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1 Quiz Show Programming Terms. 2 Alice - 3D Virtual Programming Vocabulary Quiz Board Chapter 1 Chapter 2a Chapter 2b Chapter 3 Chapter 4 $100 $200 $300.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quiz Show Programming Terms. 2 Alice - 3D Virtual Programming Vocabulary Quiz Board Chapter 1 Chapter 2a Chapter 2b Chapter 3 Chapter 4 $100 $200 $300."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quiz Show Programming Terms

2 2 Alice - 3D Virtual Programming Vocabulary Quiz Board Chapter 1 Chapter 2a Chapter 2b Chapter 3 Chapter 4 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600

3 3 Chapter 1 - $100  Sequential Processing a) Instructions that are performed at the same time b) Instructions that are performed on a mouse click c) Instructions that are performed step by step.  Link Link

4 4 Chapter 1 - $200  A conditional statement’s purpose is to repeat code over and over again.  True or False  Link Link

5 5 Chapter 1 – $300  What are the 3 dimensions in this 3- D world  Link Link

6 6 Chapter 1 - $400  The distance from one object to another object is measured from the top of an object to the top of the other object.  True or False  Link Link

7 7 Chapter 1 - $500  Name the six degrees of freedom  Link Link

8 8 Chapter 1 Answer $100  C. Instructions performed one after the other.

9 9 Chapter 1 Answer $200  False – conditional statement tests to see if something is true so it can execute instructions else it executes nothing or a different set of instructions

10 10 Chapter 1 Answer $300  Height, width, depth – the 3 dimensions

11 11 Chapter 1 Answer $400  False – measured from center to center – the pivot point.

12 12 Chapter 1 Answer $500  Left & right  Forward & backward  Up & down

13 13 Chapter 2 for $100  The correct order for creating an animation is –Implement (code) –Read the scenario or problem or task –Design a storyboard –Test  True or False  Link Link

14 14 Chapter 2 Answer $100  False –Read the scenario or problem or task –Design a storyboard –Implement (code) –Test

15 15 Chapter 2 for $200  Textual storyboards used in this chapter provide a ______________ structure  Hint  Step-by-step  Link Link

16 16 Chapter 2 Answer $200  Algorithmic

17 17 Chapter 2 for $300  The lines of text in the storyboard look like _____________________  Link Link

18 18 Chapter 2 Answer for $300 – Pseudo code

19 19 Chapter 2 $400  Alice software takes care of the ___________ so you do not have to worry so much about typos and structure of the code.  Hint  Grammar  Link Link

20 20 Chapter 2 Answer for $400  Syntax

21 21 Chapter 2 for $500  Scenario is a problem statement or task statement that describes the overall animation in terms of what needs to be done.  Computer Scientists call this ______________  Link Link

22 22 Chapter 2 Answer for $500  Requirement Specifications

23 23 Chapter 2b for $100  What are two examples of control Statements that were presented in this chapter.  Link Link

24 24 Chapter 2b Answer for $100  DoToGether  DoInOrder

25 25 Chapter 2b for $200  An item of information that must be supplied to execute a specific action is called ________________  Give an example.  Link Link

26 26 Chapter 2b Answer for $200  Argument – an item of information that must be supplied to method so instruction can be carried out.  Move method requires a direction and how far (distance)

27 27 Chapter 2b for $300  What is an instruction that does not cause an action to take place but gives extremely good information for others who are reading your program  Link Link

28 28 Chapter 2b Answer for $300  Comment

29 29 Chapter 2b for $400  What do computer scientists call it when one statement is written inside another statement? – Link Link

30 30 Chapter 2b Answer for $400 – nesting

31 31 Chapter 2b for $500  What does a programmer do when there is a problem with the code? ______________ Link

32 32 Chapter 2b Answer for $500  debug

33 33 Chapter 3 Bonus Answer $200  Visicalc – the electronic spreadsheet used on the Apple II Computer.

34 34 Chapter 3 for $100  A _______________ asks a question about a condition or computes a value.  Link Link

35 35 Chapter 3 Answer for $100  Function – example distance to another object  Bonus – give another example  Link Link

36 36 Chapter 3 Bonus Answer for $100  Distance above  Distance below  Distance behind  Distance in front of  Are all other examples

37 37 Chapter 3 for $200  _____________ is a math operation on numbers or other kinds of values.  Example a > b  Link Link

38 38 Chapter 3 Answer for $200  Expression  Other examples  A=b  a < b  A + b  They are found under the World Functions

39 39 Chapter 3 for $300  Which instruction tile is used to setup a conditional instructions  Link Link

40 40 Chapter 3 Answer for $300  If/Else Tile

41 41 Chapter 4 for $400  What university was a major player in developing Alice?  Link Link

42 42 Chapter 4 Answer for $400  Carnegie Mellon University located in Pittsburg, PA.

43 43 Chapter 3 for $500  Functions return answers (values) – name two of the types of values  Link Link

44 44 Chapter 3 Answer for $500  Number –  Boolean – true or false  String  Object  Other – example color

45 Chapter 4 for $100  You must __ __ __ __ a method for it to be executed.  Link Link 45

46 Answer for Chapter 4 for $100  Call a method (execute another way to say it). 46

47 Chapter 4 for $200  ____________ are used to communicate with a method. LINK 47

48 Answer for Chapter 4 $200  parameters  Examples –howFar or howManyTimes tells the method how far something is to move or how many times to do the method. tells the method how far something is to move or how many times to do the method. 48

49 Chapter 4 for $300  Alice was written to help students understand the basic concept of programming – particularly ??? –___________ __________ programming  Alice is a good introduction to what full programming language that is used for high school AP computer programming exams? ____________ Link 49

50 Answer for Chapter 4 for $300  Object oriented programming  Java 50

51 Chapter 4 for $400  Parameters must be declared to represent a particular type of value such as ________ name two types.  LINK LINK 51

52 Answer for Chapter 4 for $400  object  Number  Boolean  String 52

53 Chapter 4 for $500  A new class object can be created by defining class-level methods and then saving them out with a new name.  True or False  LINK LINK 53

54 Answer for Chapter 4 for $500  C. True  Example – CleverSkater has new methods so the next world you can add this object and not have to re- write code that does these new methods. 54

55 Chapter 4 for $600  Inheritance is an object – oriented concept where a new class is defined based on an existing class.  True or False  Example the clever skater has all the pre-defined methods, properties, and functions built into the skater object.  - LINK LINK 55

56 Answer Chapter 4 for $600  True  Example the clever skater has all the pre-defined methods, properties, and functions built into the skater object  Bonus 56

57 Answer Chapter 4 for $600  True  Example the clever skater has all the pre-defined methods, properties, and functions built into the skater object  Bonus Bonus 57

58 Chapter 4 Bonus  Name one guideline for writing Class- Level methods.  Link Link 58

59 Chapter 4 Bonus - Answer Guidelines for Class-Level Methods  Class level methods are written for only one object.  World level methods are written for more than one object.  Play sound in a class – level ONLY IF the sound has been imported for the object (instead of the world).  Do not call world methods inside of class-level methods  Class-level methods can make reference to a parameter that is an object, but not to the object itself. 59

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