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Thursday 30 th November 2006 Teaching & Learning Workshop Group B Teaching Strategies.

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2 Thursday 30 th November 2006 Teaching & Learning Workshop Group B Teaching Strategies

3 TEACHING STRATEGIES “I just don’t have time for inclusive course design” Universal design practices not only assist learners who have a disability but ‘value add’ to the experience of all learners. This Workshop will consider how we design for inclusively in our demanding, ‘time-poor’ world and address issues including: rigid curriculum specification and industry requirements rigid curriculum specification and industry requirements defining essential course requirements/core competencies defining essential course requirements/core competencies accommodating diverse cultural and social backgrounds accommodating diverse cultural and social backgrounds ‘authentic’ learning: framing learning in the real world context to make it personally meaningful for the learner ‘authentic’ learning: framing learning in the real world context to make it personally meaningful for the learner

4 “Strategies for Success of Students in Higher Education and Training” Sandra Cotton

5 Pathways 8 Strategies Successful for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

6 “They’re coming” Lavoie (2006) 8 -13% increase of students with learning disabilities entering training and higher education since 2000 DEST (2003) and National Centre Vocational Education Research (2004)

7 Definitions of Dyslexia Lyon, Shaywitz & Shaywitz (2003)

8 Characteristics Vary CHARACTERISICS Reading Writing Spelling Left to right scanning Memory Speed of processing Directional ability Time management Self esteem (anxiety, low self worth etc)

9 Effective responses to types of dyslexia Understanding of the specific nature Range of interventions Inclusive approaches to reduce disability discrimination in learning

10 Strategies used by students note taking study skills instruction software packages extra time for processing counselling support peer mentoring relaxation techniques visual supports

11 Emma Case 1 –University Graduate Responses from some academics disadvantaged Emma

12 Adjustments to compensate for Emma’s difficulties with spelling & writing

13 Chris-Case Study 2 Chris, a successful business man with dyslexia has: difficulties with reading, writing and resultant self esteem problems

14 Dyslexia Course Chris completed the course for Adults with Dyslexia and now has advantages of: software packages for writing and spelling stress management techniques and study skills strategies He wishes to enrol in a business course Disadvantages of packages

15 Discrete Model

16 Louis Case Study 3 TAFE employed nursing graduate  Poor decoding and fluency problems  difficulty scanning left to right  Transposing from whiteboard to work pad  Self esteem problems


18 Self esteem and fragility of adult learners “Individuals with learning difficulties face the same adult issues as others but they face these with more risk because of their fragile emotional status” Mercer and Mercer (2005)


20 Anissa-Case Study 4 Completed first year of nursing at TAFE  Spelling Difficulties  Maths problems with number reversals  Performance anxiety

21 Information is accessed through visual presentations and academic interventions-skill orientated instruction

22 Learning Resource Centre-A College Response The learning resource centre combines the qualities of effective programs outlined by Mercer and Mercer (2005) as having skill and content orientated instruction as well as providing counselling and technical support.

23 Features of inclusive approaches to overcome disability discrimination in learning consist of a variety of responses Skill and content instruction Counselling and mentoring support Technical know how Raising of lecturer awareness and understanding Creating a culture of acceptance

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