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By: Kimberly Pires. Introduction You are on a special mission for the president of the United States. You are going on an expedition to the new lands.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Kimberly Pires. Introduction You are on a special mission for the president of the United States. You are going on an expedition to the new lands."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Kimberly Pires

2 Introduction You are on a special mission for the president of the United States. You are going on an expedition to the new lands that the United States hopes to annex. Before the president can do so he needs YOUR help!

3 TASK You will become an expert on one of the new territories. You must learn as much as you can about the territory and report your findings back to the president.

4 Process Step 1 You will be assigned a partner. Each of you will be asked to chose one of the two territories to research. You need to become an expert on your territory’s geography, climate, imports, exports, and daily activities of the native people.

5 Process Step 2 Learn about your territory -Print out the Expedition Journal to record your findings.Expedition Journal -Click on the picture of your territory below to get started. Make the U.S. proud! AlaskaHawaii

6 Alaska Click on the links below to travel to Alaska! All about Alaska Alaska's Environment Facts and Photos You should answer the following questions in your Expedition Journal based on your findings: Where is Alaska located? What is the climate of Alaska? What are the major imports and exports of Alaska? What are Alaskan communities like? What is the Culture of the Native People like?

7 Hawaii Click on the links below to travel to Hawaii! All about Hawaii Hawaii's Environment Facts and Photos You should answer the following questions in your Expedition Journal based on your findings: Where is Hawaii located? What is the climate of Hawaii? What are the major imports and exports of Hawaii? What are Hawaiian communities like? What are activities that Hawaiians partake in?

8 Process Step 3 Practice for your big interview with the president. Share the findings of your expedition with your partner. Be sure to share your findings on your territory's geography, climate, imports and exports, and daily life.

9 Process Step 4 You will create a travel brochure to highlight the key findings of your expedition and present it to the president during your interview. Your brochure should include the information your gathered from in your Expedition Journal as well as pictures and fun facts you gathered on your travel

10 Rubric CATEGORY4321 Effective Use of Research Researchers independently locate interesting information for EACH of their ideas or questions. Researchers independently locate information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions. Researchers, with some adult help, locate information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions. Researchers, with extensive adult help, locate information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions. Completion of Expedition Journal Student has developed an effective journal for organizing the information as it is gathered and in the final research product. Student can independently explain the planned organization of the research findings. Student has developed a journal for organizing the information in the final research product. Student can independently explain this journal. Student has developed a journal for organizing the information as it is gathered. Student can independently explain most of this journal. Students have no journal for organizing the information AND/OR student cannot explain the content of the journal Presentation to Partner Student independently develops a presentation clearly answering all 5 components of the assignment. Student independently develops a presentation clearly answering at least 4 components of the assignment. Student independently develops a presentation clearly answering at least 3 components of the assignment. Student is unable to independently answer any components of the assignment. Travel BrochureStudent independently create a reasonable, insightful, and creative travel brochure that highlights all 5 components of assignment. Student independently create a reasonable, insightful, and creative travel brochure that highlights at least 4 components of assignment. Student independently create a reasonable, insightful, and creative travel brochure that highlights at least 3 components of assignment. Student is unable to independently create a reasonable, insightful, and creative travel brochure. Does not highlight any components of the assignment.

11 A message from the White House… The president of the United States of America would like to commend you on your fine work as an American citizen. You have displayed exemplary skills as an explorer. The United States now has a plan for annexing Alaska and Hawaii!

12 Teacher Page Standard 1 History of the United States and New York Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York. Standard 2 World History Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.

13 Teacher Page Standard 3 Geography Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live—local, national, and global—including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.

14 References states/hawaii-facts/ states/hawaii-facts/ states/alaska-facts/ states/alaska-facts/

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