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GRILLING AND BROILING CAH II 6.06 BENNERS. PRINCIPLES OF GRILLING/BROILING Grilling and broiling are dry heat methods in which food in cooked by placing.

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Presentation on theme: "GRILLING AND BROILING CAH II 6.06 BENNERS. PRINCIPLES OF GRILLING/BROILING Grilling and broiling are dry heat methods in which food in cooked by placing."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRINCIPLES OF GRILLING/BROILING Grilling and broiling are dry heat methods in which food in cooked by placing food either directly above or directly below a heat source – fire, heating elements or surfaces, heated coals, etc. Grilling and broiling are excellent methods of browning the outsides of foods and cooking thin food items (i.e. hotdogs, ham burgers, steaks, slices of pineapple). Grilling also imparts a smoky flavor.

3 THE GRILLARDIN In the classical kitchen brigade it is the grillardin who is responsible for the preparation of grilled foods. You will learn some of what a grillardin must know.

4 GRILLING / BROILING VEGETABLES Vegetables are either wrapped in aluminum foil (which steams the food within the wrappings), put on skewers, or placed directly on the grill The delicacy of the vegetable or duration of time that food will be cooked will determine the cooking methods used

5 GRILLING / BROILING VEGETABLES 1. Corn (seed) – often wrapped or placed directly on the grill 2. Eggplant (fruit vegetable) – sliced and placed on the grill or chunks on skewers 3. Mushrooms (fungus) – large mushroom caps placed on the grill or smaller, whole on skewers 4. Onions (onion / bulb) – slices of onion the grills or chunks on skewers, develops a caramelized flavor and appearance.

6 GRILLING / BROILING VEGETABLES 5. Peppers (fruit vegetable) – slices placed on the grill or chunks on skewers; perhaps whole, charred then peeled 6. Potatoes (root / tuber) – wrapped in foil 7. Squash and Zucchini (squash) – slices placed on grill or chunks on skewers 8. Tomatoes (fruit vegetable) – whole cherry placed on skewers

7 GRILLING / BROILING FRUITS Fruits may also be grilled or broiling. Typically the skin will be left on. Most fruits are sliced and placed in the grill with or without additional sugar to assist in browning. Must be cooked quickly. Overcooked fruits will be mushy and lose their shape

8 GRILLING / BROILING FRUITS Common preparation for typically grilled fruits:  1. Apples (pomes) - halves  2. Bananas (tropical) - whole  3. Peaches (drupes) – halves  4. Pineapples (tropical) - sliced

9 APPLY IT 1.Give some examples of grilled 1.tropical fruits 2.Squash 3.Seed vegetables 4.Bulb vegetables 2.Describe their preparation prior to being put on the grill.

10 GRILLING / BROILING MEATS When meats are grilled or broiled they are normally cut into thin slices (typically no thicker than 1” – 1.5”) or they are put into bite size pieces on a skewer. Uniformity in grilled items is important to make sure that products can be cooked inside without burning outside. Minimum internal temperatures for grilled or broiled foods must be taken in order to determine doneness.

11 GRILLING / BROILING MEATS Grilling or broiling meats retains more vitamins, especially B Vitamins, compared to braising and stewing Beef – often in ground into patties – like hamburgers, chunks like for kabobs or steaks such as tenderloin Well marbled steaks have better flavor than those that are not. Pork – often steaks or chops but may be ground and shaped into patties Poultry – ground, chunks or whole pieces.

12 SEAFOOD 1. Fish – often grilled as fillets although sometimes whole  a. Fatty fish – tuna, salmon, sardines  b. Lean fish – catfish, tilapia, flounder

13 SEAFOOD 2. Shellfish – shrimp and other seafood with shells  a. Shucked – removed from the shell entirely; may be put on skewers or grilled en papillote  b. Half shell – shell partially removed  c. Unshucked – shell left on

14 SAFETY AND SANITATION Cook all foods to proper minimum internal temperatures  Grilled Chicken Breasts - 165 °F  Grilled Ground Turkey – 165 °F  Grilled Seafood - 145°F  Grilled Beef Steaks – 145 °F  Grilled Vegetables – 135 °F Avoid cross contamination Follow all sanitation procedures

15 APPLY IT Give some recommendations for grilling  Chicken / Poultry  Seafood  Beef Steaks  Vegetables Give examples that illustrate Avoiding cross contamination Following all sanitation procedures

16 EQUIPMENT Grill – often has a rack; uses a heat source such as charcoal, gas, electricity, or wood-fire. Broiler / Salamander – a piece of equipment that browns food on the top, has a rack to place food directly on or with a pan; uses either electricity or gas. Griddle – a flat surface used for cooking pancakes and other flat items Grooved Griddle – surface with grooves which create hatch marks like a grill and allow for grease to drain. Tongs / Spatulas – used for picking up and turning food safely. A UL tag on any piece of equipment indicates that it uses electricity Most grilling, if not using electricity, uses gas.

17 TECHNIQUE Pre-heat grill to appropriate temperature – typically 350°F. Put item on the grill, turning only once or twice to achieve cross hatch markings When a chef presses his or her finger onto a steak they are testing doneness. However, a meat thermometer is the best way to check doneness of food. Overcooked produce will be mushy and lose shape.

18 PLATING AND GARNISHING Always plate items with the most attractive cross hatch grill marks facing up. Vegetables may be served on skewers put guests need to have forks and knives to eat them with as they should be removed from the skewer before eating Grilled fruits after often served accompanying light cakes or ice creams Finishing sauces should be applied after cooking.

19 APPLY IT How should grilled items be plated? Name three pieces of equipment related to grilling or broiling? What are the essential points in grilling?

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