 Colonies from 1600s-1700s For profit: VA, NY Haven for persecuted groups: MA, PA, MD Gifts for loyal supporters of King: GA, SC New England: fishing, timber, shipbuilding Middle Colonies: grain South: Cash crops like rice, tobacco  Develop plantation system, used African slaves Colonists enjoyed self-government  Still obedient to Parliament  Colonists had same rights as those in England

11 Issues Competition for colonies 1700 British and French were rivals  French and Indian War (America)  Seven Years War (Europe)  Same war but fought in different continents British win Treaty of Paris 1763: ended world wide war  France force to cede Canada and land east of Mississippi R to Britain  Gave Louisiana Territory to Spain


13 Middle Passage in Class Project This will be done on Friday, 3/25 Must complete reading before working on project Students may work in groups of 1-4 Directions uploaded on my website Project due at the end of class Please do your best work

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