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Histology LUMEN Loyola University Medical Education Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Histology LUMEN Loyola University Medical Education Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Histology LUMEN Loyola University Medical Education Network

2 Epithelial Tissues  Line, cover & protect  Secrete  Lubricate

3 Simple Squamous (Top View) Closely packed cells Location: Function:

4 Simple Squamous-Endothelial lining of blood vessels Blood cells in center (High Power) Low Power

5 Simple Cuboidal (lining a tubule)

6 Simple Cuboidal (orange area=blood vessel

7 Tubules: small ones in center are lined with simple squamous large pink tubules lined with simple cuboidal

8 Tubule: Pink basement membrane Simple cuboidal epithelium

9 Simple Columnar Epithelium

10 Top View of Simple Columnar Epithelium

11 Detail of Simple Columnar (microvilli border)

12 EM of Simple Columnar Cells 1=nucleus 2=brush border (microvilli) 3=lymphocyte (WBC)

13 Detail of Simple Columnar Epithelium Goblet cell secreting mucus

14 EM of 2 epithelial cells whose cell membranes lie next to each other 1=microvilli 2=terminal web (clump of filaments in the cytoplasm) 3=tight junction 4=intermediate junction 5=desmosome

15 4 Rows of Simple Columnar Epithelium Numerous goblet cells

16 Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium from trachea All cells touch the basement membrane Cilia can be seen at the top

17 Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Pale Goblet cells can seen near the top

18 Surface view of cilia

19 Transitional Epithelium of Urinary Bladder Top Picture: Low Power view-can see strata Right Picture: High Power-The bladder is contracted (empty) epithelium is thick If the bladder was full the cells would be stretched and thinner

20 Stratified Squamous (non cornified) from esophagus Surface cells are squamous with basal cells underneath

21 Stratified Squamous with the beginning of cornification Tissue taken from the skin

22 Thickly cornified stratified squamous epithelium Top layer=flat, dead cells that have lost their nuclei

23 Intestinal Wall Various glands-some within wall and some outside wall (liver) Epithelium lines the ducts (tubes) and is continuous within the cavity

24 Goblet cell

25 Detail of Goblet cells

26 Typical Mucus cell (light areas) secrete a thick mucus Typical Serous cell (darker areas) secretory cell-thin watery serous fluid

27 Connective Tissue Cells

28 Fibroblasts

29 Pink Collagen Fiber with a fibroblast in the curve

30 Fibroblasts among collagen fibers

31 Two large macrophages

32 Mast Cells


34 Three large mast cells in connective tissue Other nucleated cells are fibroblast

35 Connective Tissues

36 Fibroblasts

37 Reticular fibers of lymph nodes

38 Reticular fibers of lymph node

39 Detail of lymph node Stellar Reticular cell in the center

40 Loose connective tissue

41 Loose Irregular CT

42 Loose irregular CT underneath simple columnar epithelium

43 Loose CT Pink fibers: collagen fibers (white fibers) Dark Purple fibers: elastic fibers (yellow fibers)

44 Dense Irregular CT Fibers run in all directions (mainly collagenous) The arrows are pointing to fibroblast nuclei

45 Dense Irregular CT around a nerve bundle

46 Fat cells (the nucleus and cytoplasm are pushed to the side)

47 Fat cells in CT

48 Adipose tissue (fat cells)

49 Adipose Tissue Far right: muscle tissue Dark purple area=serous gland Artery located in the middle

50 Tendon Pink Collagenous fibers –fibroblasts are squeezed in between fibers

51 Cross section of tendon Fibroblasts cells

52 Blood Red blood cells with 1 large neutrophil (WBC) in the center

53 Normal and crenated RBC’s in hypertonic environment

54 Hyaline Cartilage (clear & glossy) Cartilage cells (chondrocytes) in depressions called lacunae

55 Two chondrocytes filling their lacuane

56 Hyaline Cartilage

57 Elastic Cartilage with chondrocytes Lot of elastic fibers present

58 Elastic Cartilage

59 Fibrocartilage with whispy collagen fibers Cells located in lacunae

60 Fibrocartilage Hyaline cartilage on top (lavender) Dense collagenous fibers (pink) Whispy fibers ID this as fibrocartilage

61 Bone with Haversian systems

62 Bone

63 Haversian System Spidery canaliculi and osteocytes (bone cells)

64 Muscle Tissue

65 Smooth Muscle Tissue


67 Smooth Muscle tissue (contracted)

68 Skeletal Muscle Tissue


70 Cardiac Muscle (note the intercalated disc)

71 Nerve Tissue

72 Large Multipolar neurons (low power)

73 Large multipolar neuron (high power)

74 Large multipolar neuron

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