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Smoky Mountains Library Research. Warm-Up Formulate a theory of how the Smoky Mountains got its name? Knowing what you know about the national park. If.

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Presentation on theme: "Smoky Mountains Library Research. Warm-Up Formulate a theory of how the Smoky Mountains got its name? Knowing what you know about the national park. If."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoky Mountains Library Research

2 Warm-Up Formulate a theory of how the Smoky Mountains got its name? Knowing what you know about the national park. If you were given the responsibility of choosing a name for this park in 1934 what name would you have given it.

3 Science Standard 0807.5.1 Identify various criteria used to classify organism into groups

4 Essential Questions Design a computerized poster to classify the four layers of the forest.


6 Layers of the Forest A – Emergent -are trees whose crowns emerge above the rest of the canopy.

7 Canopy B – Canopy - is the layer where the crowns of most of the forest's trees meet and form a thick layer. Question – Why would it be better to be an emergent plant than a plant in the canopy? (Level V – Judging)

8 Understory C - Understory – Consists of immature trees Shorter than the canopy Provides shelter for many animals When gaps form in the canopy, takes advantage and grows to fill the canopy.

9 Forest Floor D – Forest floor blanketed with decaying leaves, twigs, fallen trees, animal scat, moss, and other detritus. The forest floor is where recycling occurs, fungi, insects, bacteria, and earthworms are among the many organisms that break down waste materials and ready them for reuse and recycling throughout the forest system.

10 Question Would it be better if you were an organism to live on the forest floor or in the canopy? What motive would an emergent plant have? Can you list the layers from the forest floor up? What is the function of organisms on the forest floor?

11 Assignment/Research Using website, research plants that live on the forest floor, understory, canopy, and emergent levels of the Smoky Mountains. Identify four kinds of plants for each level. Open a new Word document Using the tool in Word, create a computerized poster with the four layers of the forest and insert plants/trees at each level.

12 Word Document PlantLevelPicture 1. 2. 3. 4.

13 Summary Can you explain what might have happened if no emergent plants are in this level?

14 Day 2

15 Warm-up What changes occur on the forest floor to leaves that gather there in the fall?

16 Standard 0807.5.3 Compare and contrast the ability of an organism to survive under different environmental conditions.

17 Essential Question Compare and contrast the ability of an organism to survive under different environmental conditions in the Smoky Mountains.

18 Plant Adaptation

19 View from Wears Valley Plants here need plenty of sunlight. What adaptation would they need in this area?

20 Adaptation Become dormant in the winter Insect resistant Shred their leaves until spring Question: What other possible adaptation would these organism have?

21 View from a walking trail

22 Evergreens Organisms Stays green year round Leaves waxy Limb pliable to allow snow and ice to slide off Prevents breakage

23 Adaptation at Higher Altitudes er_embedded&v=uq2aHpqxKn0#t=0 er_embedded&v=uq2aHpqxKn0#t=0

24 Assignment Go to the National Park Great Smoky Mountains website. Look for September in the Park photo gallery What level would each of the following be located? What adaptation would each need to survive the winter and summer in the Smokies? How do you save your work to your folder?

25 Photo Gallery/Find Hearts-a-bustin-with-love Early September wildflowers at Newfound Gap Goldenrod and white snakeroot Beebalm PlantsLevelAdaptation 1. 2. 3.

26 Day 3 Video cam from top of mountain.

27 Warm-up Go to the National Park site and view the foliage from upper elevation to middle elevation. Save pictures and date them today’s date

28 Standard 0807.5.3 Compare and contrast the ability of an organism to survive under different environmental conditions.

29 Essential Question Compare and contrast the ability of an organism to survive under different environmental conditions in the Smoky Mountains.

30 Vocabulary/Define These Amphibians – Salamanders - Frogs - Toads -

31 Questions Why are salamanders sometimes called “spring lizards”? What adaptive characteristics would a salamander have? What forest level would they live? m/naturescience/amphi bians.htm m/naturescience/amphi bians.htm Visit the site above.

32 Assignment/ Scavenger Hunt Find a list with all the salamanders in the park What paragraph is semi-aquatic located? What surrounds a salamander egg? How long can Hellbender become if protected? View the video on Hellbenders. What has endangered this species? Where are these amphibians mostly located?

33 Summary What adaptive characteristic would salamanders need to survive the Smoky Mountains?

34 Day 4

35 Warm-up Go to the National Park site and view the foliage from upper elevation to middle elevation. Save pictures and date them today’s date

36 Standard (Science) 0807.5.3 Compare and contrast the ability of an organism to survive under different environmental conditions.

37 Essential Question Compare and contrast the ability of an organism to survive under different environmental conditions in the Smoky Mountains.

38 Animal Adaptation Padded footing or paws Thick fur (Winter coat) Create burrows Camouflage Keen hearing Smell What other adaptation would animals need?

39 Animals in the Park 1,500 brown bears live in the park area. How do they survive their environment? What adaptive characteristics do they have?

40 Bull Elk What adaptive characteristic would elk in the park need to survive their environment? What is that around his neck? What season might this be in the photo?

41 Predict the elevation by foliage

42 Assignment What kinds of animals would you find on the forest floor? Understory? Canopy? Emergent? Create a list of five animals found in each level and list their adaptive characteristics.

43 Summary Visit this site lanyourvisit/wildlife- viewing-gallery.htm lanyourvisit/wildlife- viewing-gallery.htm

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