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Nympsfield, Gloucestershire Presented by John Kimberley noll.jpg.

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Presentation on theme: "Nympsfield, Gloucestershire Presented by John Kimberley noll.jpg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nympsfield, Gloucestershire Presented by John Kimberley noll.jpg

2 The Turbine Situated in Nympfield, Gloucestershire The turbine is a Enercon E40 Owned and maintained by ECOTRICITY Operation - Fully automatic and computer controlled

3 Planning for the turbine took 4 years Installed in December 1996 Erection took only 2 days An application to build 4 more turbines was rejected by Stroud District Council in May 2001 Why So Long? p_lynchknoll.html

4 How much is it used?

5 Turbine Facts and Figures

6 The Facts (1) The turbine produces 1,624,000 units of clean electricity yearly Enough to power 400 homes for a year Saving - 1398 tonnes of CO2 16 tonnes of SO2 5 tonnes of Nox Being pumped into the atmosphere each year

7 The Facts (2) Plus several tons of slag and ash, or Nuclear waste Pollution resulting from the mining, transport and processing of fossil fuels or Nuclear fuels

8 Noise Pollution

9 Advantages Wind is FREE After turbine is created - NO Pollutants Created Many people find wind farms an interesting feature of the landscape. Wind turbines are available in a range of sizes which means a vast range of people and businesses can use them. Remote areas that are not connected to the electricity power grid can use wind turbines to produce their own supply. Wind turbines have a role to play in both the developed and third world.

10 Disadvantages The strength of the wind is not constant and it varies from zero to storm force Turbines do not produce the same amount of electricity all the time Many people see large wind turbines as unsightly structures and not pleasant or interesting to look at Many people feel that the countryside should be left untouched Large wind farms are needed to provide entire communities with enough electricity

11 Conclusion More turbines needed to make a difference Local councils should support construction of more wind farms People should accept turbines - as they have with pylons Wind power should be used more - to help protect the enviroment

12 References Local information, retrieved November 15, 2007 from Images taken from local website retrieved November 10, 2007 from Information and statistics taken from Ecotricity - Turbine owners retrieved November 10, 2007 from Some advantages/disadvantages retrieved November 19, 2007 from

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