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On The Record: Advising Students with Conviction Histories Rachel Worthy Bellingham Technical College.

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Presentation on theme: "On The Record: Advising Students with Conviction Histories Rachel Worthy Bellingham Technical College."— Presentation transcript:

1 On The Record: Advising Students with Conviction Histories Rachel Worthy Bellingham Technical College

2 This project began as a graduate practicum for Colorado State University’s Student Affairs in Higher Education program Focus on underserved population in campus community

3 Bellingham Technical College Open-enrollment of approximately 2,000 students Technical two-year degrees focused on career preparation Many first-generation, low-income or traditionally “disadvantaged” student population An estimated 15% of students have a felony or misdemeanor conviction on their record

4 Project Goals Improve resources for students with conviction histories on the BTC campus Educate staff and faculty on best practices and strategies for advising students with conviction histories

5 Initial Findings Informal survey across community and technical colleges in the area Often not a designated point of contact or department to refer students Lack of web resources Lack of research available for best practices at two- or four-year level Discomfort for some staff when working with students who have conviction histories

6 Common Issues in Advising Advising for appropriate program choice Knowledge of community resources Student development


8 Strategies for Advising Students Dispel common myths Ensure understanding of degree path and career options Encourage ownership of conviction and focus on moving forward Opportunities for student engagement and leadership on campus Develop resilience – understand the challenges!

9 Advice for Staff & Faculty All advisors should be familiar with their degree or career path and implications for convictions Background in student development Knowledge of resources in the community “You are not your crime” – staff should believe this too!

10 Moving Forward Networking group on campus for common barriers to employment Continued trainings for staff and faculty to increase comfort level when talking to students about convictions Partnerships with community partners and industry to improve opportunities for all students Support from student body

11 Thanks! Rachel Worthy Bellingham Technical College

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