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Expert Group Meeting on Price Statistics and National Accounts: ICP Round 2011 Jointly organized by: UN-ECLAC, CARICOM, CARTAC and ECCB 3rd-6th December.

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Presentation on theme: "Expert Group Meeting on Price Statistics and National Accounts: ICP Round 2011 Jointly organized by: UN-ECLAC, CARICOM, CARTAC and ECCB 3rd-6th December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expert Group Meeting on Price Statistics and National Accounts: ICP Round 2011 Jointly organized by: UN-ECLAC, CARICOM, CARTAC and ECCB 3rd-6th December 2012 Santiago de Chile

2 Electricity Take the total amount of watts and divide by 12 Price that amount using the table provided ICP KIT: Enter the total value divided by total Watts

3 Water Find out how much 15 cubic meters cost ICP KIT enter the total value of 15 cubic meters divided by 15

4 Domestic Service If you are using the minimum wage price make sure you are using the correct units of measurement (month or hour) If you can make a small sample survey do not forget to use the correct units of measurement

5 Refrigerator and Washing Machines We will add a new refrigerator of (11 to 13 cubic feet) We will add a washing machine 11 to 15 kg. Top loader You will receive new country master files with these two products after the meeting. These products have been added for those countries which cannot find the smaller appliances.

6 Laundry Those who have per load, find out approximately the weight (how many kilos or pounds), and state the price per kilo or per pound

7 Medical services Take prices when the patient is paying out of pocket money (cash, credit card etc) without insurance.

8 Clutch and Brake Repair In those countries where there is only a dealer for doing this repairs, we will accept the price as an exception if you do not have other prices in this BH


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