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I. British Empire in America - Steps to War A. King George III wanted the colonists to help pay for the Seven Years’ War & troops still on guard B. Colonists.

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2 I. British Empire in America - Steps to War A. King George III wanted the colonists to help pay for the Seven Years’ War & troops still on guard B. Colonists protested taxes since they had no representation in Parliament, the King had no right to tax them. B. Colonists protested taxes since they had no representation in Parliament, the King had no right to tax them. “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!” “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!”

3 1. Stamp Act of 1765 - tax paid for the right to print 1. Stamp Act of 1765 - tax paid for the right to print FIVE DEAD IN BOSTON Boston, Massachusetts March 12, 1774 2. Boston Massacre 1770 - 5 Americans die Parliament ended the taxes except on tea. 2. Boston Massacre 1770 - 5 Americans die Parliament ended the taxes except on tea.

4 BOSTON PROTESTS TEA Boston, Massachusetts March 12, 1774 3. Boston Tea Party 1773 - protested by dumping tea into Boston Harbor 3. Boston Tea Party 1773 - protested by dumping tea into Boston Harbor 1. Stamp Act of 1765 - tax paid for the right to print 2. Boston Massacre 1770 - 5 Americans die Parliament ended the taxes except on tea. 2. Boston Massacre 1770 - 5 Americans die Parliament ended the taxes except on tea.

5 C. Second Continental Congress 1776 - issued the Declaration of Independence. - named George Washington military commander of its army. C.Second Continental Congress 1776 - issued the Declaration of Independence. - named George Washington military commander of its army.

6 We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it...”

7 II. Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson - principal author individuals have basic rights that cannot be taken away by gov., & the people have a right to rebel.








15 III. Constitution 1789 a. New constitution reflected Enlightenment ideas of Locke, Montesquieu, & Rousseau b. Constitution set up a federal system- power is divided between the federal gov. & state gov. III. Constitution 1789 a. New constitution reflected Enlightenment ideas of Locke, Montesquieu, & Rousseau b. Constitution set up a federal system- power is divided between the federal gov. & state gov.

16 c. Bill of Rights - first 10 amendments to the Constitution - people had basic rights that the government must protect. d. separation of powers executive, legislative, & judicial branches. e. Republic with an elected president f. 1st Amend. Freedom of Speech/Press c. Bill of Rights - first 10 amendments to the Constitution - people had basic rights that the government must protect. d. separation of powers executive, legislative, & judicial branches. e. Republic with an elected president f. 1st Amend. Freedom of Speech/Press John Locke Rome’s Republic Baron de Montesquieu RousseauRousseau VoltaireVoltaire

17 Thomas Paine – Wrote a pamphlet called “Common Sense”. This pamphlet argued in favor of American Independence.

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