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WARM UP “Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.” –Czechoslovakian proverb 1.What does this mean to you? 2.How can you apply this.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP “Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.” –Czechoslovakian proverb 1.What does this mean to you? 2.How can you apply this."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP “Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.” –Czechoslovakian proverb 1.What does this mean to you? 2.How can you apply this biology / anatomy? 3.How can you apply this to “the real world?”

2 Epithelial Tissue

3 General Characteristics Next to free surface Tightly packed –Leak proof Simple (one layer) or stratified (many layers)

4 Types of Epithelial Tissue Simple squamous –Thin, flattened –Rapid diffusion –Locations Kidneys Lungs and blood vessels

5 Types of Epithelial Tissue Stratified squamos –Many layers allow quick replacement –Skin

6 Types of Epithelial Tissue Transitional –When relaxed, many layers of square/round cells –When distended (stretched), looks like stratified squamous –Bladder

7 Types of Epithelial Tissue Simple cuboidal –Secretion/ absorption –Glands, kidneys

8 Types of Epithelial Tissue Simple columnar –Rectangular Villi for surface area –Secretion and absorption –Small intestine

9 Types of Epithelial Tissue Pseudostratified columnar –Single layer, multiple nuclei –Cilia to filter debris –Respiratory pathways

10 Types of Epithelial Tissue Glandular –Secretion –Cuboidal and goblet cells

11 Types of Epithelial Tissue Glandular (cuboidal) –Exocrine glands Secrete to free surface Have a duct Skin and digestive system –Endocrine glands Secrete into blood No duct Hormones

12 WRAP UP 1.Where do you find cuboidal epithelial tissue? What does it do? 2.Compare and contrast endocrine and exocrine glands.

13 WARM UP 1.Give one general characteristic of all epithelial tissue. 2.Compare and contrast transitional and stratified squamos epithelium.

14 WRAP UP Compare and contrast simple squamous and stratified squamous epithelial tissue.

15 WARM UP 1.Based on what you learned in our last unit, describe three general characteristics of all epithelial tissue. 2.List three different places in the body where you can find epithelial tissue. 3.Make a prediction about how epithelial tissue might be important in the digestive, cardiovascular, or respiratory systems.

16 WRAP UP List three different types of epithelial tissue you learned today, and one place in the body where each is found.

17 WARM UP “Let us move on and step out boldly, though it be into the night, and we can scarcely see the way.” – Charles B. Newcomb 1.What does this mean to you? 2.How does this relate to epithelial tissue? 3.How do you feel about the different things you will be experiencing over the next year?

18 WRAP UP Compare and contrast simple columnar epithelium and pseudostratified columnar epithelium.

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