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JEOPARDY Tissues and the Integumentary System Walker, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY Tissues and the Integumentary System Walker, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY Tissues and the Integumentary System Walker, 2010

2 Epithelial Tissue Epidermis & Dermis Skin Disorders Skin Cancer Skin Receptors 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy #1#2

3 Epithelial Tissue - 100 Epithelial tissue includes and. EpitheliaGlands

4 Epithelial Tissue - 200 Transitional epithelium is found in the. What is its function? Function = expansion and recoil urinary bladder

5 Epithelial Tissue - 300 Glands that secrete hormones into the blood or tissue fluids, and are ductless are called…? Endocrine Glands

6 Epithelial Tissue - 400 What mode of secretion involves the product being released from the secretory vesicles by exocytosis? Merocrine

7 Epithelial Tissue - 500 Name the 3 main types of intercellular connections. Tight Junctions Gap Junctions Desmosomes

8 Epidermis & Dermis - 100 What makes up your fingerprints? Epidermal ridges

9 Epidermis & Dermis - 200 An epidermal layer found only in the skin of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet is the. stratum lucidum

10 Epidermis & Dermis - 300 What are the 2 primary pigments contained in the epidermis? Carotene and Melanin

11 Epidermis & Dermis - 400 Name 4 functions of the skin. Protection Excretion (of salts and water) Maintenance (of body temp.) Synthesis of vitamin D 3 Storage of lipids Detection (touch, temp., pain, & pressure)

12 Epidermis & Dermis - 500 Name all of the layers of the epidermis that are found in thick skin from deep to superficial. Stratum germinativum  stratum spinosum  stratum granulosum  stratum lucidum  stratum corneum

13 Skin Disorders - 100 Which disorder is caused by a fungal infection on the surface of the skin that results in the formation of red, ring-shaped spots? Ringworm

14 Skin Disorders - 200 Name the disorder where the skin and mucous membranes react severely to medication. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

15 Skin Disorders - 300 This non contagious skin disorder is caused by genetic and environmental factors forming itchy scaly rashes and peeling of the skin. Eczema

16 Skin Disorders - 400 This disorder is caused by a lack of protein attachments or hemidesmosomes that anchor the epidermis to the dermis causing severe blistering. Epidermolysis Bullosa

17 Skin Disorders - 500 Which disorder is an autoimmune skin disease that leads to a rapid onset of hair loss? Alopecia

18 Skin Cancer - 100 Who is more at risk to develop skin cancer? People with fair skin and/or red hair

19 Skin Cancer - 200 Which type of skin cancer is the most deadly? Melanoma

20 Skin Cancer - 300 What are the 3 types of skin cancer? Basal cell carcinoma Squamos cell carcinoma Melanoma

21 Skin Cancer - 400 Name 3 preventative measures to avoid developing skin cancer. 1.Wear sunblock 2. Wear a hat and clothing that covers your entire body 3.Avoid going outside during periods of intense sunlight (midday) 4. Avoid tanning booths 5. Have your skin checked by a dermatologist if you notice any irregularities or changes

22 Skin Cancer - 500 What are the ABCDs of determining whether a mole should be checked by a dermatologist? A: Asymmetry B: Border shape C: Color D: Diameter

23 Skin Receptors - 100 Skin receptors are found in which layer of the skin? Dermis

24 Skin Receptors - 200 What 2 receptors are stimulated by heat and cold? (Be specific!) Heat = Corpuscle of Ruffini Cold = Bulb of Krause

25 Skin Receptors – 300 Which skin receptor is sensitive to pressure and vibration? Pacinian Corpuscle

26 Skin Receptors - 400 Which skin receptor is very sensitive to touch and is on smooth skin? Meissner’s Corpuscle

27 Skin Receptors - 500 Which type of skin receptor is sensitive to touch and pressure, and is found on smooth or hairy skin Merkel’s discs

28 Final Jeopardy #1 What skin disorder did Mr. Alasti contract while working out in the weight room? Impetigo

29 Final Jeopardy #2 High sensitivity to touch in areas such as the lips and fingers results from what 2 main factors?

30 Final Jeopardy #2 High sensitivity to touch in areas such as the lips and fingers results from what 2 main factors? A large brain space devoted to those areas High density of receptors in those skin areas

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