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ATLAS-MPI Meeting 111 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  From 9.0.4  10.0.0  various bugs found in “9.0.4 - Production Release”  see my talk at HiggsWG.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS-MPI Meeting 111 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  From 9.0.4  10.0.0  various bugs found in “9.0.4 - Production Release”  see my talk at HiggsWG."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 111 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  From 9.0.4  10.0.0  various bugs found in “9.0.4 - Production Release”  see my talk at HiggsWG (16/02/05)  1030s1t14%2Fmoreinfo%2Fnectar_h180_rome_160205.ppt 1030s1t14%2Fmoreinfo%2Fnectar_h180_rome_160205.ppt  Fruitful collaboration with, and feed-back from various validation groups (MOORE, Muonboy)  MuonSpectrometer Simulation/Digitization-Recent improvements:  Transition from “Layout P” to “Layout Q” (-initial/-final):  Missing cabling maps (Muon RDOs could not be processed  digits)  TGC SD: wrong -numbering scheme for TGC strips (15°-shift)  “automatic” switch between layout P and layout Q  RPC SD (making it “Q-aware”)  For muon MC hits simulated with 9.0.4 !!!  Since the BIMs were absent in the previous layout(P), the field stationName was wrongly set to "BIS", for these chambers (due to an incorrect construction of the SimID by the MuonSimEvent/MdtHitIdHelper, so BIS "false" hits (the BIM ones) are superimposed to the "true" one  BIS in the feet will have this "extra-activity“-”false” hits  The reason of keeping the SimID creation separate from the offlineID one was motivated, at the very beginning, by having the simulation independent from the rest.  plan to use the offlineID helpers also for the hits ID, to avoid "misalignments" like this, every-time the geometry changes. ATLAS Software Status towards RomePhysicsWorkshop

2 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 211 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  From 9.0.4  10.0.0(cont.)  MuonSpectrometer Simulation/Digitization-Recent improvements(cont.):  CSC_Digitization:  access to strip numbers from MuonGeoModel  modification in the charge calculations  RPC_Digitization:  broaden the pileup time windows from ±50 ns to ±70 ns  TGC_Digitization:  insensitive areas correctly computed  hard-coded parameters (wirePitch, frameZwidth, frameXwidth) now set by MuonGeoModel  TGC SD: wrong -numbering scheme for TGC strips (15°-shift)  fixes to TGCSD stationPhi numbering for layout Q.02  MuonDigiExample: to be provided  digit dump from digit files  algorithm to check the global hit position  ntuple output for the monitoring algorithms  Missing cabling maps (Muon RDOs could not be processed  digits)  Preliminary version of the RPCcabling working with layout Q, available since rel10.0.0  LVL1 simulation requires the RPCcabling  RPCcabling fully compliant with the trigger setup  Validation is needed ATLAS Software Status towards RomePhysicsWorkshop

3 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 311 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  Cavern Background (Collaboration with A.Nairz)  Generation  mainly slow, thermalized neutrons and low-energy photons, escaping the calorimeters  Potentially dangerous (fake rates, resolution degradation, …)  ‘old’ pre-generated fluxes  Produced with GEANT3/gcalor  Truth information gets recorded (kine blocks)  Kine information “converted” to HepMC/POOL  Background produced with various “safety factors”  1x, 2x, 5x, 10x nominal background  Done already at generator level, not at hit level  TOF distribution randomized  Flat in [0,25ns]  ‘Prompt’ protons and muons were kept untouched  Possibility of randomising  (azimuthal angle)  GEANT4 simulation started from HepMC/POOL events  Standard set-up, release 9.0.4, Layout “Rome-Initial”  Physics cuts were modified (standard 1mm  20 m)  MDT resolution close to tube wall is ~60 m  GEANT4 energy thresholds (examples)  photons: Aluminium (7 keV  1 keV), Copper (25 keV  3 keV)  electrons: Aluminium (597 keV  51 keV), Copper (1395 keV  92 keV)  Several groups and individuals have offered to help in validation: Rome (LVL1), MPI, Saclay, … ATLAS Software Status towards RomePhysicsWorkshop

4 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 411 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  Cavern Background (cont.)  Implement and test pile-up Collaboration with D. Costanzo, P. Calafiura and A.Nairz started)  Pre-mixing with minimum-bias events as foreseen earlier (and done in DC1) is not necessary  Pile-up procedure is able to handle two separate background streams  Only requirement:  1:1 ratio between min.-bias and cavern-bg. streams  Critical issue: memory requirements for high-lumi pile-up  Need to open time window to ±40 bunch-crossings (MDTs)  Job size until now (without Muons) already close to 1 GB  Running restricted to very powerful machines only!  I started@RZG  Not an issue in bulk of upcoming Rome production  (low lumi 10 33 ) ATLAS Software Status towards RomePhysicsWorkshop

5 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 511 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  Release10.0.0  “Unfortunately the G4 version originally associated with 10.0.0 (G4.7.0) turned out to be unusable. There were low-energy ions looping without energy loss in the magnetic field, whose tracking was extremely CPU consuming and slowed down the execution time per event considerably. G4 provided a patch (G4.7.0.p01) which fixes the problem by replacing G4.7.0 with G4.7.0.p01” reported by Armin N.  This means that anybody using a release >=10.0.0 will automatically pick up G4.7.0.p01.  To make it work, however, one has to use updated G4 PhysicsList !  Validation possible for the first time with  G4 MC thanks to availability of truth info at entrance of Muon Spectrometer  use MuonEntryRecord, match truth and reco tracks,  include hit information for Moore and Muonboy  What is needed for the Rome workshop  Software for production Rome MC data  Layout “Rome-Initial”  Software to do analysis Initial layout for Rome  Shielding  Low-Lumi cavern background ATLAS Software Status towards RomePhysicsWorkshop Done !

6 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 611 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  Processing Steps –Summary  Event Generation  (release >=9.0.4)  Simulation  (release 10.0.0 with the G4PhysicsList patch)  For non muon samples release 9.0.4 can be used  Digitization (0-luminosity)  (release 10.0.0)  Muon RDOs available (LVL1 simulation)  Digitization (pile-up 10 33 )  (release 10.0.0)  Muon RDOs available (LVL1 simulation)  Reconstruction  (release 10.0.0/10.0.1)  0-luminosity and pileup  ESD/AOD and CBNT produced as output  Release 10 branch:  Release 10.0.1 tag collector is opened  This will be the bug fix release for production for DC2 and Rome  Final reconstruction for Rome  No major change in AOD/ESD/CBNT schema  However AOD/ESD will not be compatible between release 9 and 10  Time Scale  Very tight… deadline driven exercise  Take into account ~2 months of work to make a good use of the events simulated  Need to stage the various steps of the production to get Physics groups working a.s.a.p.  Readapt the plan while we go, depending on the needs of different groups,  And of course that samples must be actually used ATLAS Software Status towards RomePhysicsWorkshop

7 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 711 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  Production (Nektarios.B, Daniela.R, Stephane.W)  additional single muon production (in a broaden eta window) just requested for the LVL1 cabling production  RomeConfiguration single muon productions for calibration/performances studies, trigger tests, etc. in the Q initial layout  web page listing everything about the samples (production details, status, locations, etc.)  (where MPI’s contribution –in production and in analysis- is listed)  Physics events  Calibration (dijet, Z, …) in running mode  Common background samples (top, W+jets, …) starting now  Physics group samples has started  Physics groups update their Wiki:   All the events must be registered with Don-Quixote (some samples made off-the grid)  Problems  More difficult to keep track of what’s going on…  Learn how to register files  Don Quixote prepends the user name to the file that is registered  Mistakes with the GUID ATLAS Software Status towards RomePhysicsWorkshop 0040xx and 0049xx is a single particle sample (RomeCalibrationWiki)RomeCalibrationWiki 0041xx is a "background sample" (RomeBackgroundWiki)RomeBackgroundWiki 0042xx is a sample owned by the standard model group (RomeStandardWiki)RomeStandardWiki 0043xx is a sample owned by the Higgs group (RomeHiggsWiki)RomeHiggsWiki 0044xx is a sample owned by the SUSY group (RomeSUSYWiki)RomeSUSYWiki 0045xx is a sample owned by the Top (RomeTopWiki)RomeTopWiki 0046xx is a sample owned by the Exotics group (RomeExoticWiki)RomeExoticWiki 0047xx is a sample owned by the B-group (RomeBWiki)RomeBWiki 0048xx is a sample owned by the Jet/Missing Et group (JetMissingET)JetMissingET

8 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 811 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  Production@ RZG (Nektarios.B et al.)  Very powerful cluster  5 IBM BladeCenter Chassis, 14 blades each  2 Xeon 3.02 GHz 64bit, 2 GB RAM, Gb LAN / blade  ATLAS software setup@RZG Sun Grid Engine (SGE) batch queue system successful  tested from generation up to digitization process using ATLAS Relkit 9.0.4  Once ATLAS Relkit 10.0.0 is installed (with the update of G4PhysicsList) the above steps and reconstruction step (CBNT/ESD/AOD produced) will be tested  data and tape access via afs  also a CERN/Castor space “/castor/” is reserved for MPI (thanks to Dario B. and Gilbert P.)  Documentation on HOWTO use RZG/SGE batch queue for Rome MC production is available  /afs/ipp/home/n/nectar/public/mpi_prod/HowTo_RZG_SGE.pdf  Example dir  /afs/ipp/home/n/nectar/public/mpi_prod/partgen_simul  /afs/ipp/home/n/nectar/public/mpi_prod/physics_channels  Many thanks to:  Stefan K., Sven M., RZG personnel  responsive and helpful  An initial thought:  MPIAtlasComputing - the page(‘ala wiki’) for the MPI ATLAS Computing group under AtlasComputing webpage  HowTos HowTos  Know-How Know-How  Presentations Presentations  Feedback, Volunteers, suggestion are welcome… ATLAS Software Status towards RomePhysicsWorkshop READY TO START

9 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 911 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  Several major milestones in 2005  MPI Rome MC data production using RZG/SGE batch system is ready to start  First priority the production supervision helping the “producers”  Rome workshop  full cavern background included (needed for commissioning):  overburden, access shafts, scaffolding, etc.  Cosmics Data preparation / Digitization updates  MuonSpectrometer Reconstruction Performance  Test performance with Physics samples Z->mumu, H->4mu, SUSY, etc  DC3 project  Simulation Release  Realistic “As-Built” Geometry  Mis-Alignment, Mis-Calibration  Data Set Requests by June  Reconstruction Release  Re-Align Data, Determine Mis-Alignment?  Produce Data for Physics Readiness Report(PRR) and Test LCG-n,Test Next Generation of LCG Tools, Middleware  Muon Calibration and Alignment  initial set of algorithms and corrections for DC3 studies  test the Calibration and Alignment Infrastructure Calibration & Alignment Algorithms  Filling of Conditions Database (COOL)  Access to Data in Athena using the IOV (Interval of Validity) Service Future Plans - Conclusions

10 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 1011 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI  Computing TDR  Previous planning available in two different forms at ATLAS WBS Excel file:  ning/current_plan.xls ning/current_plan.xls  Muon planning web pages:  A tremendous amount of progress in 2004  Geant4 has been a great success as a production simulation tool  Useful experience gained from with DC2 Conclusions - Future Plans

11 ATLAS-MPI Meeting 1111 March. 2005 Nektarios Benekos MPI 2003 POOL/SEAL release (done) ATLAS release 7 (with POOL persistency) (done) LCG-1 deployment (done) ATLAS complete Geant4 validation (done) ATLAS release 8 (done) DC2 Phase 1: simulation production (done) DC2 Phase 2: intensive reconstruction (the real challenge!) LATE! Combined test beams (barrel wedge) (done) Computing Model paper (done) Computing Memorandum of Understanding (in progress) ATLAS Computing TDR and LCG TDR (starting) DC3: produce data for PRR and test LCG-n Physics Readiness Report Start cosmic ray run GO! 2004 2005 2006 2007 NOW ATLAS Computing TimeLine (acc. To Dario)

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