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Welcome everyone to Large Group, and keep them on their feet for WORSHIP time!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome everyone to Large Group, and keep them on their feet for WORSHIP time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome everyone to Large Group, and keep them on their feet for WORSHIP time!

2 Tech: When all of the kids have taken a seat in the Large Group area, cue “Battle Squids” intro video. When the video is finished, cue title graphic. Hello everybody and welcome to another tentacle-filled week of “Battle Squids!” Once again, we’ll be battling our way through the book of Proverbs.

3 Does anyone remember what a proverb is? Take answer. Great answer! A proverb is a small saying filled with big wisdom from God. Tech: Cue Definition Slide Lets read it together in our squid voices! Proverb: a small saying filled with big wisdom from God.

4 The Book of Proverbs is packed with instructions that help us live a life that’s pleasing to God. Today, we’ll be looking at a proverb about the most powerful weapon in the world. No—I’m not talking about an intergalactic space ray or a laser guided fire breathing dragon, although, that would be pretty cool! Does anyone know what I’m talking about? Take answers Good thoughts!

5 I’m talking about…(short pause, then say with emphasis)…words! It’s true… In fact, take a look at today’s proverb: Tech: Cue Verse Slide “A gentle answer turns anger away. But mean words stir up anger.” Proverbs 15:1 Read the proverb a couple times as a group.

6 The words we use are very powerful. They have the ability to either bring peace or start a war. In fact, that’s exactly what happened in our story for today. If you’re ready to hear it, wave your tentacles in the air and cheer. Toss out some points as kids cheer. Awesome! Here’s how it’s going to work:

7 Move to boys’ side of room. On one team we have our Squidudes! Move to girls’ side of room. On the other team we have our Squidettes! Hold up point ball for kids to see. Throughout our time, each team will try to earn points in one of three ways: Team Energy, Team Participation, and Team Competitions.

8 Tech: Cue Team Points graphic At the end of the time, we’ll count up the points to see which team wins. Squidudes—if you’re ready for battle, wave your tentacles in the air and cheer. Toss the Squidudes some points. Squidettes— if you’re ready for battle, wave your tentacles in the air and cheer. Toss the Squidudes some points.

9 Tech: Cue “Battle Squids” title graphic Pick up Bible and open to the first page of the Book of Judges. Show kids. Today’s story takes place in the Old Testament, during the reign of the judges. Who knows what a judge was? Call on a kid. Award points for a correct answer. In the Old Testament, a judge wasn’t someone who sat in a courtroom. They were leaders chosen by God to help the Israelites follow Him.

10 One of the judges God chose was named Gideon. And with God’s help, Gideon did something incredible. Tell the kids you’re thinking of a number between 1 and 1000. Have each team pick a number. Give a point to the team closest to 300. During one incredible battle, God helped Gideon defeat the army of Midian using only 300 fighters.

11 After the battle, the men of Ephraim (EE- fruh-m) came to Gideon to say... (Hold up “We’re angry” sign and have kids shout, “We’re angry”. Give extra points to the team who shouts with the most energy.) You see, Ephraim was one of the 12 tribes of Israel and they were upset that Gideon hadn’t asked them to help fight during the battle. How do you think Gideon responded? (Take a few answers. Give a point for each answer.)

12 Let’s see for ourselves in the Bible. Tech: Cue Judges 8:2 Slide. The first team to find Judges 8:2 will get some points…. The verse says, “But Gideon answered them, “What I’ve done isn’t anything compared to what you have done. Ephraim’s grapes have been gathered. Isn’t what is left over better than all the grapes that have been gathered from the vines?”

13 Even though the tribe of Ephraim had no right to be angry, Gideon still spoke to them with gentleness and used kind words. He told them how amazing they were. And because of Gideon’s kind words, the men of Ephraim said… Hold up “Peace dude” sign. Have kids show a peace sign with their fingers and say “Peace dude”. Give extra points to the team with the best demonstration.

14 Gideon’s kind words and gentle answer had brought peace. Tech: Cue “Battle Squids” title slide Many years later, God raised up a new judge named Jephthah (JEFF-thuh). While Jephthah was judge, God helped him defeat the Ammonite army in battle. After the battle, guess who showed up? Award a point if anyone guesses correctly.

15 Once again, the men of Ephraim showed up! And just like last time, they said… Hold up “We’re angry” sign and have kids shout, “We’re angry”. Give extra points to the team who shouts with the most energy. Even though they had no right to be, the tribe of Ephraim was once again angry that they hadn’t been invited to the battle.

16 How do you think Jephthah responded? Take a few answers. Give a point for each. Good guesses! Unlike Gideon, Jephthah did not speak to them with kind words. Instead, Jephthah spoke angrily and accused Ephraim of abandoning him when he needed them the most.

17 When the men of Ephraim heard this, they said…Hold up “We’re REALLY angry” sign and have kids shout, “We’re REALLY angry”. Give extra points to the team with the most energy. They were so angry that the men of Ephraim went to war with Jephthah. Even though they were all Israelites, the two sides began killing each other. In fact, over 42,000 Israelites died during this one battle—more than in all the rest of the Book of Judges.

18 Tech: Cue Big Bible Story Questions” slide At the end of the Bible story have the kids turn briefly to their small groups and discuss the following questions: What do you think this story teaches us about God? If you were in that situation, do you think you would have responded more like Gideon or Jephthah? Why? After a few minutes, draw their attention back to the teaching area.

19 Tech: Cue Battle Squids title Slide Were you all listening closely to the story? Kids respond. I hope so, because it time for the “Feeding Frenzy!” Here’s how it works. I’m going to ask you some questions. If you think you know the answer, turn to your leader and tell him what it is. Your leader will hold up the sign with the most popular answer.

20 Read the questions one at a time. Once all of the multiple choice options have been read, give the groups about 8- 10 seconds to choose their answer and hold up the right sign before the answer is revealed. Once the answer is revealed, toss out one point to all of the groups with the right answer.

21 Tech: Cue Question Slides one at a time God chose leaders to help the Israelites follow Him. What were they called? Judges Justices Presidents Jurors

22 God helped Gideon defeat the entire Midianite army using how many men? 100 200 300 400

23 Some of the Israelites were angry that Gideon hadn’t invited them to the battle. What tribe were they from? Judah Ruben Ephraim Asher

24 What was the name of the Judge who did NOT speak kindly to the men of Ephraim? Josiah Jephthah Mephthah Gideon

25 How many Israelites died in battle following Jephthah’s harsh words? More than 42 More than 420 More than 4,200 More than 42,000

26 At the end of the “Feeding Frenzy”, have the kids place all of their points inside their teams bucket or bag and count up their points then announce a winner! Tech: Cue “Battle Squids” slide In our story today, the Ephraimites were angry at both Gideon and Jephthah for the same exact thing. Why do you think they went to war with Jephthah, but not Gideon? Take answers. That’s right! It’s because of the words that were used.

27 That reminds me of today’s proverb. Let’s look one more time. Tech: Cue Verse Slide Read verse aloud with kids. “A gentle answer turns anger away. But mean words stir up anger.” Proverbs 15:1

28 Gideon answered the men of Ephraim with gentle and kind words and it turned their anger away. But Jephthah spoke with mean words and it stirred up Ephraim’s anger. Because of that, the Israelites went to war with each other. Did you ever realize that your words had that much power?

29 It’s true—your words can either bring peace (make peace sign and say “peace” in a chilled manner) or start wars (put up your dukes and say “wars” with intensity). That’s why we have to be so careful with the way we use our words, even when we think we’re right. Let me show you what I mean.

30 Choose a kid to join you in the teaching area. Let’s pretend this kid’s name is Sammy (or Samantha) Squidworth and he’s in your class at school. He comes up to you during recess and he’s mad. Say, “I’m mad”, Sammy. (Sammy says “I’m mad”.) No, I mean say it like you’re really mad. (Sammy repeats it.) No, I mean say it like your head is about to explode. (Sammy repeats it super mad.) Wow—that’s mad!

31 You see, somebody spilled paint inside of Sammy’s backpack and it got all over his favorite hat (put paint covered hat on Sammy), and Mr. Wiggles, his favorite stuffed animal that he brought for show- and-tell (give Sammy a paint covered stuffed animal.) Worst of all—even though you didn’t do it, Sammy thinks you did!

32 What are some things you could say to Sammy that might make him even angrier and start a war? Take a few answers. After each answer, have Sammy say, “I’m mad”. Sammy looks like he’s about to fight you! You should probably choose your words more carefully.

33 So what are some things you could say to Sammy in this situation that might turn his anger away? Take a few answers. After each answer, have Sammy make a peace sign and say, “Peace dude”. When finished, dismiss Sammy.

34 God wants us to use our words for peace. And if that ever seems too hard to do, just remember the example that Jesus gave us. Even when His enemies nailed Him to the cross, Jesus still spoke words of peace. He said, “Father forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing.” Do you see that? When we use our words for peace, we are being like Jesus and showing His love to others!

35 Close in prayer. Introduce GO! DEEP Stations. The instructions are on the signs at each table. Tech: Cue Response Music After a few minutes, dismiss older/younger groups to specific sides of room for GO! FURTHER activities.

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