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The Progressives Who were they, and how did they address the problems plaguing America?

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressives Who were they, and how did they address the problems plaguing America?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressives Who were they, and how did they address the problems plaguing America?

2 Origins  Activists  Urban, Middle Class, and College Educated  Majority were white and many were women

3 Origins  Jane Addams – Hull House  Clean Up the Streets  Appointed Garbage Inspector

4 Political and Religious Roots  Populism  Primarily rural  Social Gospel  Social reform and Christianity go hand in hand  Society must take responsibility for the less fortunate.

5 Vs. Social Darwinism  Distortion of democracy  More Government  Social Reforms to clean up cities and help those in need.  NOT SOCIALIST  Agreed with Private Industry

6 The Fight  Tenement House Act of 1901  Department of Street Cleaning (the White Wings) – NYC

7 Fight for Children  National Child Labor Committee  Florence Kelley  Education  1870 – 500 High Schools  1910 – 10,000  Americanization  Juvenile Courts

8 Workplace  Lochner v. New York, 1905  Muller v. Oregon, 1908  Workers’ Comp  1916 – 2/3 of states

9 Political Reform  Get Rid of the Machines  Elect Progressives  City Commissions

10 Reforming the States  Get rid of Big Business  Secret Ballots  Direct Primaries  Recalls  Direct initiative  Referendum

11 Elect Progressives  Robert La Follette – Wisconsin  Hiram Johnson - California

12 Social Inequality  Women’s Suffrage  1848 – Seneca Falls, NY-Elizabeth Cady Stanton  National American Woman Suffrage Association - NAWSA

13 Social Inequality  African Americans  Tuskegee Institute  Booker T. Washington  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – NAACP, 1909  W.E.B. Dubois and Ida B. Wells-Barnett

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