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Mobile Networks & Computing Mobile computing : Some Definitions 1 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Networks & Computing Mobile computing : Some Definitions 1 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Networks & Computing Mobile computing : Some Definitions 1 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

2 Course Content History of mobile Technology Principles of Mobile computing(definitions) Principles of Mobile computing (Introduction) Principles Of Mobile computing (devices) Mobile and ubiquious computing Cellular concept Cellullar and Mobile IP Satelite Communications Technology Wireless Technologies & SECURITY(BLUETOOTH, WIFI, WIMAX) 2 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

3 The Plan WkTopics 2 (13/2)History & intor 3 (20/2) Mobile computing(definitions) 4(27/2) Principles of Mobile computing (Introduction) 5(6/3) Principles Of Mobile computing (devices) 6 (13/3) Mobile and ubiquious computing 7 (20/3) Cellular concept 8(27/3) Test 9 (3/4) Cellullar and Mobile IP 10 (10/4) Satelite Communications Technology 11 (17/4) Wireless Technologies & SECURITY(BLUETOOTH, WIFI, WIMAX) 12 (24/4) Wireless Technologies & SECURITY(BLUETOOTH, WIFI, WIMAX) 13 (1/5)Presentations 14(8/5)Presentations 15 (15/5) Revision & AOB 3 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

4 Definitions (and some history) Mobile and nomadic computing Location-aware computing Context-aware computing Ubiquitous or pervasive computing Ambient intelligence Autonomic computing 4 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

5 Mobile or nomadic computing Personal computing anytime, anywhere – Mobile = continuous, on the move – Nomadic = multiple static locations Working away from the desktop, in the places where tasks are actually performed – Mobile people Migrating personal environments Migrating applications – Mobile devices laptops, PDAs, phones, … 5 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

6 Mobile people ‘ Hot-desking ’ – Mobility within a connected environment – Access to ‘ home ’ environment from any device – ‘ Thin clients ’ e.g. VNC ( 6 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

7 Mobile devices Network – Wireless communications – Addressing & routing issues – Trust, security & privacy Hardware: – Power management – Limited capabilities Software / Data – Synchronisation / replication Are mobile applications just desktop apps in a smaller box? 7 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

8 Definitions Mobile and nomadic computing Location-aware computing Context-aware computing Ubiquitous or pervasive computing Ambient intelligence Autonomic computing 8 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

9 Location awareness systems aware of, and respond to, their location – Location tracking – Access to location-specific resources and information – Location-appropriate behaviour – 9 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

10 Location awareness A Tourist Guide 10 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

11 Location awareness Location technologies – Outdoors Global Positioning System (GPS) Phone cell methods – Indoors Infra-red Ultrasonic Radio Wireless LAN 11 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

12 Definitions Mobile and nomadic computing Location-aware computing Context-aware computing Ubiquitous or pervasive computing Ambient intelligence Autonomic computing 12 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

13 Context awareness Systems “ aware ” of, and respond to, their context (situation, environment) Logical context Interests user preferences Physical context location orientation date and time temperature humidity device capabilities Derived/inferred context History Activity 13 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

14 Privacy issues in context awareness Who can access your contextual information? How and where is context sensed and stored? – Infrastructure vs Device – Centralised vs Distributed – Public vs Private – e.g. Active badge vs GPS, phone vs base-station But, potential benefits from shared access So, how can we control who accesses our context? 14 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

15 Definitions Mobile and nomadic computing Location-aware computing Context-aware computing Ubiquitous or pervasive computing Ambient computing Autonomic computing 15 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

16 Ubiquitous or pervasive computing Weiser ’ s vision: a 3 rd age of computing? 1Centralised mainframes 1 computer many users 2Personal computing 1 computer for each user growth of the Internet, widespread distributed computing 3Ubicomp Many computers per user M. Wesier & J. Seely Brown (1997). The Coming Age of Calm Technology. In Denning & Metcalfe (Eds.). Beyond Calculation: The Next 50 Years of Computing. Springer-Verlag. 16 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

17 Ubicomp 2 Keywords/phrases from Weiser ’ s vision: – ‘ Calm ’ technology – Disappearing, Invisible – Devices in the periphery of our senses The computer is not the centre of attraction. – The best tools are (almost) invisible to their users – Human-human and human-computer relationships – Hardware and software should merge into "underware" 17 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

18 Ubicomp 3 Computing devices everywhere – On (in?) the person – In vehicles – In the fabric of buildings – In furniture – In consumer products – … Ranging from simple tags to networked information appliances 18 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

19 Ubicomp 4 We already have embedded processors in – Domestic appliances – Cars – … But, mostly, they are not – Networked – Interoperable – Context-aware 19 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

20 The purist view of Ubicomp Ubicomp is NOT – Virtual Reality May provide and augmented or augmentable reality – Multimedia Opposite of invisibility – HCI, voice input, wearables, … Again, interaction opposes invisibility, calmness – Intelligent agents Implies a close human-computer relationship If there is a distinction, Pervasive is Ubicomp plus these 20 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

21 Ubicomp examples 1 Dangling string – Designed by Natalie Jeremijenko, an artist – Small electric motor powered by network activity and attached to a plastic string – Visual and audible indication of network traffic 21 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

22 Ubicomp examples 2 Mediacup – Developed at TECO, Karlsr ü he – Temperature, and movement sensors – IR communication with Other cups Coffee machine Infrastructure 22 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

23 Ubicomp examples 3 Stanford iRoom – Meeting support – Multiple displays – Controlled by Keyboard Wireless mice Handhelds – Google ‘Stanford iroom’ for more info 23 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

24 Definitions Mobile and nomadic computing Location-aware computing Context-aware computing Ubiquitous or pervasive computing Ambient intelligence Autonomic computing 24 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

25 Ambient intelligence Favoured term in EC Framework 5/6/7 IST research programmes Just another name for ubicomp? 25 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

26 Definitions Mobile and nomadic computing Location-aware computing Context-aware computing Ubiquitous or pervasive computing Ambient intelligence Autonomic computing 26 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

27 Autonomic computing Complex systems are difficult to manage A possible solution is to build systems that are: – Self-configuring – Self-governing – Self-protecting – Self-repairing … Does ubicomp need to be autonomic? Can safety-critical systems be autonomic? Can we do safety-critical ubicomp? – e.g. health care applications 27 NYANZI A CCNP,CCNAI,CCNA, A+, MIT-SANA, MBA_IT

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