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1 Ray B. Sizemore Director of Research, CUPA-HR David Morgan President, PeerFocus LLC CUPA-HR’s Surveys Online Using DataOnDemand CUPA-HR.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ray B. Sizemore Director of Research, CUPA-HR David Morgan President, PeerFocus LLC CUPA-HR’s Surveys Online Using DataOnDemand CUPA-HR."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ray B. Sizemore Director of Research, CUPA-HR David Morgan President, PeerFocus LLC CUPA-HR’s Surveys Online Using DataOnDemand CUPA-HR

2 2 Provide overview of DOD Describe how to use DOD Answer your questions Solicit your suggestions Today’s Objectives CUPA-HR

3 3 What is DOD? Structured data analysis tool Provides institution direct access to survey salary data Enables institution to compare its salaries for specific positions to those at institutional peer groups it defines Standard reports available – with options - to facilitate process Access to DOD through institutional subscription – multiple users allowed DOD brand new tool – will continue to evolve based on user feedback CUPA-HR

4 4 This is page you come to after logging in. Help links in upper right corner of every page provide introduction to each page and hints. Tab Interface Note blue menu- bar options, specific to each tab. Option in white text is active one. Update your Personal Info if out-of-date, esp. your email address. Home Page

5 5 What you can see and do is controlled by your account permissions. –If you don’t believe you are seeing what you should see (for instance your own institution’s salary data), contact me at –By same token, if you ever see data you believe you shouldn’t be seeing, also contact me! Security CUPA-HR

6 6 Comparison Group Tools Benchmarking Tools –Salary Reports –Slide Shows –Sorted Lists –Other interactive tools – Report Writer, Tables & Graphs, etc. DOD Tools CUPA-HR

7 7 Slide Shows is default page when you click DOD tab. However, first thing to do is create your comparison groups. Then you will probably want to go to Salary Reports. Default DOD Page

8 8 I clicked Comparison Group menu bar option and came to this page. If your group is small and you know the institutions to include, use “Create New Group from Scratch.” If your group is large or is based on specific criteria, try the “New Group Wizard.” Public Groups may also meet your needs at times or can be copied to your Personal Folder and be modified. You don’t need to copy a Public or Shared Group in order to use it however. The first group you create initializes your Personal Groups folder. Comparison Groups

9 9 I clicked “Create New Group from Scratch” link. I’ve already added two schools. Now I want to Add Visual School for the Arts. Type salient part of name in search box and hit Search button. It is best to type a small but unique part of the name. Don’t try to search on complete name. In this case, I am using just “visual.” Create New Group from Scratch

10 10 Two came back. Check institution you want in the search results. Here, you would want to check School of Visual Arts, the one you were after. Repeat search for more schools. Give group a name and hit Save List when done. Note: 8 is min number for a comparison group – each group must differ by 3. New Group from Scratch – cont.

11 11 Next 2 slides display the Comparison Group Wizard pop-up window. Requires scrolling to see all its options. Wizard is a querying tool that allows you to create a Group based on specific characteristics and some survey data. Make all the Selections you want and hit Search. Lots of Instructions are provided. Comparison Group Wizard CUPA-HR

12 12

13 13

14 14 Here are the results after you run the Wizard. If not happy with the results, adjust the Wizard selections and run again. Or add by Name search. When satisfied, name and save group. Close Wizard window. New Group Wizard - cont.

15 15 Now you have Demo Group in your Personal Groups folder. Note minus sign in box by Your Personal Groups and plus sign in box by Public Groups. These collapse and expand the group lists. Note check box next to Demo Group. To remove a Comparison Group from the drop-down lists used in DataOnDemand, uncheck the box and hit one of the Save Changes button. The Group isn’t lost, it is still there for you and you can get it back in drop- down lists by re-checking it and hitting Save Changes. Demo Group Now Permanent Choice

16 16 The special Salary Reports should meet most of your needs Two types of reports –Multi-position: provides information for all (or self- selected) positions at once –Single position: provides detailed information for a single position Both reports provide data for your (Focus) Institution and Comparison Group Salary Reports CUPA-HR

17 17 I’ve clicked the Salary Reports menu-bar option. As you can see, this person has access to AdComp and Mid-Level Salary reports, but not to the NFSS reports (they aren’t underlined). Multi-Position reports provide a lot, but not all, of the information collected. But they cover all or self-selected positions all at once. Single Position reports cover only a single position, but give you aggregated details on all the variables collected on that position. Click a desired report. Salary Reports - Menu

18 18 Here’s what the AdComp Multi- Position Report selection screen looks like. Once you see your way around this one, the rest will be easy. Your choices are few and self-explanatory. Except for the Comparison Group, the default options will often be what you want. Positions your institution reported on will be checked by default. You can change these. Salary Reports – Selection Screen

19 19 Here’s what the output looks like. If you are using a large comparison group, it may take awhile for the report to appear in your browser. It takes a lot to generate this report on the fly. Each report is fully annotated as to the selections made to create it. N refers to number of incumbents, but results won’t display for a position that has less than 4 INSTITUTIONS (a number which is not visible) providing data for it. Note Copy & Paste link under menu bar. Salary Reports - Output

20 20 After clicking Copy & Paste Mode link, you highlight the whole report starting with the title through to the CUPA-HR copyright notice at the end. Don’t worry if the text gets garbled looking as you are highlighting it. After its all highlighted, copy to your clipboard. Then switch to Excel and paste it in. Salary Reports – Copy & Paste

21 21 Once pasted into Excel (use Paste, not Paste Special), you will need to clean up the formatting a bit. Delete blank rows at the top that are highlighted in example to right. Adjust column widths and then row heights. If you get the first column wide enough so that the position titles don’t wrap, you can then highlight the whole spreadsheet (click little gray box in upper left corner above the 1 and to left of the A) and do Format/Row/Autofit and all the rows will resize to a good height. Salary Reports – Copied to Excel

22 22 Here’s how it looks in Excel after those few steps. All the Salary Reports work this same way. Salary Reports – Formatted in Excel

23 23 This is the default Slide Show page. There are Public Slide Shows visible. These have been created to provide some additional aggregate statistics that don’t appear in the Salary Reports. You can also create your own slide shows too, but we can’t get into that today. There is a lot of help on Shows. I’m going to click on the First AdComp Slide Show. Slide Shows

24 24 Although “Include Focus Institution” is checked, its data will not appear because these Slide Shows were defined as Summary Display Only. Otherwise, these reports would have been very long but would have shown no other institution- specific data anyway due to need to protect confidentiality. Slide Shows

25 25 Here’s what a slide in the Show looks like. Note the options in the menu bar. You can scroll through the show one position at a time, or you can use “Jump To:” to go directly to a specific position. Salary Reports can’t be made into Slides. All other DOD outputs can. Slide Shows

26 26 Sorted Lists allow you to see individual inputs by institutions in your comp group on a variable, like a position’s salary. If a variable is Confidential – which most are in salary surveys – you will see the input, but not the names of the institutions. Institutional Basics is not confidential – if you select Budget, Student FTE or Faculty FTE, you will see the names of institutions. Sorted Lists

27 27 Here’s the output. If Total Operating Budget had been the selected variable, you would see the institution’s names, because its not a confidential variable. Sorted Lists

28 28 Tables & Graphs allows you to see multiple years of data for a single variable 3 years of data available in DOD. (2 for Inst. Basics) You can click on an underlined value in the Comparison Group and it will pop- up detail on the actual values behind the aggregate amounts. You can add Comparison Groups, you can switch to a graph view of the data and a number of other options. You will need to experiment with it and also read the Help. Tables & Graphs

29 29 Here’s Report Writer (4 th from the left menu bar choice). Report Writer allows you to see multiple variables at once – but for only 1 year at a time. To select variables to include in a report, you first select a Variable Family. You then select one or more Variables to include by highlighting them (while holding down the control key) – then click Add. Report Writer

30 30 Variables now appear above the Generate Report button. You can add as many variables as you want – but the more you add, the slower report will run and more difficult it will be to print results. Report Writer

31 31 Here’s a sample of the output from Report Writer. Note, you can highlight the the report body, copy it to your clipboard, and then paste it into Excel, Word, or another application. You can also save it as a Slide. Report Writer

32 32 Here’s what it looks like after pasting into Excel and adjusting columns and rows. Report Writer

33 33 Questions and Suggestions CUPA-HR

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