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A BRIEF HISTORY OF Pimp my Trolley. Introduction to SSERC A Curriculum for Excellence Introduction to Pimp My Trolley Activity Pimping Trolleys Around.

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Presentation on theme: "A BRIEF HISTORY OF Pimp my Trolley. Introduction to SSERC A Curriculum for Excellence Introduction to Pimp My Trolley Activity Pimping Trolleys Around."— Presentation transcript:

1 A BRIEF HISTORY OF Pimp my Trolley

2 Introduction to SSERC A Curriculum for Excellence Introduction to Pimp My Trolley Activity Pimping Trolleys Around Scotland

3 Introduction to SSERC Scottish Schools Equipment Research Centre 40+ years old Originally health & safety and equipment advice for schools, chiefly science and technology. Now extensively involved in CPD for teachers and technicians.

4 Who needs a new curriculum?

5 A 2 kg bag of potatoes is hung on a Newton spring balance in a lift. What is the reading on the balance when: a)The lift is at rest; b)The lift travels upwards at a constant speed of 2 ms -1 ; c)The lift accelerates downwards with an acceleration of 0.5 ms -2 ?

6 Oh who the **** gives a **** ? Physics is *****.

7 Curriculum for Excellence Outcome By making accurate measurements of speed and acceleration, I can relate the motion of an object to the forces acting on it and apply this knowledge to transport safety. (S3 Physics)

8 Starter: Which car is the safest?

9 Designing for safety Tolerable decelerations Occupant compartment intact Energy absorbed (Road Transport Laboratory)

10 Suppose this trolley represents our “safety cell”…

11 Instead of fitting it with a fancy paint job and powerful sound system, your mission is to make this trolley safer.

12 How do we test this? What do we need to measure? If we are comparing different designs, how do we make sure our test is valid?

13 Describe the safest designs. What did the best designs have in common? How did we know that these designs were the best? What did you discover that surprised you? What other way is there of reducing the harm you come to in an accident? (Pupils may already have come up with the idea that if you drive more slowly you will come to less harm if you do have a collision)

14 There is a saying among road safety professionals that ‘the safest car is the one with a spike sticking out of the steering wheel’

15 This sounds very unsafe Could it be true? Are there any disadvantages to making cars safer?

16 For discussion (opportunity for cross- curricular work?) Personal freedom versus duty to look after oneself- should people who drive powerful cars or ones with few safety features contribute more to the NHS? Should fast cars be speed-limited or banned altogether? American situation- less use of seatbelts led to more powerful airbags..

17 Pimp my Trolley on tour ShetlandSouth Ayrshire ElginPortlethen FortrosePerth GlasgowBorders* Balfron

18 Pimp my Trolley on tour ShetlandSouth Ayrshire ElginPortlethen FortrosePerth GlasgowBorders* Balfron *where it is known as Tart ma Cart


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