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NS430: Whole Foods Production Nancy Morrow, MS, CN.

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Presentation on theme: "NS430: Whole Foods Production Nancy Morrow, MS, CN."— Presentation transcript:

1 NS430: Whole Foods Production Nancy Morrow, MS, CN

2 -Food Safety Issues -Animal Production Practices and Animal Welfare -Organic Animal Production Practices


4 What are some concerns associated with the food that is fed to animals that we will eventually consume?

5 What role does the animal’s living environment play in the safety of our food supply?

6 “…pasture-raised animals were much easier to clean ‘because they come from small herds raised in relatively clean pastures." Most U.S. cattle, he said, "are raised in far larger numbers in congested and typically less sanitary feed lots (Lipsky, 2001) Lipsky, J. (April, 2001). The Future of Food Safety. Meat Marketing and Technology, April 2001.

7 How might an animal’s “health care” affect the quality of the meat, eggs and dairy that we consume?

8 -70% of all antibiotics made in the U.S. go to livestock -In the mid-1980s 16 million pounds of antibiotics used in livestock production -25 million pounds are being used today. -Most are used to combat “feedlot diseases” -This may be contributing to antibiotic resistance

9 Sustainability Self Sufficiency Healthy Soils Minimizing Disease

10 Livestock Standards Last third of gestation (second day of life for poultry) 100% organic feed (vitamin and mineral supplements are allowed) No growth hormones No antibiotics for any reason

11 Livestock Standards Preventive Health management Strategies Medicinally treated animals may not be sold as organic Access to Outdoors (pastures for ruminants)

12 Handling Standards National List of Allowed Synthetic and Prohibited Non-Synthetic Substances Prevent commingling of organic with non organic Processed Organics – All ingredients must be organically produced

13 Accreditation -Certifying Agents -USDA Evaluation -Accreditation for 5 year terms -USDA site evaluations -

14 This Week: 2 nd half of final project – brochure Next Week: Last seminar

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