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How good it is to thank the L ORD, to praise your name with tuneful chord, to show your love with morning light and tell your faithfulness each night.

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Presentation on theme: "How good it is to thank the L ORD, to praise your name with tuneful chord, to show your love with morning light and tell your faithfulness each night."— Presentation transcript:

1 How good it is to thank the L ORD, to praise your name with tuneful chord, to show your love with morning light and tell your faithfulness each night. Yes, it is good your praise to sing, and all our sweetest music bring. [Sing to the Lord 92]

2 2. O L ORD, my song with joy expands before the wonders of your hands. How great the works that you have wrought; how deep, O L ORD, your ev’ry thought! A foolish man knows not their worth, nor he whose mind is of the earth.

3 3. Though as the grass the wicked grow, those evildoers do not know the endless ruin they will see. But G OD will reign eternally. All foes will fall before his might; the wicked shall be put to flight.

4 4. O L ORD, you have exalted me with royal strength and dignity. With your anointing I am blest; your grace and favour on me rest. My eyes have seen the wicked die; my ears have heard their hopeless cry.

5 5. The righteous all will flourish well and in the house of God will dwell. They will be planted like a tree, will still in old age fruitful be. The L ORD our God is upright, just; he is my rock; in him I trust. Sing to the Lord 92 Public domain Text: Psalter Hymnal, 1957, alt. Tune: Ernest R. Kroeger, 1901

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