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BIPLAB KUMAR CHOWDHURY Assistant Teacher RAMMOHON TOMIZIA HIGH SCHOOL Barura, Comilla. Mobile no. : 01813960159

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2 BIPLAB KUMAR CHOWDHURY Assistant Teacher RAMMOHON TOMIZIA HIGH SCHOOL Barura, Comilla. Mobile no. : 01813960159 Email :

3 Class : Six Section : A Subject : English 1 st paper Name of topic : UNITY IS STRENGTH (story) Time : 40 minutes. Date :

4 OBJECTIVES After the lesson the learners will able to  understand the heading of the story.  complete the story.  give the suitable title of the story.


6 Q. What can you see?Q. Can you guess what they are doing? Q. What are they doing?


8 Read the following incomplete story. Use your imagination to complete the story and give a little title to it. A farmer had three sons. The sons always quarreled. This made the farmer unhappy. He tried to bring them to their sense but failed. At last, he thought of a plan………… GKw`b K…lK Zuvi †Q‡j‡`i‡K wKQz KvwV Avb‡Z Ges GMz‡jv‡K GKwU AuvwU‡Z euva‡Z ej‡jb| wZwb Zv‡`i‡K AuvwUwU fv½‡Z Av‡`k w`‡jb| Zviv †Póv Kij wKš‘ KvwV¸‡jvi AuvwUwU fv½†Z cvij bv| Zvici e„`&a †jvKwU AvuwUwUi euvab Lyj‡jb Ges Zv‡`i cÖ‡ZK†K GKwU K‡i KvwV w`‡jb| G mgq Zviv mnRfv‡e cÖ‡ZK KvwV †f‡½ †djj| H D`vniY n‡Z Zviv Kx wkL‡Z cvij ZLb Zv‡`i evev Zv‡`i‡K wRÁvmv Ki‡jb| †Q‡jiv Dˇi ejj Zviv hw` ci¯úi SMov K‡i Zviv `~e©j n‡q co‡e Ges kÎyiv Zv‡`i mn‡RB ÿwZ Ki‡Z cvi‡e| Zvici †_‡K, †Q‡jiv SMov Kiv eÜ Kij Ges GKmv‡_ KvR kyiæ Kij| me‡k‡l Zviv eyS‡Z cvij GKZvB kw³|

9 A farmer had three sons. The sons always quarreled. This made the farmer unhappy. He tried to bring them to their sense but failed. At last, he thought of a plan. One day the farmer called his sons to bring some sticks and tie them in a bundle. He told them to break – the bundle. They tried but could not break the bundle of sticks. Thin the old man untied the bundle and gave a single stick to each one of them. This time they broke the single piece of stick quite easily. Then their father asked them what lesson they got from that example. The sons replied that if they quarreled with each other, they would be weaker and enemies could easily do harm to them. Since then, the sons stopped quarreling and started working together. Finally they could realize that unity is strength.

10 EVALUTION  Now tell the story

11 HOME WORK Write a another same story to give the title UNITY IS STRENGTH


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