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Presentation on theme: "MD SHAHADAT HOSSAIN Head Line Here MD. SHAHADAT HOSSAIN."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Know your objective like the back of your hand. To make your design effective, it’s important that you understand what it’s for. The purpose of the brochure will point you to the right direction. Is it for a benefit concert? A contest? An advertising tool? An event?

3 2. Know your customers. Since a brochure is a communication tool, it’s important that you know your target market. This way, you’ll be able to capture their interests. For instance, if you’re targeting foodies, then choose a design that has something to do with cooking or gastronomical delights.

4 3. Be creative, be unique. Creativity is important to set you apart from your competition. In this time and age when the level of creativity of designers is staggering, uniqueness is paramount.

5 4. Practice font restraints. When you start designing for a project, it’s easy enough to go overboard with the font or fonts you’d like to use. While it can be amusing to see a brochure in multiple fonts, it can also be discouraging for others, particularly for potential customers.

6 5. Go straight to the point. It’s a brochure. It’s not a book. Steer clear from the temptation of listing down all the achievements and successes of your company. Avoid putting in all the information about your product or service. Too much information will just confuse the readers and dilute the main point of the brochure.

7 6. Avoid big words. The more complex the words you use, the lesser the credibility you’ll receive. You don’t have to impress your audience with fuzzy words. In fact, the more you use them, the harder it is for you to convey your main point. For brochures, simple English is the best route to take.

8 7. Design for your readers. One of the Achilles’ heels of many graphic designers is their struggle to prioritize the design for their readers and take what they want at the backseat.

9 8. Put an emphasis on the headline. The headline of the brochure should instantly tell the readers what the leaflet is all about. For instance, if it’s for advertising, the headline should convey the product or service being offered and what it can do for its user.

10 9. Add a call-to-action. However well-designed your brochure is, if it doesn’t include a call-to-action, it won’t serve its true purpose. Never assume that your audience will buy your product or go to your event just because they’re moved by your beautiful brochure. It doesn’t work that way.

11 10. Choose the right colors. This is one of the challenges of creating a great brochure. People respond to colors differently. Some hate a particular color on sight, while others will pick up a brochure because of its colors. Just like with fonts, if the company has signature colors, use them. And then branch out to different shades and tones using the trademark colors.

12 11. Use high-quality paper. When it comes to marketing, flimsy brochure paper is the equivalent of a weak handshake. To make a good impression and promote confidence, mind what paper you use. Choose high-quality paper to stand out. It may be pricier than regular, flimsy ones, but it will show you care for your brand and made an effort for your readers.


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