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Be Prepared… 1) Grab a sheet on the table. 1 st Part of Constitution Let’s Review… 1 st Part of Constitution The P _ _ _ _ _ _ (the opening statement)

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Presentation on theme: "Be Prepared… 1) Grab a sheet on the table. 1 st Part of Constitution Let’s Review… 1 st Part of Constitution The P _ _ _ _ _ _ (the opening statement)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Prepared… 1) Grab a sheet on the table

2 1 st Part of Constitution Let’s Review… 1 st Part of Constitution The P _ _ _ _ _ _ (the opening statement)  Form a more perfect U _ _ _ _ (unified nation)  Establish J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (settle legal disputes)  Insure Domestic T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (peace/order at home) PProvide for Common D _ _ _ _ _ _ (protect against foreign attack)  Promote the General W _ _ _ _ _ _ (well being)  Secure the Blessings of L _ _ _ _ _ _ (freedom)

3 2 nd Part of Constitution Let’s Review… 2 nd Part of Constitution The A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the body)  1 – The L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Branch (Congress)  2 – The E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Branch (President)  3 – The J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Branch (courts)  4 – Relations Among the S _ _ _ _ _ (honor each other’s laws)  5 – A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Constitution (process to change)  6 – N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Supremacy (states can’t violate Constitution)  7 – R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (procedure to approve the Constitution)

4 3 rd Part of Constitution Let’s Review… 3 rd Part of Constitution The A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the changes)  1 – 10 The B _ _ _ of R _ _ _ _ _ (added in 1791)  27 Total

5 SEPARATION of POWERS THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH (makes the laws) THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH (carries out the laws) THE JUDICIAL BRANCH (interprets the laws)

6 CHECKS and BALANCES CHECKS and BALANCES (each branch can check the other two – guards against abuse of power) THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Congress THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH President/VP THE JUDICIAL BRANCH Courts/Supreme Court

7 THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Representation is based on population  Larger states have more (CA has 53 today)  Every state gets at least one  2 year terms Equal representation  Each state gets two senators  6 year terms The House of Representatives 435 members The Senate 100 members

8 I need one student from the Senate to propose a bill (which would change Pennbrook in some way)



11 Senators…discuss the bill. Change the bill if needed

12 Senators…vote on the bill now. Remember, all you need is a majority to pass it

13 House…discuss the bill. Change the bill if needed

14 House…vote on the bill now. Remember, all you need is a majority to pass it

15 Mr./Ms. President… will you sign the bill OR use your veto power?

16 If the bill was signed by the President, CONGRATULATIONS… it has now become a law If the bill was vetoed by the President, Congress can override the veto with a 2/3 vote

17 Quiz Time Put away your notes. Get back to your original seat. Grab a mini white board, marker, and eraser.

18 How Much Did You Learn? 1) The introduction in the Constitution is called what? 2) The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called what? 3) How many total changes (amendments) have been made to the Constitution? 4) Our government is divided into how many branches? 5) Under the Legislative Branch, how many governing bodies (houses) are there? 6) List the governing bodies…

19 How Much Did You Learn? (continued) 7) How many members make up the current Senate? 8) How many members make up the current House of Representatives? 9) Proposals (before becoming a law) are called what? 10) Proposals can start in either the Senate or House. True or False…Both the Senate and House need to approve the proposal before it goes to the President for approval. 11) The President can refuse to sign the proposal using his/her ____ power. 12) True/False…if the President denies a proposal, it is dead. 13) What fraction of Congress is needed to override a President’s refusal to sign?

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