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Learning to learn roadshow Tuesday 24 th May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning to learn roadshow Tuesday 24 th May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning to learn roadshow Tuesday 24 th May 2011

2 Learning to learn roadshow To help you better understand some of the effective ways in which we help children at St Anne’s to learn to the best of their ability.

3 Tuesday 24 th May 2011Learning to learn roadshow Programme 1.Exhibition 2.Introduction 3.Learning session 4.Learning about learning 5.Question time

4 Tuesday 24 th May 2011Learning to learn roadshow steps to success learning walk learning partners peer assessment experts pit stop plenary

5 Tuesday 24 th May 2011Learning to learn roadshow To make the link between the activities and the desired learning. To help the children to succeed. To help everyone to assess the learning. Learning outcome Learning activities Steps to success What do we want the children to do? What do we want the children to learn?

6 English lesson Autumn

7 Learning Outcome I will be able to write powerful, descriptive sentences.


9 L.O. I will be able to write powerful, descriptive sentences. Steps to Success

10 L.O. I will be able to write powerful, descriptive sentences. Steps to Success Use describing words. Use similes Add detail


12 Learning About Learning St Anne’s Catholic Primary School May 11 Jonathan Roddick Senior Consultant for Primary Learning & Teaching

13 Introducing Emily ‘I guess I could call myself smart. I can usually get good grades. Sometimes I worry, though, that I’m just a tape recorder…I worry that once I’m out of school and people don’t keep handing me information with questions, I’ll be lost.’ Emily, aged 15, GCSE student Quoted from the QCA ‘Futures Project’ Guy Claxton

14 Assessment for Learning at St Anne’s

15 ( in)formative

16 Assessment for Learning at St Anne’s ( in)formative teaching

17 Assessment for Learning at St Anne’s ( in)formative teaching involvement pupil

18 Assessment for Learning at St Anne’s ( in)formative teaching pupil involvement impact!

19 …a final thought “Since we cannot know what knowledge they will need, it is senseless to try to teach it in advance. Instead our job must be to turn out people who love learning so much, and who learn so well, that they will be able to learn whatever needs to be learned.” John Holt

20 reference documents The Cambridge Primary Review Twenty Outstanding Primary Schools – Ofsted Assessment Outside of the Box – I of E (London) Working Inside the Black Box – I of E (London) AfL Strategy – National Strategies Towards Dialogic Teaching – Prof Robin Alexander AfL Why, What & How - Prof Dylan Wiliam Managing Assessment for Learning – AAIA Building Learning Power – Guy Claxton The Futures Project – QCA About Learning - Demos

21 Tuesday 24 th May 2011Learning to learn roadshow Question time

22 Tuesday 24 th May 2011Learning to learn roadshow What next? An opportunity for you to see the techniques in action in your child’s class A further roadshow aimed at helping you to use learning to learn techniques to support your child at home A learning to learn booklet (possibly written by the children) Your ideas!

23 Tuesday 24 th May 2011Learning to learn roadshow

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