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1 How to Choose Collaboration Software for Your Company Click this URL –

2 Consider Your team consists of Jack, Susan, Michael, Jonathan, Terry and Abigail. Jonathan is a remote worker who is never present in the office. Further Abigail is currently working on a project that is based in Canada. All of you need to meet and discuss the progress you have made in your work in the past couple of weeks. Such scenarios are becoming increasingly common as more and more teams are far flung across many countries and sometimes even continents. In order to facilitate smooth interaction between all team members, have live video conferencing and seminars, team collaboration software is being used across the globe in many companies. Click this URL –

3 Security Security is a very important feature that has to be considered before you make your buying decision for an appropriate team collaboration software. All data that is shared between the team members has to be protected from unauthorized access which can leak out sensitive information. Data encryption mechanisms have to be put in place so that the content that is shared is not forged by any illegal means. Security monitoring tools have to keep a constant vigil on all systems so that a security breach can be avoided. Click this URL –

4 Performance Performance is one factor that you simply can’t compromise on. How long does it take for the website to load, is the content shared quickly, does it allow the content to be saved for future reference, does the search feature help users to find what they are looking for? Does it allow sharing of larger files and documents between team members? All these have to be kept in mind while selecting the right the team collaboration software for your company. Click this URL –

5 Smooth On-boarding of new users Does the team collaboration software have too many procedures in place in order to register a new user? Does it ask you too many questions, ask you to fill out lengthy forms etc? Then you have got to look at other options. Consider buying a team collaboration software where it is easy for the user to sign-up and register. You don’t want to waste too much time in the very first step before you can start using the collaboration software in a full-fledged manner. Click this URL –

6 Pricing Pricing is one of the important criteria to be looked at when selecting a team collaboration software. The pricing and cost of the collaboration software must be within your budget and installation and any future upgrades to the tool must be free. The support should be lifetime free for the collaboration tool. Make an informed decision and make the purchase for your company. Click this URL –

7 API and documentation The API and documentation that comes along with the team collaboration software must be very comprehensive and should be like a mini encyclopedia for you to refer to every time you want to know about a feature or an attribute. You should be able to dig into these resources for the knowledge or information that you are looking for. Make sure you choose a team collaboration software that comes with thorough API and documentation. Click this URL –

8 User Friendliness The team collaboration software that you purchase for your team or company must be easy to use and implement within your team. If the user interface is cluttered and confusing, then reconsider your decision. It should be easy for remote workers and the team to conduct online meetings and have phone and video conferences. File sharing and other attributes must be easy and convenient. Click this URL –

9 Mobile Readiness Team members should be able to connect and communicate with other members on the go. The team collaboration software should come with a mobile app making it possible for team interaction and communication to be desktop free. This enables more flexible communication between team members and they no longer have to be physically present at the office in order to talk or share files. Click this URL –

10 Notifications A good notifying system should be in place letting the team members know when someone has shared a file or invited for a chat. Notifications keep all team members up- to-date with the activities of all people involved and everybody is in-sync with what is going on. So every time a file is shared or a task is assigned to you, you must be notified about it. If you are busy and want to continue with your work uninterrupted, then you must be able to turn off the notifications so that you can view them later. Other simple features that you should keep in mind are adding tasks to reminders so that the collaboration software can remind you about the work that needs to be done on time. Click this URL –

11 Programming language If you are particular about the programming language that the company has used to develop the team collaboration software, then look into it and find out what languages they have used. If you want a collaboration software that has been developed exclusively in Javascript, PHP etc then find out early on so that you know what you are dealing with in the source code. The design Make sure that the team collaboration software you are buying comes with sleek interface and design so that the team members are using it will find it appealing and enhances the team communication experience. Click this URL –

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