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Tests Don’t Bite Preparing Students for the ACT/SAT thru Practice Exams Evelyn Ramos, GEAR UP Coordinator McAllen Memorial High School Diana Rojas, GEAR.

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Presentation on theme: "Tests Don’t Bite Preparing Students for the ACT/SAT thru Practice Exams Evelyn Ramos, GEAR UP Coordinator McAllen Memorial High School Diana Rojas, GEAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tests Don’t Bite Preparing Students for the ACT/SAT thru Practice Exams Evelyn Ramos, GEAR UP Coordinator McAllen Memorial High School Diana Rojas, GEAR UP Coordinator, McAllen Nikki Rowe High School Cynthia Valdez, Associate Director for Academic Services

2 The UTPA GEAR UP Project Location: Deep South Texas Cohort Size: 9,000 students Campuses: 22 High Schools, 9 Districts Grant Awarded in 2005 when students were in 7 th grade General Demographics: 96% Hispanic 80% Bilingual

3 The UTPA GEAR UP Project Our mission is to prepare students to enter and succeed in post-secondary education. We have high expectations for all students and one way we communicate this to students is by administering annual college practice exams.

4 UTPA GEAR UP Testing Timeline 8 th Grade – ACT Explore 9 th Grade – Princeton Review Assessment 10 th Grade- PLAN or The Princeton Review Practice PSAT 11 th Grade – PSAT, ACT, SAT 12 th Grade – ACT, SAT

5 College Entrance Exams Most colleges and universities require an admissions exam The SAT and ACT are the “infamous” standardized exams The SAT tests critical thinking, problem solving, and reasoning skills. the ACT focuses on knowledge. It may be considered a skills test. The ACT focuses on factual prior knowledge in the areas of math, reading, science and grammar. It may considered a content test.

6 Why Are Practice Exams Important? Communicates high expectations Exposes students to timed tests Helps students realize that they don’t know it all! Creates a college going culture at the campus Scores allow school to guide content area planning Motivate students to attend exam prep academies


8 Early Planning Information Helps students build high school course plans that will prepare them for college Introduces students to career options which are relevant to them Scores provide early indicators on whether students are on track for college (College Readiness Standards) Allows plenty of time before graduation for students to focus on areas of need Students who take EXPLORE are more likely to score higher on the ACT

9 What does EXPLORE include? English, Math, Reading and Science timed tests A Needs Assessment about students perceived needs Questions about students’ plans high school and beyond A Career Interest Inventory A guide that explains the results

10 Sample EXPLORE Score Report

11 Sample Scores

12 Sample High School Course Plans Compared to Core

13 Areas in Which You Would Like Additional help

14 College Readiness

15 Career Possibilities

16 8 th Grade ACT EXPLORE Results Subject TestedNational Average GEAR UP Average College Readiness Benchmark English14.212.113 Math15.113.517 Reading13.812.315 Science15.914.820 Composite14.913.3N/A

17 EXPLORE College Readiness Standards Subject TestedEXPLORE College Readiness Standard Score Local GU % Meeting College Readiness Standard Score English1338% Math1717% Reading1518% Science204%

18 Results Guide GEAR UP Helps students plan high school course work aligned to educational goals and career plans Content area scores are shared with departments for timely intervention Tutoring and specialized academies supplement classroom instruction Summer and weekend academic/career camps Career Exploration Activities Job Shadowing Specialized College Tours

19 Princeton Review Assessment Exam

20 What is the PRA? The Princeton Review Assessment is a diagnostic test that provides: Students an opportunity to “meet” both the SAT and the ACT in one test-taking experience Students with some preliminary indication of whether they may do better on one test or the other *Due to regional traditions, many students have exposure to only one test, which does not allow them full opportunity to maximize their scores if they might do better on the other test.

21 Test Format The PRA is a three and a half hour objective test designed to familiarize the student with the aspects of the SAT and ACT. It contains seven 25 minute sections and a 30 minute essay section. There are 3 reading sections, 2 math sections, 1 grammar/writing section, 1 science section and an essay.


23 The Results… Number of PRAs Administered Number of Students Who Showed Strength in… Summary of ResultsSATACTEither Test n%n%n% High School A90357663.8%20622.8%12113.4% High School B64431949.5%20531.8%12018.6% High School C261246.2%1142.3%311.5% High School D43638387.8%245.5%296.7% High School E25918471.0%5119.7%249.3% High School F51832262.2%13225.5%6412.4% High School G50636471.9%6913.6%7314.4% High School H56334461.1%12522.2%9416.7% High School I58842171.6%10618.0%6010.2% High School J49335371.6%7916.0%6012.2% High School K1509362.0%3322.0%2416.0% High School L37518649.6%13435.7%5514.7% High School M965355.2%2829.2%1515.6% High School N47125854.8%12827.2%8518.0% All Students6028386864.2%133122.1%82713.7%

24 In Other Words…


26 The PLAN ® exam, which is a “pre-ACT” exam is recommended for 10 th graders The PLAN provides needed information that addresses current academic development and College Readiness Scores It helps students explore career/training options and helps them make plans for the remaining years of high school and post-graduation years

27 PLAN Test Format English, Math, Reading and Science timed tests UNIACT Interest Inventory High School Course/Grade Information Educational Opportunity Service (EOS) provides relevant college and scholarship information A guide that explains the results is provided

28 Sample PLAN Score Report Composite score is the average of the test scores.

29 Estimated ACT Composite Score

30 ACT Predictor

31 College Readiness Benchmark Scores

32 Career Inventory

33 Predictor of AP Success

34 10 th Grade ACT PLAN Results Subject TestedNational Average GEAR UP Average College Readiness Benchmark English16.914.415 Math17.415.919 Reading16.914.117 Science18.216.121 Composite17.515.3N/A

35 PLAN College Readiness Standards Subject TestedPLAN College Readiness Standard Score Local GU % Meeting College Readiness Standard Score English1549% Math1917% Reading1722% Science216%

36 10th Grade Self Reported Areas of Need (percent of all students responding) Improving math skills- 34% Exploring options after high school- 36% Improving public speaking skills- 27% Improving writing skills- 26% Improving study skills- 29%

37 10 th Grade Educational Plans Graduate/Professional Study- 40% 4 Year University- 24% 2 Year/Junior College- 6% Undecided- 7% Military- 2% Career/Technical School- 2 %

38 10 th Grade Career Preference Categories Science & Technology- 33% Social Service- 16% Arts- 11% Technical- 10% Administrative Sales- 9% Business Operations- 3%

39 Results Guide GEAR UP Helps students plan high school course work aligned to educational goals and career plans Content area scores are shared with departments for timely intervention Tutoring and specialized academies supplement classroom instruction Summer and weekend academic/career camps Career Exploration Activities Job Shadowing Specialized College Tours

40 The Princeton Review Practice PSAT

41 Princeton Review Practice PSAT In collaboration with Princeton Review, UTPA GEAR UP campuses administered a practice PSAT. Approximately 600 students participated in this assessment Data pending for analysis

42 GEARing UP for Next Steps


44 11 th Grade PSAT PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It measures: –critical reading skills –math problem-solving skills –writing skills GU will offer campus-based PSAT academies at the beginning of the school year Our goal is to prepare as many of our students to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. Exam will be given on October 14, 2009


46 11 th & 12 th Grades: ACT The ACT has up to 5 components: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test. Prior to beginning the exam, ACT has an interest inventory that allows students to evaluate their interests in various career options. The composite score average is 1-36 for each subject average. A 36 is the highest possible for a composite score. GU will offer campus-based ACT academies for spring test administration

47 11 th & 12 th Grades: SAT The SAT has only 3 components: Reading, Mathematics, and a required Writing Test SAT is scored from a range of 200 – 800 per section, added together for a combined score 2400 is the highest possible combined score GU will offer campus-based ACT academies for spring test administration

48 Why Are Practice Exams Important? Communicates high expectations Exposes students to timed tests Helps students realize that they don’t know it all! Creates a college going culture at the campus Scores allow school to guide content area planning Motivate students to attend exam prep academies

49 Begin Practice Exam: In the figure below, ray was constructed starting from rays and. By using a compass, D and G were marked equidistant from E on rays and. The compass was then used to locate a point F, distinct from E, so that F is equidistant from D and G. For all constructions defined by the above steps, the measures of DEF and GEF: F.F. are equal. G. are NOT equal.G. H. sum to 30°.H. J. sum to 45°.J. K. sum to 60°.K.

50 Tests Don’t Bite (If you start early!)

51 Presentation available at Avanzando Juntos: GEARing UP for College- TOGETHER

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