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Intervention OR Review? March 18, 2013. Intervention Review Addresses needs based on data Instructionally based Review/Refresh skills Focused on what.

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Presentation on theme: "Intervention OR Review? March 18, 2013. Intervention Review Addresses needs based on data Instructionally based Review/Refresh skills Focused on what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intervention OR Review? March 18, 2013

2 Intervention Review Addresses needs based on data Instructionally based Review/Refresh skills Focused on what has been learned Normally not data driven


4 Intervention = Instruction

5 Transfer


7 6 th Grade Math  Brooke had 0.7 grams of pepper. Then she used 0.3 grams of the pepper to make some scrambled eggs. How much pepper does Brooke have left?  Ryan picked two pumpkins. The first pumpkin weighed 3 pounds, and the second pumpkin weighed 1.4 pounds. How much did the two pumpkins weigh all together?  It rained 3.7 inches on Monday. On Tuesday, it rained 3.3 inches less than on Monday. How much did it rain on Tuesday? 6.2B


9 Transfer Brainstorm! Come up with other examples for the trike curriculum applications! Record on a Post-It! Let’s see who can think of the most!

10 6 th Grade Math  Lin, a sixth-grader at Pleasant Valley School, won a giant fruit bar for selling the most posters in the school fundraiser. The bar is 10 inches by 10 inches and is marked into 100 square-inch sections. Lin decided to share her fruit bar with some friends. Lin gives.1 of the bar to Bailey. What two ways could Lin cut the bar to share it with Baily? 6.2B and 6.11B

11 Transfer

12 Provide Opportunities for Transfer  STAAR : Multiple novel items  Intervention : Apply learning

13 Practice Items  Have a time and place  Not in lesson  Review Unit Assessments

14 Rigorous Practice  Practice with lesson is appropriate

15 6 th Grade Math  Lin, a sixth-grader at Pleasant Valley School, won a giant fruit bar for selling the most posters in the school fundraiser. The bar is 10 inches by 10 inches and is marked into 100 square-inch sections. Lin decided to share her fruit bar with some friends.  Lin gives 0.1 of the bar to Bailey. Describe two ways Lin could cut the bar and share it with Baily.  Lin gives 0.25 to Lola. Describe three ways that she could cut the bar and share is with Lola.  Lin gives 1/50 of the bar to Patrick. Write a decimal that represents how much of the bar Patrick gets.  Shade a hundredths grid to show one way that Lin could cut all the sections to give to her friend mention above.

16 14

17 Talk with Students  STAAR : Model inferential thinking  Intervention : Assess, shape, extend thinking

18 Ask Questions (that we ourselves can answer)  STAAR : Complete answer  Intervention : Scaffold thinking

19 Check for Understanding (during teaching | after assessment }  STAAR : Self check of learning  Intervention : Redirect learning


21 If we know the mistakes that students usually make…

22 When (in the lesson) are you going to see it?

23 What are you going to do about it?

24 Provide Time to Think (wait time)  STAAR : Patient problem solving  Intervention : Allow processing time

25 Pace Instruction  STAAR : Full concept development  Intervention : Pre-teach | reteach

26 Provide Opportunities for Transfer  STAAR : Multiple Novel Items  Intervention : Apply Learning

27 Relevant Review

28 Focus TEKS for Intervention  Ways to select  Evidence of improvement.  Which the teachers liked best?  Rank and pull from the middle.  Which do we have resources for?  High impact.  OR a multiple of the above!

29 Planning Lessons  Heat Maps  Use Page 45 to plan instructional adjustments

30 Process for Intervention

31 6 th Grade Math Heat Map Readiness Standards SESTAARBM1BM 2 6.1(B) RC 142%4010 6.2(B) RC 143% 28 6.2(C) RC 142% 39 6.2(E) RC 160% 32 6.3(C) RC 252% 6.4(A) RC 255% 6.5(A) RC 258% 19 6.6(C) RC 341% 6.8(B) RC 444% 6.10(D) RC 539% Process Standards SESTAARBM1BM2 6.11(A)51% 42 6.11(B)40% 41 6.11(C)57% 17 6.11(D)46% 31 6.12(A)45% 10 6.13(A)41% 6.13(B)35%

32 6.1B Generate equivalent forms of rational number including whole numbers, fractions, and decimals 6.11C select or develop an appropriate problem-solving strategy Puts decimal in wrong place Doesn’t know where to start Doesn’t understand converting decimals to factions Type of ErrorExamples Procedural Errors Application Errors Conceptual Errors AreaAdjustment/Adaptation 6.1B Use griddables in class, use graph paper or place value charts 6.1B Tasks Analysis/Break up problem/Stop and think 6.1B Step by step process student centered 6. 11CStudents describe problem solving/conduct task analysis 6 th Grade Math

33 6.2B Use addition and subtraction to solve problems involving fractions and decimals 6.12A Communicate mathematical ideas using language, efficient tools, appropriate units and graphical, numerical, physical, or algebraic mathematical models Type of ErrorExamples Procedural Errors Makes addition or subtraction errors Application Errors Stops to early in problem solving Conceptual Errors Misconception in finding common denominators AreaAdjustment/Adaptation 6.2B Reteach finding common denominators by grouping students in pairs. 6.2B Teach the transfer application for addition and subtraction 6.2B Step by step process student centered or created 6. 12ACreate number sentences for novel problems 6 th Grade Math

34 Engagement!!!!!!!!

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