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Registration for the 2014/2015 School Year Sophomore.

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Presentation on theme: "Registration for the 2014/2015 School Year Sophomore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Registration for the 2014/2015 School Year Sophomore

2 What is in your registration packet? Transcript Instruction sheet and course prerequisites FCUSD graduation requirements and minimum college admissions requirements FCUSD graduation requirements and minimum college admissions requirements Blue course selection sheet

3 Today you will: 1. Learn the steps for completing your registration form. 2. Learn where to find answers to your questions regarding registration. 3. Find out when and where to turn in your paperwork.


5 Step One: Put your name in the upper right hand corner of your blue form.

6 Step Two: Select an English course  Bubble in one of three options: Regular, Honors (stand alone) or Honors Integrated with AP World History.  If you are selecting Honors/AP you should have attended the class meeting in January. If you did not attend the meeting, please see Mr. Messersmith in H-205.  If you are selecting Honors /AP you need to read the policy and procedure document posted on the AP webpage, then initial that you and your parents have read it.

7 Step Three: Select a social studies course  Bubble in one of two options: World Cultures or Integrated AP World and Honors English 10.  There will not be a stand alone AP World History. If you would like to take AP World, you must take the integrated course.  If you are selecting Honors/AP you should have attended the class meeting in January. If you did not attend the meeting, please see Mr. Messersmith in rm H-205.  If you are selecting Honors /AP you need to read the policy and procedure document posted on the counseling webpage, then initial that you and your parents have read it.

8 Step Four: Select a Math course.  Fill in the blank with the most recent math class you have taken or are taking.  Bubble in the math class you wish to take next year.  All F’s and D’s in math must be repeated to move to the next level in math.  You may select two math courses if you would like also known as “doubling up in math” but you are not guaranteed to get both math classes based on space availability. If you double up in math, list the second math class as your first choice elective.  If you have not passed algebra 1, the equivalent math course is now called Math 1.

9 Step Five: Select a Science Course  Bubble in the science course you wish to take next year.  Most 10 th grade students will select Biology  If you have completed Biology, consult the Course Guide and Prerequisites included in your packet for help with selecting a science course.  If you are selecting Honors/AP you should have attended the class meeting in January. If you did not attend the meeting, please consult the course instructor.  If you are selecting Honors /AP you need to read the policy and procedure document posted on the counseling webpage, then initial that you and your parents have read it.  You may select two science courses if you would like also known as “doubling up in science” but you are not guaranteed to get both science classes based on space availability. If you double up in science, list the second science class as your first choice elective.

10 Step Six: Select a PE Course  Bubble in the course you would like to take to fulfill your PE requirement.  If you play a sport you may request to have it scheduled during your 4 th block by selecting “Fit 2 athletic” however there is no guarantee that you will be given a space.  Students are allowed to postpone their 2 nd year of PE only if they have successfully passed Fit 1 AND the fitness gram.

11 Step Seven: Select a Health course  Bubble in the course you would like to take to fulfill your Health requirement.  Health is either paired with drivers education (no longer a grad requirement) or Personal Strategic Planning.  If you would prefer to take an elective during your 10 th grade year instead of Health, you must check the box indicating that you understand you will be expected to take health in order to graduate.  Health is usually offered through the district online summer school program for a fee however there are limited seats available. Sign ups are through the district website and will be announced in the bulletin and on the counseling web page when they begin.

12 Step Eight: Select your elective classes  Electives are courses that you get to choose based on your interests and goals.  They can be classes needed for college entrance or classes that offer content that is interesting to you.  Students are required to have at least 5 elective classes to graduate.  Although most of the time the master schedule allows for students to have their first choice in electives, students are not guaranteed to get scheduled into the elective classes of their choice. Choosing enough classes for counselors to use to create a schedule is critical.  List your elective choices in priority order. We will work from choice number 1 down to choice 10 until you have a full schedule.

13 Remember: Initial here if you are requesting honors or AP classes. Sign your form and have your parents sign it once you have discussed your course choices. Students who have forms signed by parents get priority if courses are overenrolled

14 Where to find the counseling website:

15 Resources to help with course choices The hyperlinked documents can also be found on the counseling webpage Suggested course patterns for fulfilling graduation requirements and college entrance requirements. Suggested course patterns for fulfilling graduation requirements and college entrance requirements. Math Sequencing Chart (Traditional) Math Sequencing Chart For students who have completed Algebra 1 Math Sequencing Chart (Integrated) Math Sequencing Chart For students without Algebra 1 credit Science Sequencing Chart Vista del Lago four year planner Curriculum Guide This PowerPoint presentation Your transcript

16 How do I turn in my registration packet? TURN IN YOUR PAPERWORK TO THE COUNSELING OFFICE AS EARLY AS TOMORROW!! NO LATER THAN FEB. 4 TH. Check to be sure your parent/guardian has signed your paperwork. Keep for your records: Transcript Instruction sheet and course prerequisites FCUSD graduation requirements and minimum college admissions requirements Turn in: Blue course selection sheet Turn in blue course selection sheet to the counseling office by Wednesday, Feb. 4 th

17 If I have a question… To ask a quick question, stop by the counseling office before school, during lunch and after school. If you have more in depth questions Mrs. Pelz at 294-2410 x 410146 in the counseling office will make a 15 min. registration appointment with your counselor for you and/or your parents. Counselors will take appointments from Jan 29 th -Feb. 5 th. If your last name is your counselor is : A-KMrs. Kleinle L-RMrs. Burns S-ZMr. Adorjan

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