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Presentation on theme: "LEVEL ONE NCEA UNIT STANDARD, 2 CREDITS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Why are we doing this? This is an introduction to what it is like to do NCEA. We like to give you a little taste of what study at Senior level will be like for you. We also think that it is important that you have evidence that you have taken part and understand the process of a powhiri for future employees and/or courses.

3 Time frame Today you have learnt a waiata and a bit about powhiri, marae and the way you should behave while visiting. You should go through the rest of this powerpoint and make notes about what you will have to do on Thursday for the NCEA Unit Standard. You can then spend the rest of this period doing a bit of research using the research sheet in your booklet on pages 5, 6 &7. On either Tuesday or Wednesday, you will take a trip to Omaka Marae. There you will participate in a real powhiri and learn more about Maori perspectives of the world. You should keep notes during the day on things you learn and in particular, pay close attention to the order of the powhiri and what happens. On Thursday, you will then have 3 periods to make and complete your brochure in a computer room. At the end of this time you need to upload a good copy to the Moodle submission box. And staple a paper copy into your booklets.

4 The task: This assessment activity requires you to describe the protocols and roles associated with pōwhiri in accordance with tikanga. It is worth 2 credits and Level One. Task: You are about to accompany a group of our foreign exchange students on a noho at a local marae in the Marlborough region. Your teacher has asked you to prepare a pamphlet for them that explains the protocols and roles that they can expect to see and to play during the pōwhiri welcoming them on to the marae. You want to make this pamphlet as interesting as possible and should include the following: An introduction to the marae they are visiting A visual presentation of the pōwhiri experience, with written explanations of protocols (such as karanga, whaikōrero and waiata) and roles (such as kaikaranga, kaikōrero and kaiwaiata) that they can expect to see and take part in at that particular marae. For each protocol and role, you need to identify any local rituals that are particular to that marae. For each protocol and role, you need to explain the tikanga (appropriate behaviour) behind these practices and provide consequences for any breaches when tikanga is not followed.

5 First part: Introduce the Marae
Say where it is e.g Omaka Marae is situated…. Say the tribe it is associated with: The iwi associated with this marae are… They have been in the area of Omaka since… Say how old it is: The marae was built in… Description of features: The whare nui has… on its ridgepole who was an ancestor of the tribe. He is important because…

6 Second Part: Process of a powhiri
1. Define what the purpose of a powhiri is in 1-3 simple sentences 2. Then go step by step through the process of a powhiri: E.g. Step x: Hongi: This is when the manuhiri (visitors) and tangata whenua (people of the marae) rub noses is a gesture of welcome. This happens outside the entrance to the marae. It is important that men go first followed by the women because…

7 Third Part: Roles Provide definitions for the following and what they do during the powhiri. In particular you have to stay what their position is when they do their role: Manuhiri Tangata Whenua Kaikaranga Whaikorero Kaiwaita: e.g. the kaikaranga is… They do…. This is an important role because… When they do this role they usually… (explain where they are standing and with who in relation to the whare nui)

8 Fourth part: Bibliography
You need to give references to show where you got your information from Remember to take a pen, paper and your booklet to Omaka marae as you can interview the people there about the marae and their powhiri process.


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